Effective buckwheat-apple diet

  • 1 Rules buckwheat-apple diet for weight loss
    • 1.1 Menus
    • 1.2 Recipes
    • 1.3 Effectiveness and results

One of the most effective diets for weight loss recognized
buckwheat and apple. Thanks to her for a week you can “say goodbye” to
5-6 extra pounds. Extra weight loss by this method in
The first place will suit lovers of buckwheat and apples, because only
they will have to eat all the time with a diet. Fans
This way of losing weight belongs to the advantages of inexpensive cost.
ration and uselessness of cooking dishes, which saves time
and money, while effectively lose weight.


Rules buckwheat-apple diet for weight loss

Slimming on a buckwheat-apple diet is rapid and
effective. You can lose an extra 5-10 kilograms in just
a week or two, which is especially important for emergency weight loss.
In addition to the stunning result, the main products of this method
(buckwheat and apples) – a whole storehouse of useful vitamins, minerals and
trace elements. In buckwheat and apples contain: proteins, vitamins
groups B and C, iron, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, folic acid, which
increase hemoglobin and protect the immune system from viruses. They
help to clean the intestines, normalize the overall work
gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins,
normalize blood sugar levels, enrich it with vitamins,
improve the condition of the skin (especially oily), nails and hair.

Despite all the benefits, slimming buckwheat-apple
diet has its drawbacks. According to nutritionists, the diet on
one buckwheat and apples is defective. With such a scant
diet the body is deficient in protein and healthy fats, which
with long-term diet can lead to the opposite –
slowing down the metabolic process. In addition, low-calorie
diet inevitably leads to dizziness and weakness.

Rules buckwheat-apple diet:

  • The daily ration should consist of 1.5 kg of buckwheat and 1 kg
    apples. Kefir is allowed to use 1-1.5% not more than 1 liter
  • The daily ration is divided into 3-5 meals.
  • The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  • It is better not to boil buckwheat, but to steam it without adding salt.
  • Twice a week it is allowed to fill porridge with soy sauce and
  • Apples can be baked in the oven with honey and cinnamon.
  • On the day it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of purified water without
  • The duration of the buckwheat-apple method of weight loss from 7 to 14
  • You can follow this diet only once every six months.

With strict observance of all these rules, you can lose weight on
6-12 kilograms, depending on the duration of the diet course
and initial weight.

In order not to break during the buckwheat-apple diet,
you need to prepare your body for the upcoming meager
diet. It should be 1-2 weeks before the start of weight loss.
all fatty, fried, smoked, salty, pickled meals, flour
products and sweets. The exit from the buckwheat-apple diet should also
be gradual to save the achieved result. AT
the next 2 weeks at the exit should be used in the menu broths,
vegetables, savory fruits, lean meats and fish. Better to limit your
diet in salt and sugar. It’s better to cook steamed, grilled,
bake, boil, stew.

Grocery list:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Apples;
  • Kefir 1%.

Список продуктов для гречнево-яблочной диеты не отличается
diversity, however, thanks to her, you can lose weight by 10-12 kg per
two weeks.


Menu гречнево-яблочной диеты довольно однообразное. Better with
in the evening zaparit buckwheat in a saucepan or in a thermos without salt.
The resulting porridge should be divided into 3-4 meals. Will complement
menu apples that can be consumed both raw and
grated. It is allowed in the menu buckwheat-apple
1% kefir diets, as well as natural apple juice without sugar. By them
It is possible to supplement main meals and to drink as
snacks at the slightest feeling of hunger.

Menu гречнево-яблочной диеты (завтрак, обед,


  • Buckwheat. Two fruits;
  • Buckwheat. A glass of natural apple juice without sugar;
  • Portion of buckwheat. Kefir 1%.


  • Buckwheat. 2 baked apples;
  • Portion of buckwheat. A glass of kefir;
  • Buckwheat porridge with fruit.


  • Porridge. Kefir;
  • Buckwheat. Two grated apples;
  • Buckwheat. Kefir.


  • Baked apples. Buckwheat;
  • Buckwheat. Kefir;
  • Porridge. A glass of natural apple juice without sugar.


  • Buckwheat porridge with grated apples;
  • Buckwheat, seasoned with soy sauce. Kefir;
  • Portion of buckwheat. Baked fruit.


  • Green apples. Porridge;
  • Buckwheat. Kefir;
  • Portion of buckwheat. Apple juice.


  • Steamed buckwheat. Sliced ​​fruits;
  • Portion steamed buckwheat. A glass of kefir 1%;
  • Гречка, заправленная oil Baked apples.

With strict observance of the menu of the buckwheat-apple diet, for a week
you can lose weight by 5-6 kilograms, and in 14 days by 10-12 kg. ATажное
the rule is not to salt porridge. Daily need to drink at least
1.5 liters of water. Lack of salt in the diet will not delay
liquid in the body that effectively affect the result
losing weight In addition, it will contribute to the complete cleansing of the body.
from accumulated toxins and slags.


Buckwheat-apple diet is convenient because it does not stand at the stove
have to. On the preparation of the main course of the diet – buckwheat porridge
take a minimum of time. Buckwheat is better to steam in the pan
or a thermos, but for a change you can cook it and even bake it in
the oven.

Recipes приготовления крупы для похудения:

Steamed buckwheat porridge

Steamed buckwheat porridge


  • Buckwheat;
  • ATода.

Способ приготовления:

  1. Buckwheat grout pour boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  2. Wrap the pot with a towel, you can blanket and leave
    insist on the night.

In the morning, steamed buckwheat porridge will be ready. Can also
steam cereal in a thermos. For weight loss salt it is not worth it. By
the rules of the buckwheat-apple diet, steamed porridge – the main
продукт рациона для losing weight

Baked Cinnamon Apples

Baked Cinnamon Apples


  • Apples;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Honey.

Cooking method:

  1. From fruit, carefully cut out the core;
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of honey, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.
  3. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Baked Cinnamon Apples — вкусный и полезный десерт, который
you can afford while respecting the buckwheat-apple method
losing weight

Natural Apple Juice

Natural Apple Juice

Cooking method:

  1. ATыбираем яблоки, желательно сладкого сорта.
  2. Peel the fruit from the rind and the core.
  3. ATыжимаем из фруктов сок на соковыжималке.

Apple juice during the buckwheat-apple diet can be drunk at
the slightest feeling of hunger. He will not only kill the appetite, but also
saturate the body with beneficial vitamins, which is very important during
losing weight

Efficiency and results

The effectiveness of the buckwheat diet has been proven by many laudatory
reviews. ATсего лишь за неделю благодаря ей можно похудеть на 5-6
kg You can get rid of 10-12 extra pounds observing
гречнево-яблочный рацион two weeks. Byмимо эффективного похудения,
the diet on buckwheat and apples will improve metabolic processes and
the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the body of toxins and
toxins. Significantly improved skin, hair and nails.
Byвторить гречнево-яблочную диету рекомендуется только спустя
half a year

The results of the buckwheat-apple diet:

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