Evergreen shrubs in the country: planting andgrowing boxwood How to care for boxwood(a photo)

Сб, 03 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Boxwood is an evergreen plant that is used for
landscaping area.

Can be grown in the form of a tree or shrub, looks good
in tubs.

There are many varieties of this shrub that
success can be grown at home.

Open ground varieties tolerate shearing and shaping well.
Of them create different shapes that decorate the garden.


ATыращивание самшита в открытом грунте (a photo)

Grow boxwood from container seedlings that purchase
in specialized stores. When buying plants you need
pay attention to the state of its leaves. In a healthy plant
they are dense, leathery, dark green. Shrub well
branched, no bald spots and bare areas. Not worth it
acquire plants with yellow and sluggish leaves.

Useful recommendations

1. For boxwood pick up the site in a cool but good
lighted place.

2. The plant does not tolerate drafts at all, therefore
plant boxwood along a fence or buildings in a protected corner
the garden.

3. Evergreen shrub prefers loose and nutritious
the soil. Sand and humus are added to the substrate.

4. Boxwood is growing rapidly, therefore it requires additional
power supply. In the summer, it is fed with every watering. If a
in winter the plant is kept indoors, it must be fertilized 1
once a month.

5. Shrub does not like dry air. Maintain optimum
moisture around the plant will help spraying. For this
use warm water.

6. Transplant adult plants as they grow, applying
transshipment method. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the root.
system so as not to injure her.

7. The desired shape of the plant is attached with pruning.
The remaining cuttings are used for rooting, which is carried out in
wet environment. For this черенки помещают в емкость с землей и
covered with a package, constantly monitor the level of soil moisture.

8. With inadequate care, the plant is often affected by pests.
and diseases. The most dangerous of them: spider mite, mealy
chervets, scytum and root rot.

Как посадить самшит по всем правилам (a photo)

As already mentioned, boxwood prefers light and nutritious
soils, but with proper care it grows well on any soil. A place
for planting seedlings are diverted to well-lit areas, but on
winter plant pritennuyut. Spring rays are dangerous to the crown and cause
leaf burns.

Planting boxwood spend the spring. With this approach, the plant
good to take root before the onset of cold weather. Adult specimens
can be transplanted in the summer, subject to further care,
spraying and watering. Autumn planting is carried out for a month
before the onset of frost. If a высадить растение позже, то,
most likely, it will not carry the winter.

Correct planting boxwood

• Outdoors boxwood is grown in trenches that make
much deeper than the root system.

• A drainage layer of about 15 cm is laid at the bottom of the trench.
it is leaf humus, compost and garden soil.

• The seedling is lowered onto a “pillow” of leaves and earth, straightening
the roots.

• The distance between plants is at least 40 cm.

• After planting the seedlings are well watered.

How to care for boxwood: the formation of the crown with a photo

Throughout the season, the soil under the shrub mulch
peat or sawdust softwood, needles. Basic care
the plant boils down to preparing it for a safe winter. Winter
for boxwood is a real challenge. Shrub does not tolerate
draining winds, temperature changes, thaw and spring
Sun rays. Therefore, with the onset of autumn, the plant must be well
prepare for the cold.

1. Before the onset of frost the plant is watered and well
мульчируют the soil. Important! Can not be used as winter mulch
use dry leaves, as they start to scream and are
source of fungal diseases.

2. When the weather sets at -10 degrees boxwood
warmed. For this используют ящики с отверстиями для

3. Dwarf plants and borders from boxwood cover non-woven

4. Tall varieties of plants cover with burlap. Shoots
necessarily tied to a support so that under the snow they do not
broken off.

5. In early spring, evergreen shrubs must be freed from
shelter. It is not completely removed. First open half
bush and then take off the rest.

6. Remove cover material preferably in cloudy weather.

Plant nutrition

When caring for boxing one should not forget about dressings, with their help
can increase plant frost resistance and resistance
various diseases.

Feed the plant starting from the moment of active growth. On
During the whole season fertilizers are applied every week. Good ones
results showed the drug “Baikal EM-1” and the infusion of bird

How to trim a boxwood

This evergreen plant tolerates pruning well. Trim
boxwood need in between April to September. Instead shrub
will thank beautiful lush crown and lush foliage.

Important! The more often a haircut, the
must be more abundant watering and feeding.

The first time after planting the plants spend only formative
and corrective trim. Anti-aging pruning is carried out in more
old specimens whose crown is growing chaotically.

Looks beautiful box on the shtambe with a spherical crown. On
the formation of such a tree takes years, but it is worth it. For
ball shaping use a pattern. The stem is formed as follows.
way: cut all the side shoots to the desired height. Further, by
as the box grows, a beautiful crown is formed with the help of a pattern,
remove all basal shoots.

Reproduction boxwood cuttings

After cutting the plant remains a large number of cuttings, from
which you can get young seedlings. With proper rooting
almost 100% of cuttings are taking root.

For укоренения выбирают те черенки, основание которых слегка
lumbery. The length of the cutting does not exceed 5-10 cm. All lower leaves
removed, you must leave only the top two leaves.

Planted cuttings are planted in loose soil, which
prepared from a mixture of garden land and peat. Tanks with landings
Cover with a bag and water well. On протяжении всего периода
rooting is necessary to monitor the soil moisture level. Through
20-25 days at the root of the plant is formed. Next boxwood
planted in a container for rearing. On постоянное место в сад
shrub can be planted next spring.

It is not difficult to care for boxwood, even
novice gardener. Variety of varieties and evergreen species
plants allows you to realize any design decisions. AT
landscape design most often used varieties with a spherical shape
and dark green or variegated leaves.

• Suffrutikosa – shoots grow vertically, the crown keeps well
form. Leaf color is green.

• Blauer Heinz – different slow growth of shoots. Coloring
leaves are gray-blue.

• Elegans – an attractive plant with a spherical crown.
Coloring листьев зеленая с белой каймой.

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