Features growing peonies: planting and care.Seed propagation in growing peonies: how is it and is itmeaning?

Пн, 01 фев 2016 Автор: Светлана Микулич

Peonies are very unpretentious and are characterized by relatively long
flowering, thanks to which they won the love of flower growers.

Таксономия насчитывает 32 вида этого

According to the structure of the flower peonies are divided into terry, semi-double,
non-curved, anemic and japanese.

The flowering period may be early, late or medium.

The plant flourishes without a transplant for more than ten years, however
for this, it is initially necessary to choose the right place for him,
source material as well as follow certain guidelines for


Reproduction by division

This method is the most popular among florist. For
achieving a good adaptation of a plant in a new place is important
observe the necessary conditions of site preparation and directly
landing technology. It should be noted that the best take root
planting material derived from 3–4 year old bushes. Abundant
flowering in the first and even the second year of planting should not be expected, but with
every year peonies will lead more and more intensively. If growing
Peonies are made to decorate a flower bed, often not

How to select planting material

Onиболее подходящее время для посадки — середина
. Before the arrival of frost the plant will have time enough
take root. Landing can also be done in the spring, however
It should be taken into account that the roots of peonies, start to grow early,
therefore, the process should be carried out as early as possible and in compressed

Delenki should not take too big, but not less than 7 cm in
diameter. They must have 3 – 5 buds and intact roots.
Planting material is inspected, rotted or removed.
dried parts of the plant, if necessary, produced
disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.
The cut surface is powdered with crushed coal. It is important that the roots
not dried before landing, so they are powdered in a trench or
cover with wet sacking.

Planting material

How to choose and prepare a landing site

When choosing a place for growing peonies, it is necessary to consider
that they love the sun and are afraid of drafts. Although a small circulation
air will prevent the breeding of pests. It is impossible
plant plants near the walls or fence, because with scorching
the sun from their surface will emit a heat that will negatively affect
on the condition of the bushes. A prerequisite for heavy flowering
is the lack of nearby trees that will cast away

Groundwater should not be near the landing site, but if
this cannot be avoided.
which is used gravel or broken brick. Peonies
grow well in beds and groups elevated above the ground.
The distance between the bushes – at least one meter. And to flower bed
had an aesthetic appearance in early spring, crocuses are planted between them,
мускари или другие раноцветущие plants. Landing spot
Prepares in advance, about a month. Peonies предпочитают
loamy, well-dug soils grow very poorly on

For одного куста выкапывается яма глубиной и диаметром около 60
see. It is two-thirds filled with humus or compost, sand,
peat and ordinary land from the garden in equal proportions. Must
get about a bucket of each component. To this
mixtures add iron sulphate (1 tbsp. l.), potash (1 tsp.),
wood ash (1 l), as well as double superphosphate (250 g) or
bone meal (500 g). This feeding is necessary for intensive
the growth of roots in need of nutrients. Rest
landing space will be filled with garden soil. Acidity
Soil in the end should be in the range of 6.0 – 6.5. When,
if the earth is prepared directly before landing, then for its
tamping is done by hand watering and compaction.

Landing technology

The depth of the landing is one of the most important factors of a normal
укоренения peonies. So, with great depth – the peonies will not soon
bloom, and when shallow – delenki can dry out or freeze.
Therefore, on loamy soils they are planted at 4 – 5 cm below the level
on the surface of the earth, and on sandy sands – by 6-7 cm. After sealing the bush
produce watering 5 – 8 lira of water, as well as mulching with humus
or peat. In dry weather, watering should be repeated several times with
an interval of 5 days.

In the year of planting the bushes for the winter must be covered. For этой цели
use leaves, needles or humus. Prerequisite
straw application is the use of poison baits for
mice. With proper planting and further cultivation of pions to
5 years of age, the root system will reach up to 80 cm in diameter and
germinates up to 60 cm in depth, even without additional feeding
first few years.

Growing pions seed method

This method of growing peonies is rarely used.
among amateur flower growers. There are several reasons for this, firstly,
because splitting is likely signs of variety, secondly,
flowering occurs only in the fifth or sixth year after planting,
thirdly, it is a laborious process that requires certain knowledge.
Seed propagation is of great importance in the selection of new

Sprouting your own seeds

Features of peonies seeds are in their low enzymatic
activity, because of which they germinate only in the second year
after sowing. This requires stratification in two stages. Speed ​​up
sprouting is possible using seeds of own collection.
It should be borne in mind that not fully ripe seeds are harvested.
Период сбора длится около месяца и начинается в середине August
Seeding must be done immediately. Depth of
ridges of about 5 cm. In this way, the seeds are double
stratification: warm at temperatures ranging from 16 to 28 ° C and
cold (5 – 10 ° С). Seed germination can be expected as soon as

Experienced professionals use to speed up the seedlings.
some tricks. At the stage of warm stratification is subjected to
seeds daily temperature differences: at night – 15 ° C, and in the afternoon – about
30 ° C. At this stage, there is a spine. Acceleration cold
stratification is carried out through specific feeding
material. For этого гипокотиль, часть стебля под семядолями,
treated with a 0.01% solution of gibberellic acid. This
compound acts as a growth regulator. Process
consists in wetting the bandage with a solution and applying it on ajar

Prerequisite является поддержание достаточного уровня
moisture, for which the seedling is covered with a glass or cap from
translucent material, and temperature regime – 5 – 10 ° C.
If after 7 to 10 days the growth bud does not appear, the whole
the process is repeated. Then seedlings recover in warm
a room where the temperature is maintained at 16 – 18 ° C.

Getting seedlings from purchased seeds

Such seeds due to long shelf life may have
hardened shell. To facilitate pecking them
It is recommended to soak for two days in water at room temperature.
If seeds are sown at the end of summer, they can be immediately
send in the ground.

Fundamentally seed germination as described above.
way. Seeds are placed in bowls with moist soil. On
night temperature is maintained in the cold stratification stage 15
° С, daily – 30 ° С. Periodic watering is done by
humidification of the spray. For регулирования температуры при
growing peonies from seeds at home is recommended
use of heating pad with thermostat.

Germinated seeds of peonies

The second “cold” stage of stratification begins after the appearance
rootlets. Seeds are transplanted into fertile soil and transferred to
a room with a lower temperature (5 – 10 ° C). And after
the appearance of the first leaflets is again placed in heat (18–20 ° С). With
If desired, treatments with gibberellic acid can be performed. On
A flowerbed where the peonies will be standing constantly, the seedlings are planted towards the end

What is the regular care for peonies

Caring for bushes when growing peonies is weeding,
loosening, feeding, watering and destroying pests. Loosening
soil recommended after rain or watering. After 4 – 5
years after planting, depending on the state of the plants, peonies
must be fed once every 1 – 2 years. For питания растений
each bush is fertilized with humus (about one bucket), superphosphate
and potassium chloride (each 50 grams). Instead of humus can
mullein diluted 20 times.

Prerequisite пышного цветения является потребление влаги
in dry weather. It is especially important to prevent the soil from drying out.
budding, bud development and flowering. Watering is done from
calculating at least 10 liters of water per bush. In the first half
September watering is stopped.

Growing peonies has its own nuances. So, to prevent
lodging bushes with strong gusts of wind or heavy rain,
special supports are installed. Most often flower growers for this
targets use ordinary wire. Cut flowers carry out such
so that leaves remain on the stem for further
bush formation. With выращивании пионов махровых сортов для
increasing the size of flowers side buds are removed.

Pests and diseases of pions

How to deal with pests

With выращивании пионов цветоводы нечасто сталкиваются с
pests or diseases of the bushes. Among the first most often
a lover of fragrant flowers of light shades
beetle-bronzovik living in the remains of plants or manure. He feeds
stamens, pistils and petals. Effective remedy to fight
with a beetle is an infusion of Cheremitsa, you can also use
various insecticides.

Bronze beetle

Gall nematodes lead to the destruction of the pions root system,
forming knotted swellings on it. In this case, great value
has a prevention that is a thorough examination
planting material and regular harvesting of vegetable

Turf ant red and yellow eats petals and sweet
nectar buds. To eliminate the plant and a small area
near it is treated with special repellents.
Shrubs planted in shade or partial shade may be damaged
caterpillars butterflies-scoop.

What to do in case of peony diseases

The most common disease of pions is gray.
rot. It affects all parts of the plant and manifests itself as gray.
raid. The stems first acquire a dark color, then bend
and fall. Young shoots are more vulnerable to gray rot,
especially if spring is cold and damp. To fight the fungus
fungicide treatment is carried out.

Signs of rust are yellowish brown spots.
leaves, the underside of which is covered with spores of the fungus. Risk of this
the disease increases if pines grow near the plot.
Spray the bushes of peonies in early spring with Bordeaux mortar

In the same way there is a fight against brown spot. This
the fungus prefers terrain with high humidity. For the disease
dark purple or brown spots appear on
leaves. At first they have an irregular shape and small size,
and then cover the entire sheet plate. Brown Spotting Strikes
and the buds, which first darken and then peel off.

Mealy dew damages the leaves, causing them to yellow and
dying off For the elimination of fungus peon bushes sprayed
a solution in which 10 grams of copper is added to 10 liters of water
vitriol and 200 – 250 grams of green soap.

When growing peonies, remember that proper care
is the best prophylactic agent for diseases of this
plants. Good planting material, regular bush inspections,
loosening the soil, dressing and watering, timely cleaning
plant residues – important conditions for healthy growth

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