Exotics in the garden: planting and cultivationbrugmansii. All about the care and reproduction of brugmancia seeds andcuttings with photos

Чт, 25 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Brugmansia – very beautiful evergreen tree with fragrant
flowers that resemble dope.

Growing brugmansii even under the beginner florist.
Despite its simplicity, the plant prefers warm
climate, so most regions of Russia are grown in

In winter, the plant is brought into the room where it continues actively.
develop. Residents of southern areas plant an exotic plant.
directly to the ground.

Breeders deduced many varieties of amazing plants
with a variety of flower color. In the garden you can meet simple and
terry varieties of brugmansia with yellow, peach, cream and
two-tone color petals.


We cultivate Brugmancia in the open field (photo)

Planting is carried out by sowing seeds for seedlings. For
get a good seedling sowing should be carried out from January to

We select the soil for the flower

In vivo, brugmansia grows on very fertile
loam, so for good development you need to find the right
soil composition. For приготовления почвосмеси используют по одной
parts of biohumus and clay soil, mixing them with two parts
peat This soil is suitable for growing adult plants and
sowing seeds.

Before use, the soil mix should be disinfected.
For стерилизации используют раствор марганцовки, которым обильно
water the land.

How to sow the seeds of Brugmans?

Growing Brugmansia from seed is a troublesome task, which
accompanied by a number of difficulties.

1. First, the plants thus obtained are not always
inherit maternal qualities: size, color of the flower and its

2. Secondly, the seeds of the flower are quite dense because of what
seedlings will have to wait up to two months.

3. Thirdly, the first flowering of such plants can be expected.
only in the second year of cultivation.

But, if the difficulties do not frighten, then grow a burmancia from
seed will help compliance with all the nuances.

• To speed up the germination of seeds, they should be soaked in
growth stimulator. Before each seed needs to be scratched,
to break the integrity of the shell.

• Depth of seeding into the soil should be large, approximately 1

• Before sowing the soil should be well loosened and watered.

• To create a comfortable environment for the emergence of sprouts,
Capacity after sowing need cover with a film or glass.

• When shoots appear, shelter is removed and sprouts are sprayed until
three times a day, while trying not to greatly moisten the soil.

Brugmancia is growing rapidly, therefore it requires more spacious
pot. Pick up seedlings carried out in the phase of the fifth present

Growing Brugmansia cuttings

Decorative flower lends itself well to cutting and starts
grow actively. How to prepare planting material? With maternal
куста нарезают подходящие побеги, длина которых не превышает 20 cm.
When choosing a cutting pay attention to the leaves. For укоренения
only apical shoots with asymmetrically located
leaves. The plants obtained from such seedlings will be better.
grow and start blooming quickly. For дальнейшего выращивания
You can use the shoots remaining after pruning.

Cuttings rooted in pre-prepared and decontaminated
ground. Capacities with landings cover with a package or a can. After two
weeks, when leaves appear on the shoots, shelter is removed. Landing
The cuttings of Brugmans can be carried out both in the home greenhouse and
в открытом ground.

Planting Brugmansia in a permanent place

Replant the flower in a permanent container when you need roots
completely occupy the space of the seating capacity. For дальнейшего
cultivation fits the same soil composition as when planting seedlings.
The pot should have openings for draining excess liquid and a good
drainage. Transplantation of plants is carried out by the method of transshipment, trying not to
damage the earth com.

Planted young plants in the garden can, as soon as
threat of frost. Since Brugmansia does not hibernate in the open field,
then many gardeners prefer to grow it as a tub

Brugmansia blooms profusely only in bright light. therefore
the place for landing needs to be selected taking into account all features
plants. It should be warm, well lit during the day and
protected from wind and drafts.

Brugmansia care: watering, pruning and dressing

In the warm season, the plant needs fresh air and
good care.

Watering mode

• The leaves of Brugmansia actively evaporate moisture, so the plant
needs abundant watering. Kadochnoy plant watered once
day, and when the weather is too hot – two. If you break this mode,
the plant suffers from a lack of moisture, sheds leaves, flowers
and buds.

• During the dry season the flower will not give up spraying. This
It is useful to carry out the procedure in the evening.

• If the summer was rainy, watering Brugmans is reduced,
giving an earthen coma to dry out.


Flower prefers organic fertilizer but making
mineral complexes will also benefit him. When transplanting
plants in a tub or a flower garden make chicken droppings, and
fertilizer for indoor plants.

Feeding Bruhmancia nutrient mixtures need time in
week, and during the flowering add phosphorus-potash


Pruning Brugmansii can be carried out throughout the season.
But spring pruning is most effective. It is carried out no later than
Martha. All broken and damaged branches should be removed,
leave only the lower Y-shaped shoots, because of them
flower buds develop.

Care for Brugmancia after flowering: preparation for wintering
(a photo)

Brugmancia winters indoors. For длительной зимовки растение
need to prepare in advance.

• The flower is transplanted into spacious containers of at least 15
liters with good drainage.

• When the night temperature drops to 5-7 degrees, the pot
with the plant entered into the room. It may be a covered porch or

• In heated premises the plant continues to bloom
long enough, but it is better to arrange for him a period of rest until spring.
The temperature in the room where Brugmansia is located should be on
level 10 degrees.

During the rest period, reduce watering to a minimum. At this time the plant
drops leaves that will appear with the arrival of spring. Contain
flower in such conditions can be in the basement or cold veranda.

You can save a tub sample before spring in the heated
the room. It is important to remember that such a plant will need
additional lighting. Not every gardener can do it, because
such a large flower takes up too much space.

Growing problems

Most often, tub plants are attacked by pests and
affected by putrid diseases.

Brugmancia suffers from whitefly, aphids, spider mites and
slugs When pests are found, the plant must be processed.
pesticides. If there are signs of gray mold disease, then
apply fungicides.

Growing Brugmans is easy. The main thing is to provide a comfortable
wintering and reliable care.

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