Effective way to grow grapes:grafting of the vine. How to propagate grapes green andlignified cuttings

Вс, 16 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

For a long time gardeners independently grow not only seedlings
flowers, but also seedlings of berry crops.

Grapes cutting is one of the effective ways
reproduction of this culture.

Growing healthy seedlings is not difficult, because the grapes
applies to unpretentious plants, grows quickly and well
tolerates pruning and grafting. What are cutting methods?
exist, how to properly breed grapes – here
The main questions, the answers to which will be given in this article.


Grape reproduction: how to carry out at home

Horticulture uses several breeding methods.
�“Sunny berries”, but at home they are far from being used

• Seed propagation. This method is applied in
mainly for breeding purposes only when carried out
breeding a new variety with different qualities. At home
horticulture application of this method is not justified, since
the resulting seedlings do not repeat all parental qualities, i.e.
berries will vary in taste, color and other parameters.
Fruiting such seedlings delayed.

• Grapes cutting. This method is considered
most common and effective. Young plant repeats
all parenting qualities. Fruits have the same color, taste and smell.
For home gardening, this is the fastest way to get
fruiting shrub.

Reproduction of grapes with green cuttings + photo

How to prepare cuttings for planting, where and how to plant?
For further rooting use the green parts of the plant,
which remain after breaking off the shoots.

To carry out the procedure of cutting grapes with green cuttings
need spring or early summer. Best to choose overcast
day or evening. Suitable for rooting cuttings that are cut
from the bottom or middle of the shoot. Apical cuttings not
used for rooting, as their probability is high

Each cutting must have at least two sheets. And the bottom
the sheet must be completely removed, and at the top cut only half
plates. The lower cut make oblique, at an angle of 45 degrees, but
top left straight. The distance from the upper kidney to the end
escape must be at least 1.5 cm.

Cuttings are cut, put in a bucket, sprayed and left to
in the morning To prevent planting material from drying out, it should be covered
wet rag.

How to conduct rooting grapes

Grapes are propagated in special boxes or
containers. If the cuttings are too much, then the best
prepare a small greenhouse.

Rooting is carried out in fertile soil. For this in
prepared containers make holes for excess drain
liquids, the bottom is covered with fertile soil, the thickness of which is not
exceeds 10-15 cm. Above the soil, well-washed river is poured
sand, layer up to 5 cm.

The prepared soil is well watered so that the soil is completely
soaked. Next is planting cuttings.

The scheme of planting green cuttings of grapes

The whole further process depends on the correct planting of the cutting.
so you need to take this seriously. Depth of planting cutting
should be at least 3-5 cm, and the distance between the seedlings
stand up to 10 cm apart. Planted shoots well
sprayed with water, covered with foil. Further rooting
passes in the greenhouse.

How to care for cuttings

After planting the cuttings need care. For good rooting
they need a humid climate, which can be achieved regularly
by spraying. It is carried out 4-5 times a day. For this use
only warm water, the temperature of which is 20-25 degrees.

After 10-12 days, the rudiments appear at the bottom of each cutting.
future roots, so the frequency of spraying can be reduced.
Next, planting is sprayed up to 3 times per day.

The rooting of cuttings takes about 1.5 months. To this moment
the root system is fully formed, you can proceed to
hardening seedlings. To do this, leave in the evening greenhouse
open for 10-15 minutes. Gradually increase the time, after which
open the greenhouse completely. Further, seedlings can be planted on
a permanent place where their care takes place normally.

Размножение винограда lignified cuttings, фото

Among the gardeners practiced grape reproduction
lignified cuttings. How to conduct it and what to consider when
rooting? The cuttings of woody shoots has its

How to prepare cuttings

The most optimal period for the preparation of planting material
– autumn. The cuttings are cut from the middle part of the fruit arrow or
escape, which was cut into a replacement knot. Curves and
damaged cuttings are not used for further work, of which not
get a good seedling.

To make it easy to determine the bottom of the cutting from the top, a cut is made
slanting, slightly incising bark. Each stalk must have at least 4
buds, remove all leaves and whiskers from it. Further, all prepared
cuttings need to be sorted by varieties and process before storage.
To do this, they are soaked in water for 24 hours, after which
pickled in a solution of copper sulphate. After processing the cuttings
dried, tied in bundles and cleaned in the basement. At the stage
Storage temperature in the room should be no more than +5 degrees.
Storage of cuttings continues throughout the winter.

Planting ligneous grapes

In the spring, planting material is sorted out, bad cuttings will be removed and
carry out landing. Experienced gardeners advise in advance
check cuttings for germination. For this they are planted in
plastic containers, fit disposable cups, cut
bottles and stuff. This procedure will help to identify dried and
rotted cuttings, planting which in the ground will not bear fruit.

At the bottom of each tank make a hole for the flow of fluid and
they are filled with fertile soil mixed with sand and humus.
The cuttings are planted, deepening them by 3 cm. Further care of
seedlings consists of regular watering and spraying. Him
carried out once every two days. A few weeks on the walls
cups you can see the white roots of the seedling, and on the handle will appear
2-3 leaves. This suggests that you can proceed to further

Planting cuttings on a permanent place is better in 2.5-3 weeks
after germination when the root system is completely

How to plant grapes on the garden

No matter what kind of grape will be grown on
plot, planting grapes is a responsible matter. First
queue need to properly prepare the landing hole. Everyone has it
The gardener has his own rules, and how one of them is true is unknown. But there is
universal way of planting a vine which with success
it is applied even by beginners.

Landing should be well lit. Dig a hole
75 cm deep and 60 cm wide. This is due to the root structure
grape systems. It is better to prepare the landing pit in advance,
in the fall.

Important! In regions with cold winters
planting grapes spend deeper than usual. For this inыкапывают
well up to 1 meter depth. This will allow the seedlings to take root faster.
and not die in the winter.

How to reproduce grapes and spend a little money?
Cutting allows you to get a large number of planting
material in a short time. In this case, the harvest from the bushes can be collected
already in the third year of cultivation.

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