Eastern diet for 10 days – the menu andrecipes

  • 1 Eastern diet for weight loss for 10 days
    • 1.1 What is an oriental diet?
    • 1.2 Menu for 10 days
    • 1.3 ATкусные recipes

The Eastern diet for 10 days is effective and affordable.
Beauty and attractiveness often require slimness. Only
An effective way to lose weight is to limit nutrition.

There are many “hungry” methods of nutrition. But most
food restricting practices are difficult to sustain
fixed for a long time, often harm to health.

Eastern diet is also distinguished by severity, but a plus
such a weight loss is simplicity, utility and
эффективность для процесса похудения.


Eastern diet for weight loss for 10 days

Eastern Diet – a highly efficient low power system
calorie content. The menu for it should be calculated based on
800-1200 kcal for one day.

The Eastern diet was able to balance the diet,

  • protein component lean meat;
  • necessary fiber, vitamins of vegetables, berries, fruits;
  • Calcium, dairy products protein low fat.
  • carbohydrates complex porridge and black bread.

There is an eastern seven-day diet that allows
снизить лишний все на 5 килограмм.

Более востребованным будет являться десятидневный
. Its efficiency reaches 7 kg, depending on
initial weight, shape features. Eastern diet ten days
requires rigidity in the use of the designated menu and list
food, but fractional nutrition, as well as adherence to special

ATремя перерывов между едой составляет три часа.
Меню разбивается на пять обязательных приемов

What is the eastern diet?

For fast weight loss diets are most suitable.
calorie content. But they are difficult to withstand because of the acute sense

Often due to imbalance, it turns out to be unfavorable.
effects on the body. Such deficiencies devoid eastern diet.
According to the selection of products, the Eastern diet is more likely the Central European style.
power supply.

Its main principles are:

  • the strictest observance of the menu mode;
  • fractional food intake with a three-hour tightly controlled
  • complete elimination of alcohol, salted, smoked, fatty, fried
  • the menu does not include sweets, pastries, bananas, muffins,
  • salt rejection;
  • nutrition is based on lean meat, dairy products reduced
    fiber rich in fiber fresh fruit, a variety of vegetables,
    various dried fruits, cereals, a small amount of bread
  • between meals you need to drink 0.25 liters of water;
  • total daily water consumption of 1.5..2 liters;
  • amount of bread per day 0.15 kg;
  • per day you can eat 0.2 kg of meat with a small fat content.

The combination of a sufficient amount of protein with fiber,
slow carbohydrates with frequent meals with a three-hour
промежутками уменьшает чувство голода, облегчает
соблюдение mode.

Balanced menu with enough vitamins.
improves health, guarantees a beautiful skin,

Пятикратное питание с четко соблюдаемыми
three-hour intervals helps to disperse metabolic processes, not
allows for a decrease in metabolic rate. Enough
Protein helps get rid of excess fat, not muscle.

Пищевые волокна использованных продуктов в меню, отлично
improve the digestive tract. Contraindications are minimal.
Such food is not suitable for pregnancy, serious diseases,

Menu for 10 days

Eastern diet for 10 days – menu:

The first day

  1. 8-00 coffee is sweet;
  2. 11-00 steep egg, eight fresh plums;
  3. 14-00 low-fat boiled beef 0.2 kg, salad
    cabbage and carrot 0.15 kg, orange;
  4. 17-00 hard cheese 0.05 kg, apple;
  5. 20-00 kefir 0.25 l.

Second day

  1. 8-00 tea green sweet;
  2. 11-00 low-fat cottage cheese 0.03 kg, greens, carrot juice;
  3. 14-00 chicken breast 0.1 kg steamed, cucumber-tomato salad
    150 grams, an apple;
  4. 17-00 grapefruit;
  5. 20-00 yogurt 0.25 l.

Third day

  1. 8-00 black sweet tea;
  2. 11-00 prunes handful;
  3. 14-00 boiled fillet of hake 0.1 kg, vegetable salad.
  4. 17-00 a mixture of sliced ​​apples, carrots, cabbage
  5. 20-00 ryazhenka 0.2 liters.

Day four

  1. 8-00 green tea with a spoonful of honey;
  2. 11-00 an apple;
  3. 14-00 boiled stogrammy turkey fillet, salad
    carrot and cabbage.
  4. 17-00 thirty gr. low-fat cheese, green salad;
  5. 20-00 kefir.

Fifth day

  1. 8-00 coffee is sweet;
  2. 11-00 hard egg, dried apricots five pieces;
  3. 14-00 low-fat boiled veal 0.2 kg, salad
    cabbage and carrot 0.15 kg, orange;
  4. 17-00 low fat cottage cheese 0.05 kg, an apple;
  5. 20-00 kefir 0.25 l.

Sixth day

  1. 8-00 tea green sweet;
  2. 11-00 low fat cottage cheese 0.03 kg, green salad, juice
  3. 14-00 turkey breast 0.1 kg boiled, cucumber-tomato salad
    150 grams, an apple;
  4. 17-00 a couple of kiwi;
  5. 20-00 yogurt 200 ml.

Seventh day

  1. 8-00 black sweet tea;
  2. 11-00 a mixture of dried apricots with prunes;
  3. 14-00 boiled fillet of hake 0.1 kg, zucchini stewed.
  4. 17-00 a mixture of sliced ​​apples, carrots, cabbage
  5. 20-00 ryazhenka 0.2 liters.

Eighth day

  1. 8-00 coffee is sweet;
  2. 11-00 steep egg, eight fresh plums;
  3. 14-00 low-fat boiled beef 0.2 kg, salad
    cabbage and carrot 0.15 kg, orange;
  4. 17-00 hard cheese 0.05 kg, apple;
  5. 20-00 kefir 0.25 l.

Day nine

  1. 8-00 tea green sweet;
  2. 11-00 low fat cottage cheese 0.03 kg, green salad, juice
  3. 14-00 boiled sausages two hundred grams, cucumber-tomato salad 150
    грамм, an Apple;
  4. 17-00 grapefruit;
  5. 20-00 yogurt 0.2 liters.

Tenth day

  1. 8-00 black sweet tea;
  2. 11-00 hard boiled egg, eight fresh plums;
  3. 14-00 boiled white fish fillet 0.1 kg, zucchini stewed.
  4. 17-00 peach;
  5. 20-00 ryazhenka 0.2 liters.

The menu in the seven-day version is less strict,

  1. 8-00 rice porridge, berry juice;
  2. 11-00 dried apricots five pieces;
  3. 14-00 boiled fish, fruit salad;
  4. 17-00 five plums;
  5. 20-00 boiled beef, green salad, orange juice.

ATкусные recipes

Eastern Diet provides for the preparation of dishes without salt with
replacing it with spices, herbs. As a salad dressing should
use olive oil. Recommended reception of dried fruit.

Recipes for the oriental diet:

Vegetable salad

Vegetable salad


  • cabbage;
  • greenery;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • olive oil;
  • olives.

Cooking method:

  1. we cut vegetables, we mix;
  2. we oil olives;
  3. добавляем olives.

Rice porridge

Rice porridge


  • rice;
  • raisins.

Cooking method:

  1. замачиваем rice;
  2. steam raisins;
  3. boil a liter of water;
  4. добавляем rice;
  5. boil it;
  6. добавляем raisins.

Chicken Breast Salad with Vegetables

Chicken Breast Salad with Vegetables


  • chicken breast;
  • tomatoes;
  • китайская cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • olive oil;
  • greenery;

Способ приготовления:

  1. boil chicken breast;
  2. we cut meat, vegetables;
  3. mix, fill with olive oil, herbs.
  4. You can add to taste 1-2 quail eggs.

Eastern Diet, according to reviews thinner, is quite effective. AT
ten-day version of the weight loss is five, seven pounds.
AT семидневном варианте количество сброшенных килограмм 3-5.

ATажное условие успеха – постепенный выход с нее по 250 ккал за
day. Other products are also slowly being introduced.

The gap between using such a food should last from
4 months.

Thanks to balance, enough vegetables,
meat, fruit, diet allows you to achieve effective
похудения, не нанося вред здоровью.

Отзывы врачей при таком способе похудения —
positive. ATосточная диета эффективна для снижения веса и
allows you to make the body slim, healthy and strong!

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