Erythema of the newborn: causes, types and symptoms.Is it necessary to treat erythema in newborns: what and how

Пн, 10 окт 2016 Автор: педиатр Ирина

The entire period of fetal development, the child is in
absolutely sterile conditions. It develops and grows in
amniotic fluid, where pathogenic bacteria do not penetrate.
But immediately after birth, the situation changes. Skin and all mucous membranes
Millions of microorganisms are inherent in our environment.
habitat. Therefore, in the first month of life, the child adapts to
normal living conditions. It is during this period that the
erythema of the newborn.


Causes of newborn erythema

Erythema (redness) – reaction of the baby’s skin to new ones
living conditions. This temperature and air composition, and unfamiliar
earlier bacteria. As a result, the vessels are dilated and
discoloration of the skin. This is the reason
newborn erythema. Many mothers are very scared of this condition.
After all, in the pictures on the Internet, we see babies with smooth pink
skin and clean cheeks. But physiological erythema is perfect.
normal process.

The skin is a very important organ for the baby. She performs
many functions:

• protects against infection,

• participates in thermoregulation,

• highlights the decay products of vital activity.

In infants, the skin has a very thin layer of the epidermis, there is only
4 types of cells. And since this top layer provides protection
of the whole organism, it is easy to understand how imperfect it is. And even
with proper care, there may be a number of problems. Just having spent
examination of the skin, you can understand how correct mom
caring for a child. To evaluate whether the child is suitable mixture, as
matched clothes and personal care products.

Types and symptoms of erythema of the newborn

Distinguish between physiological (normal) and pathological erythema.

Types of physiological erythema:

• simple erythema – is manifested only by redness of the skin.
Occurs in a baby a few hours after birth. She is
caused by skin contact with air. Normally held in
during the first week of life.

• toxic erythema – these are yellowish spots in diameter to
several centimeters, dense in the center. Arise the next
day after birth, and descend within two to three days. Usually
are on the arms, legs and chest of the baby. Usually,
rashes do not bother him. But very rarely can cause itching.
Therefore, it is important to choose the clothes for your baby in order not to
injure the inflamed areas.

• peeling of the skin is more often observed in post-worn
infants (with gestation more than 42 weeks), passes over
three weeks. In this case, it is important to properly moisturize the baby’s skin,
so that he would not feel discomfort.

• Mia – white dots on the nose, nose and skin of the forehead. it
clogged sebaceous glands. Baby they do not bother
and self disappear in a few weeks.

• spots of “stork” – pinkish-orange pigmentation on the forehead, eyelids,
back of the head. They also do not bring discomfort to the baby and gradually
disappear during the first year of life. Spots are visible only when
the baby is crying or screaming.

Pathological erythema occurs after the first month of life and
most often requires treatment. She is может быть
caused by:

• improper nutrition of the mother, if the child is on the chest

• poor quality breast milk substitutes,

• means for skin care and clothing of the baby,

• the mother has serious illnesses incompatible with

• heredity

• non-compliance with the rules of skin care of the newborn.

Usually симптомы эритемы новорожденных стертые и нечеткие. Among
They can be distinguished by itchy skin, peeling, restless sleep in a baby.
If you notice something similar, then you should contact your pediatrician. is he
correctly diagnose and give recommendations on treatment and care
for the baby.

Erythema of the newborn: treatment and skin care

The physiological erythema of the newborn is transient.
state. Most often, it does not require additional treatment. Everything
the symptoms disappear by themselves when your baby’s skin adapts
to environmental conditions. But to make you feel better
and so that normal erythema does not pass into the pathological, infant
need the right care.

• First of all, pay great attention to bathing your
baby It is necessary to bathe the newborn daily in a special nursery.
bath. In the first month of life, only boiled water is used,
whose temperature ranges from 35 to 38 degrees. Highly
beneficial to the delicate baby skin is affected by various herbal teas
and infusions. You can make them yourself or buy in ready-made form.
The most commonly used oak bark, string, calendula, petals
chamomile. is heи обладают противовоспалительным, подсушивающим,
antimicrobial action. About grandma’s favorite manganese better
forget, it can easily damage delicate skin. In the first month
additional bath cosmetics are completely non
required. After bath procedures baby’s skin is easy dipped
soft terry towel, avoiding friction.

• Proper care requires newborn clothing. Everything вещи
must be from natural fabrics, soft and gentle. Better to
tags were sewn inside out, or they need to be cut off. Baby
laundry should be washed separately from an adult, at a temperature not
below 60 degrees using special powders. After
washing do not forget to iron all things on both sides.

• It will also be correct to dress the baby at least twice a day.
day. Clothing must be loose so as not to hinder
heat transfer and do not cause discomfort to the baby.

• Do not forget about air baths. Several times a day
the baby is stripped and he frolics naked. Initially, such procedures
last for 2-3 minutes, but gradually increase the time to half an hour
(depending on the state of health of the child). The room should be
temperature not lower than 22-24 degrees. These baths are not only
have a beneficial effect on the skin of the baby, but also contribute to

• Every 2-3 hours you need to change diapers, even if it seems that
he is incomplete. After all, they not only irritate the skin of the baby, but hinder
the process of thermoregulation.

• Dry skin must be moisturized. For this
use or special children’s oils, or olive oil,
boiled in a water bath. Treat your skin at least
two or three times a day. It is also a good idea to use moisturizers.
air in the nursery.

• Observe temperature conditions. Do not heat it up much
room so as not to provoke prickly heat and education
diaper rash

With all these simple rules, erythema treatment
newborns may not be needed. But if suddenly it happened
that the physiological erythema has been replaced by pathological, it is necessary as
initiate therapy as soon as possible. Of course, all drugs use
strictly prescribed by the doctor. Usually, в данному случае

• Antihistamine or antiallergic drugs for
reduce skin swelling, relieve itching. Most often use Fenkrol,
Fenistil, Parlazin.

• Creams and gels that improve tissue regeneration (Panthenol,
Decaspanthenol, Bepanten).

• Bifidobacteria to maintain intestinal microflora.

• Vitamins of group B, vitamin E.

• Calendula tincture for treatment of inflamed areas, as well as
same skin folds.

Also in the treatment of erythema of the newborn is important drinking mode.
The baby (especially bottle-fed) should
get enough clean boiled water.

Если ребенок на грудном feeding то обязательно исключить
from the mother’s diet all foods that cause allergic reactions:
nuts, red fruits and vegetables, honey, chocolate and other sweets,
oranges, spices, chicken and eggs, buckwheat and semolina.
Drinking alcohol (even beer) and smoking are unacceptable.

Of course, all this will only work together with
правильным уходом за кожей baby

Every mom wants her child to always be healthy and full
forces. But erythema of the newborn appears most often through no fault.
parents. it просто нормальный физиологический процесс. Therefore,
If you notice a rash, do not panic. Most likely, they
will disappear soon. And in any case, you can always
contact your local pediatrician, who will give an answer to any of your

Do not be ill!

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