Favorite diet for weight loss

  • 1 Diet favorite or fast way to lose weight
    • 1.1 Power Rules
    • 1.2 What can I eat?
    • 1.3 Detailed menu
    • 1.4 Results and photos before and after
  • 2 Recipes

Today there is a huge variety of diets
to effectively lose weight. However, most of them are fast.
they have time to pall that even can serve to disrupt their compliance.
Diet favorite has gained immense popularity precisely because of its
varied menu. The diet of each of the following days during her
compliance is radically different from the previous one, therefore from
lack of variety in your favorite diet
will be


Favorite diet or fast way to lose weight

Diet favorite – one of the fastest ways to lose weight.
In just 7 days you can lose weight from 5 to 10 kg. Power principle
Each of the 7 days of your favorite diet must be strictly followed. it
a kind of complex monodiet combined into one. TO
its benefits include:

  • fast result (loss up to 10 kg per week);
  • a varied menu that you can compose yourself with
    taking into account their taste preferences;
  • Lack of dizziness, headaches, weakness and

Contraindications are diseases
gastrointestinal, kidney, urinary
the bubble.

Getting out of your favorite diet should be gradual in order to
save the result of losing weight. In the first days after its completion
should be used in the menu the same dishes as in the last 7
balanced day. Subsequently, it is necessary to reduce calories
your daily diet and pay special attention to physical

Power Rules

Power Rules любимой диеты довольно просты. IN 1,
3 и 6 дни допускается употребление исключительно жидкости
включая воду, бульоны, морсы, отвары, чаи и т. д. Во
второй ден
ь в пищу следует употреблять только
овощи на свой вкус (морковь, свеклу, лук репчатый,
white cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, sweet potatoes). In the fourth –
фруктовый день
в меню должны быть исключительно фрукты,
especially kiwi and grapefruits to help burn fat fast. On
пятый день
любимой диеты в меню допускаются лишь
нежирные белковые продукты животного
Origin: milk, yogurt, poultry, fish. TOаких-либо
there are no additional restrictions in the favorite diet. Menu can
to make independently from the preferred products, based on
principle of the daily diet.

There are on your favorite diet you can any products that are valid in the menu
every day. It is important to eat fractionally, at least 4-5 times a day.
avoid feeling unwell. It should be reduced as much as possible
eating salt that retains fluid in the body and
contributes to the appearance of edema. All drinks are consumed at
compliance with the “favorite” without sugar.

What can you eat?

В водные дни (1,3,6) допускается любая
liquid: purified water without gas, black, green, herbal tea,
coffee, berry tinctures, compotes, fruit drinks, broths.

В овощной день (2) разрешается употреблять в
menu all kinds of vegetables, mostly raw: white
cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper, zucchini, onions,
spinach, sweet potatoes, radishes, and greens.

В фруктовый день (4) следует питаться
exclusively fruits: apples, bananas, pears, plums,
apricots, cherry plum, kiwi, grapefruit, oranges.

In protein день (5) меню должно содержать
exclusively protein rich foods: poultry (cooked in
boiled without skin and salt), fish, hard-boiled eggs,
yogurt, low fat cottage cheese.

В сбалансированный день (7) следует употреблять
menu available in the previous 6 days products.

Detailed menu

Favorite diet – a varied menu. Based on its main
principle – use in the daily diet exclusively
products shown, it is allowed to create your own menu
solely from personal taste preferences. Offer
подробное меню для любимой диеты (завтрак, перекус, обед,
полдник, ужин


  • Green tea;
  • Purified water;
  • Bouillon;
  • TOефир 1 стакан;
  • Berry compote without sugar.


  • Eggplant puree;
  • Bulgarian pepper, cucumbers;
  • White cabbage salad with onions;
  • Squash Cavier;
  • Vegetable stew.


  • TOефир 1 стакан;
  • Tea;
  • Turkey broth;
  • Milk 1 cup;
  • Water;


  • Banana, apple, pear;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Fruit salad;
  • TOиви;
  • Orange, pineapple.


  • 2 hard boiled eggs;
  • Yogurt;
  • Salmon fillet in a slow cooker;
  • Cottage cheese (low fat content);
  • TOуриная грудинка отварная без соли.


  • Fruit juice without sugar;
  • Onстой шиповника;
  • Bouillon;
  • Vegetable juice (tomato, carrot);
  • Herbal tea.


  • Bouillon;
  • Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers;
  • TOролик в сливочном соусе;
  • Banana, Kiwi;
  • Steamed turkey roll.

Results and photos before and after

The results of his favorite diet are truly staggering. Some succeeded
in just 7 days to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. But even this is not
the most important thing. Losing weight mark lightness, surge of strength and charge
energy for the whole day.

We present to your attention a photo before and after your favorite diet:


Recipes для диеты любимой очень просты и незамысловаты. Turning on
fantasy, you can make your menu not only contributing
slimming, but also delicious.

Fruit salad


  • Banana 1 pc;
  • 1 piece grapefruit;
  • Orange 1 pc:
  • TOиви 1 шт;
  • Apple 1 pc.

Fruits peeled and cut into cubes, mix between
by myself. Delicious and healthy dessert is ready. Fruit salad отлично
suitable for lunch or dinner on the 4th day of the diet favorite.

TOуриный бульон


  • TOурица (преимущественно грудинка) 0,5 кг;
  • Onions 1 pc;
  • carrots 1 pc.

TOурицу моем, укладываем в кастрюлю, заливаем водой так, чтобы
it is 3–4 cm above the bird’s cover. Peel carrots and onions from
peel, add to saucepan, set on fire until boiling, then
reduce gas and cook until tender. Cooking time depends on
age of the bird. Homemade chicken, especially the old, is not cooked
less than 2 hours. We take out onions and carrots from broth, which
spiced up its taste. Can be served at the table. Onстоятельно
It is recommended to include in the menu while observing the favorite broth diet,
especially on drinking days in order to avoid exhausting
feeling of hunger, possible weakness, dizziness, headaches
the pains.

Salmon fillet in a slow cooker


  • Salmon (steak or fillet) 500 gr;
  • Butter 50 gr;
  • Lemon 1 pc;
  • Dill 30 gr;
  • Purified water 1 cup;
  • Salt pepper;
  • Foil.

Lemon cut into 2 halves. Salmon thoroughly wash, dry,
salt and pepper. From 1 half lemon squeeze the juice, which we marinate
fish Butter mix with finely chopped dill. Foil
we roll up in 2 layers, in the center we lay out fish, we grease from above
cream sauce, wrap the foil in a square. In the multicooker
we pour a glass of water, we send there a salmon. Turn on mode
�”Baking”, lasting 30 minutes. TOонтролируем, чтобы вода
completely evaporated, if necessary, topped up. In protein
day favorite diet of fillet salmon perfectly diversifies the menu for lunch
or dinner.

Turkey roll in a slow cooker


  • Turkey fillet 500 gr;
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf;
  • Purified water 1 cup;
  • Olive oil 3 tablespoons.

My turkey, cut into layers 2-3 cm wide, repel each
Slice, salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil. Ship to
refrigerator for 12-20 hours in a container covered with a lid. After that,
like a bird pickled, we roll it up in the form of a roll, tying
floss or toothpicks. In the multicooker наливаем стакан воды,
send fillets, cook 50-60 minutes. Hot roll needed
cool in the fridge. Serve chopped into pieces. Roll out
steamed turkey will complement the menu of the 7th of the final day of your favorite diet on
обед or dinner.

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