Exotic Potted: Bamboo Growing inhome conditions. How to plant bamboo and care for it(a photo)

ATт, 23 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Indoor bamboo is quite common; it is used.
to create exotic compositions in a pot.

The plant is famous for its green foliage and ease of care.

According to ancient feng shui teachings, bamboo brings good luck and
happiness to his master, is considered a symbol of well-being.


What does bamboo look like?

Bamboo is a bare stem, at the end of which
green leaves develop. At home the composition of
Bamboo look pretty spectacular. The color of the stem varies from
bright green to straw yellow. The intensity of the color of the shoots and
Foliage depends on the light in the room. Rich green color
can only be in good light throughout the day.

Bamboo stalks bend well, twist into a variety of
spirals, which makes the plant ideal for creating bonsai. AT
room conditions blooms very rarely.

ATиды бамбука для комнатного выращивания

The only difference between all types of bamboo is the height
plant and stem diameter.

Middle-grade bamboo varieties

This variety of ornamental plants came from Japan.
The size of an adult plant reaches about 4 meters in height. Sort
demanding lighting, able to withstand direct solar
the rays. There are varieties with white-green leaves.

Undersized types of bamboo

Such plants are most often grown in an apartment or
office. ATысота бамбука не превышает и 1,5 метров. Tolerates
shade, needs cool and high humidity. Delivered
from Brazil.

Conditions for growing bamboo

It is necessary to place a pot with bamboo in a room with east windows.
The plant belongs to the heat-loving species, so the flow of cold
air adversely affect it. AT зимний период
airing the room is carried out carefully.

Bamboo demanding lighting, pots with large specimens
need to be placed closer to the windows. The plant grows well in
penumbra or diffused light.

In the summer, bamboo needs frequent watering, and in winter the soil should
be moderately wet.

What to consider when growing bamboo at home

1. Bamboo can not stand the dryness of the air, so you can not place
flowerpots with a plant near heating appliances, in kitchens.

2. The optimum temperature for growing bamboo is
indicator of 25 degrees. A slight deviation is allowed in both
parties. Too high temperatures will not benefit.
to the plant.

3. To get more lush and strong plants you need
add nitrogen and phosphorus to the soil for growing.

A newly purchased plant is not fertilized until it is completely
adapts to the conditions of detention.

Посадка бамбука (a photo)

ATыращивать бамбук можно несколькими

• in pots with any soil;

• in water;

• in a tank with hydrogel.

Which way to choose to grow bamboo depends on the owner,
but it should be remembered that any hydrogels and varnishes quickly lose their
properties, the plant suffers from a lack of nutrients.

Planting bamboo directly into the soil

The plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil, most often it
grown in the nutrient mixture for dracen. Pot pick up
quite spacious, as the roots grow well.

The potted land should always be wet,
Every 14 days, bamboo is fed. Young plants need
annual transplant, and older specimens are grown in one
capacity up to 3 years.

Planting bamboo in the water

Do not forget that the bamboo comes from the rainforest, where
he had to grow practically in water. To create
natural conditions for growing bamboo, it is contained in

Before planting, rinse and look through the roots of the plant,
remove overgrown parts. No harm to bamboo
cut to 1/3 of the roots.

For growing use any containers and decorative stones,
that need to boil. The stems are dipped into the container, neatly
compacting stones, and pour water. For this method of growing
bamboo uses distilled or distilled water.

When caring for bamboo, you need to regularly change the water in the container,
as a rule, this is done every two weeks. When an unpleasant
smell, bubbles, foam or sediment change it more often. Yellowing
leaves water change immediately.

Plants that are grown in water need feeding,
who spend 1 time per month.

How to plant bamboo in a container with hydrogel

When planting bamboo in a hydrogel, the same procedures are carried out as
when landing in the water, only instead of stones use granules.
The granules gradually change their color, and in the tank periodically
add water. Fertilize plants need every 6 months. Such
landing method serves as a good interior decoration, but it is necessary
monitor the state of the root system of the plant. Roots in a tank not
should bare and dry out.

Bamboo care

1. For the successful cultivation of bamboo choose a place with
optimal ratio of light and shade. With too bright light
it builds up lush foliage and more often needs pruning, and in thick
the shadows grow stunted stalks.

2. Frequent fertilizers and excessive care provoke flowering.
plants that speaks about his fast death. AT естественной среде
bamboo habitat color only after 30 years, after which it dies.
The flowers are very fragrant, white.

3. Pruning gives the plant a variety of forms. If cut
the tip, the bamboo will stop growing and will grow leaves,
constantly changing shape. You need to prune shoots above the node on
5 cm

4. If the plants are not transplanted in time, then it drops

5. In the summer, bamboo responds well to fresh air. Its helpful
take out to the balcony or garden.

6. Regular spraying will help increase air humidity in
indoors, which is good for the plant.

Размножение бамбука в домашних conditions (a photo)

Most often, bamboo propagated by cuttings. For rooting choose
strong shoots and stems. The stalk is cut with several knots,
after which rooted in water or soil.

Young shoots need to be well looked after: provide them
sufficient lighting and watering.

When transplanting, you can resort to the separation of the old bush. For
This is separated by a strong process with a well-developed root.
by the system. Rooted young bamboo in a container with nutritious

Проблемы в выращивании (a photo)

Bamboo is an unpretentious plant, all diseases arise
due to violation of growing conditions and care.

1. Dark spots on the leaves is a fungal disease.

The diseased plant is treated with fungicides, and the room is well

2. Bamboo does not grow – lack of minerals.

The problem is solved by feeding and increasing the dose of nutrient
substances. But in all things one should adhere to the norm.

3. The leaves are dark and soft – disturbed temperature.

Leaves lose their attractiveness, crumble – too cold in
the room where bamboo is grown. For устранения проблемы
install heaters.

4. Spider mite and aphid are bamboo pests.

Sick plants are washed with soapy water, the affected parts
remove. Bamboo is treated with insecticides.

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