Features of growing eggplant to envyneighbors: my favorite blue ones! How to grow a good harvesteggplant

Ср, 16 дек 2015 Автор: Евгения Чернецкая

Growing a crop like eggplants requires special conditions.
cultivation, and a good harvest goes only to those who
adheres to accuracy.

The plant is demanding on soil, watering and light. because of
a long growing season will have to be sown in winter,
after receiving the seedlings – young plants priteny daily.
We will consider these and other agrotechnical details in stages.
cultivation of culture.


Notобходимые условия для выращивания eggplant

• When choosing a landing site on your site, you should
начать с теплицы. Eggplant is demanding for heat
more than tomatoes. Prefer moist soil and warm
enough dry air, so they should be planted in the greenhouse on
the most lighted place with the expectation of effective ventilation
after watering.

•Высадка в открытый грунт не рекомендуется
due to lack of shelter from night dew and wind. If in a greenhouse
there was no place for eggplants, and the greenhouse does not appear
convenient, the solution will be a shelter in the form of frames with glazing or
stretched film. Frames are placed over the plants on supports and
rise as they grow. This design is easy to remove during the day and
set in the evening, cover with cardboard or cloth for additional
shading when necessary. Frames will protect the ground part
plants from dew, and nearby stands of corn and
legumes will create a barrier to wind.

Гряды для выращивания eggplant должны быть 25-30 см.
They should not be re-planted in the same place
and where the nightshade grew (tomatoes,
potatoes, pepper). If the choice of another site is submitted
difficult, perhaps solving the problem by replacing the soil.

For outdoor cultivation, choose
раннеспелые сорта или гибриды eggplant.

Выбор почвы и подкормки для выращивания eggplant

• Eggplants need fertile, light, loose soil. For
obtaining such should be mixed peat, humus, compost, sand and
garden ground. If the land is loamy or clayey,
should be added more peat and sand, if sandy and sandy –
humus, and compost (without the addition of sand). Peat
It is necessary not only as a nutrient medium, but also as a basis that
perfectly retains moisture creating ideal conditions for eggplants
growth and development. It is appropriate to add rotted sawdust to reduce
heavy soil density.

If a гряда готовится с осени, то можно вложить в нее
свежий навоз
, ко времени посадки он достаточно перепреет.
Adding manure to the soil in spring is undesirable because it gives
plants have more green mass than fruits. Before landing is made
humus for the whole ridge or only in the wells for each plant, from
Calculation polvedra on 1kv.m. land.

Mineral fertilizers are also introduced into the land shortly before
landing: on a plot of 1 square. meter will need 1 tbsp.
superphosphate, 1 tbsp. potassium sulfate, 1 tsp carbamide
(urea) and 200 gr. wood ash. Reduce excess acidity
почвы поможет доломитовая мука (2 ст. л на 1кв.м.); besides
кальция, она содержит магний
— необходимый элемент для
правильного роста eggplant.

•Последующее внесение подкормок будет проходить
in three stages: two to three weeks after planting on
permanent place, after the same time interval from the first
top dressing and in the beginning fructification. In each case, the fertilizers will be
introduced in the form of two solutions: potassium phosphate and nitrogen. Not
both solutions should be applied to the soil at the same time, since
start an unwanted chemical reaction.

Калийно-фосфатное удобрение готовится из
wood ash solution (200 gr. (glass) in 10 liters of water) or from
70-80 gr. superphosphate and 25-30 gr. potassium salt to 10 liters. water.
Nitrogen fertilizer is a solution of mullein (1 liter
concentrate to 10 liters. water) or bird droppings (1 liter per 20 liters.
water). Use of solution 30 gr is possible. urea in 10 l.
water. Fertilizer prepared in predetermined proportions is sufficient.
for 5 sq.m. plantings. Each dressing must be accompanied by
irrigation and surface loosening.

• Сеять семена на рассаду следует в конце зимы — начале
spring, but no later than March 15.
If deadlines were missed, then
it is better to purchase seedlings already ready from summer residents on the market, because
из-за поздней посадки весь трудоёмкий процесс разведения eggplant
may be wasted. First of all, you should germinate seeds for
determine their germination. For этого помешаем посадочный материал в
water or growth stimulator solution, change the water daily and
maintain humidity and temperature +20 – + 24ºС.

After 4 days, we spread the seeds on a wet burlap and
periodically moistened with an atomizer. After the appearance of fragile
ростков, аккуратно заделываем проклюнувшиеся семена в
землю, в лунки на 0,5 — 1 см. глубиной
. Every seed
we put in a separate peat pot – eggplants do not tolerate
transplants. Even surgical resection surgery
leaving a clod of earth at the roots can retard plant growth by
2-3 weeks.

• The soil temperature in the peat cups should not be below
+20 ºС, otherwise the plants will develop poorly or completely rot.
Before germination, it is advisable to cover the cups with a film or
стеклом, после — снять укрытие и перенести рассаду на
a few days in a cooler place (up to +18).
the procedure suspends the growth of the land part of the plant and allows
roots strengthened.

•В первый месяц рассаде требуется короткий световой день
– 10-12 hours.
At this time it is necessary to prune the plants.
or create artificial lighting. Light duration
дня для eggplant следует постепенно увеличивать по истечении трех
weeks. Compliance with this procedure will allow plants to enter into
phase budding earlier for 20-25 days.

Рассаду eggplant высаживают на постоянное место в
возрасте 60-65 дней в условиях ранней тёплой весны
, на юге
Russia. Позже высаживают рассаду возрастом 80-90 дней в
central region of our country, usually after June 10th.

Посадка eggplant

To plant seedlings on ridges is necessary only after
the threat of frost has passed, and the soil warms to +15 at a depth of 20
see. In a greenhouse or greenhouse soil temperature reaches the desired
marks much earlier, and it will be possible to start landing
in the end of May.

• In order not to disturb the root system, eggplants are planted in
ground with peat pots. Such «упаковка» в грунте
swells and does not interfere with the further development of the underground part of the plant.
Close up pots of seedlings should be at a distance of 40-50 cm. Friend
from a friend and 50-60 cm. in the aisle. Plants are put in advance
cooked copiously spilled with warm water wells, fall asleep
loose soil, mulched with peat and re-watered.

• If after landing the air temperature is very high,
следует притенять растения до тех пор, пока они не
get stronger and do not go to growth in a new place.

Basic rules for the care of eggplants

Полив во время выращивания eggplant следует
exercise regularly as the soil dries. For этого
requires only warm water, because at low temperatures
plant growth and development are delayed and diseases develop
root system. Irrigation is carried out “at the root”, not touching
green mass After that, the greenhouse should be ventilated and loosened.
верхний прикорневой слой land.

Eggplant needs regular watering more than
peppers. With a lack of water, the plant sheds ovaries and brings
small fruits. Before the start of fruiting, watering is approximately
once a week, later – twice as often.

Формовка при выращивании eggplant проводится
in order to remove excess shoots and is a prerequisite
getting a high yield. After the appearance of the first side shoots,
2-3 are left on the bush strongest, the rest neatly cut.
On the main stem to the first fork, remove all the leaves and
shoots, above the fork, they remove only those shoots, which are not
Fruits were formed. Should be removed and those stems and leaves that
yellow or weak.

• By the end of the season, pinch the tops of the stems, leaving up to eight
ovaries that will have time to ripen before the onset of frost.
Later flowers are also removed – they will not have time to bring
fruits and retard the development of those that have not yet reached the technical

If during the forming a slight growth of shoots is noticeable,
feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizer. If, on the contrary,
green mass has grown to the detriment of fruiting, should be made
soil potash fertilizers.

Подвязка eggplant проводится обычно в
greenhouse conditions, when fragile stems are drawn out before

Уборка урожая начинается, когда первые плоды
reach the required size and ends before the onset
frosts. Снятие с куста спелых eggplant производится путем
carefully cut so as not to damage the stems and leaves.
Collected fruits are stored in a dry cool place for about a month.

Болезни и вредители eggplant

•Notредко во время выращивания eggplant не удается получить
high yield due to plant susceptibility to diseases. More often
all this contributes to the wrong care or landing. If a
eggplants follow the nightshade or for many years are planted on one
place, then the risk of infection with late blight or tobacco mosaic
increases several times. In order to prevent disease
should use special preparations “Zircon” or
“Fitosporin”, which will help maintain a high “plant

• Late blight appears on leaves, and later on inflorescences, in brown
and black spots. The lower part of the leaves is covered with white bloom.
A good result in the fight against this disease gives treatment
plants fungicides with an interval of 12-14 days.

blight on eggplants

Gray rot – a fungal disease – manifests itself as white
fluffy plaque, which leads to drying out of the damaged part.
Like other fungal diseases develops in conditions
excess humidity and sharp temperature fluctuations. In treatment
also help fungicides, the scheme of spraying which
finish at least 10 days before harvest.

gray rot

Tobacco mosaic is a viral disease that
distributed with insects, weeds and plant debris.
You can determine the disease by examining the leaves: the infected will
have spots along the veins.

tobacco mosaic

• Blackleg – a fungal disease that affects the root
plant neck. The first signs of the disease appear after
emergence of seedlings. Damaged eggplants should be removed immediately, and
replace or treat the soil with bleach solution.

Black spot – a bacterial disease, manifested
the appearance on the leaves and fruits of black spots with a yellow border:
small on the stems (up to 3 mm.) and significant on the fruits (up to 10
cm.). Disease prevention is not only in the organization
proper care of plants, but also in seed dressing before

• If a баклажаны поливаются холодной водой, развиваются в сыром
cool climates, or watering excessively, plants can
get sick not only of all the diseases listed, but also
root rot. For профилактики необходимо соблюдать
temperature control, reduce watering and properly organize

• Pests that can affect eggplants: Colorado potato beetle,
spider mite, whitefly and aphid.


•For борьбы с ними не рекомендуется применять химические
drugs, because they negatively affect the benefits of the fruit.
Colorado potato beetle and its tracks should be collected manually or
set “barriers” for them. Mosquito net covers or
the network stretched over the ridge will save the bushes and the harvest only in that
If the bugs do not find a single slot.

In the fight against malicious midges will help non-toxic adhesive
traps, their bright yellow color attracts whitefly and aphids, and
Plates covered with insects are easily recycled.

For борьбы с тлей также рекомендуется использовать раствор
wood ash and soap. Compliance with all listed recommendations
will help grow a good and healthy crop in the garden

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