Dwarf Apple Trees: Varieties, Benefits andlimitations. Planting dwarf apple trees, reproduction and care, diseasesdwarf apple trees

Чт, 06 июл 2017 Автор: Светлана Иванова

A small fruit tree with an early onset of fruiting and
bountiful harvest – the dream of the zealous owner of six
acres. Requires little space, does not shade the rest of the plants, can
fill in any sunny corners of the garden.

Productivity dwarf apple trees are not inferior to their higher
relatives, and the convenience of harvesting will delight all gardeners.


Appearance of dwarf apple trees

Dwarfs are called apple trees with a height of no more than 2.5 meters. Root
the system in these trees is bovine, surface, pristvolnye
circles small no more than 2 meters. Dwarf apple trees completely
correspond in their varietal qualities to ordinary apples, but they give
greater yield due to a shorter path for nutritious

Advantages and disadvantages

The biggest advantage of dwarf apple trees is their size.
Low growth allows you to plant them at a distance of 1.5 meters from each
friend, small trunks are small (the projection of the crown on the ground).
Low-growing fruit trees do not obscure other plants.
The surface root system allows them to be planted between
high apple trees, usually with deep root
by the system. Because of the different soil levels, they do not take each other from
other nutrients and water.

• Take up little space

• High yield

• Early onset of maturity (fructification begins at 3

• Convenient fruit picking

• Fruits every year

However, dwarf apple trees have their drawbacks:

• Requires backup

• Surface root system does not tolerate freezing

• Short lifespan

• Rapid depletion in the absence of dressings.


To grow a dwarf apple on your site you need either
plant the desired varieties yourself on a low stock or just buy
already ready seedling. Absolutely irrelevant dwarf cutting
or ordinary apple you will plant, the main thing – it is a dwarf
rootstock. Better if it is clone material adapted to
conditions of your climate. Cold-resistant are relevant for the middle band

It is because of the dwarf stock that the start time is reduced.
fruiting, the fruit tree does not waste time on growing the trunk
and branches, and approximately three years after planting begins

Clone rootstocks for dwarf apple trees

M9 is one of the most common stocks. Lives up to 40 years
root system no more than 80 cm deep. Mandatory support and
props Due to the low occurrence of roots, it requires frequent watering and
poorly tolerated drought. Compatible with all grades for vaccination.
Good fruitfulness only on fertile soils with a rich layer
humus Practically loses productivity on sandy and clay
soils. Frost-resistant roots no more than -10 degrees.

Stock M8, as M9 received in England at the beginning of the last century.
Possessing all the disadvantages of the aforementioned variety, this stock
requires highly fertile soil, high abundance

D-1071 launched in Donetsk. Very good compatibility with
most varieties of apple trees. Resistant to drought, frost resistance up to
-14 degrees.

PB9 or Paradisc of Budagovsky, is well compatible with most
varieties. Root система выдерживает морозы до -14 degrees. Not
afraid of drought and resistant to apple scab.

Dusen, a stock having a greater depth of roots than that of
Paradisks and related rather to semi-dwarfs. Very high
productivity is leveled by weak frost resistance. Perhaps this
the least cold-resistant stock of the above. Not относится к
drought resistant varieties and requires mandatory support.

These are not the only varieties of rootstocks for Central Russia, but
they are most adapted to our climatic conditions and widely
are common. There are many varieties of these varieties and their

Varieties of dwarf apple trees

Varieties of small apple trees fully correspond to varieties.
tall fellows. Conventionally, they can be divided by seasons:
summer, autumn and winter. Ideally, it is better to pick a few varieties.
with different ripening terms. For example, summer apples are very naughty
and poorly stored even in the refrigerator. Sowing a few winter
dwarf apple trees, provide winter storage for future

Immediately think about how you will process, and store large
number of apples. Leaving apples on trees is not possible
serves as a wonderful winter haven and food for various
garden pests. Putting apples in the compost pile too
because pectic substances prevent the formation of
компосте полезных substances. In any case, the extra apples should
leave your site either deeply buried or brought to
trash can.


• Melba

• Pear

• Candy

• Mantet


• Autumn striped

• Sokolovskoye

• Sun

• Bogatyr

• Moscow necklace

• Zhigulevskoe


• Bratchud

• Arbat

• Carpet

Choosing a dwarf apple seedling

It is better to buy a sapling in an agrotechnical nursery. This gives
guarantee that you really buy a dwarf apple seedling
a certain sort, but do not get a wild, giving a couple of tasteless

Note the following signs of the seedling: it should not
exceed half a meter in height, it should be visible
knee-shaped inoculation, it is between the root of the neck and
shtambom. Sapling roots are fibrous, spreading, not thick, and not
pivotal. A two-year sapling must have at least four
developed branches with well developed buds. Unfortunately, determine
dwarfism of this fruit tree is possible only after the beginning

Planting seedlings produced in the so-called period of “nap”
spring or autumn. For a dwarf apple, protected from
wind sunny place where there is no stagnant waters. Soil needed
light and nutritious. Surface root system and high
yields quickly exhaust the nutrient supply, so
for this fruit tree requires constant feeding.


Be sure to make support for dwarf apple trees. She can
put immediately when planting a sapling or set later.
Notкоторым яблоням в период плодоношения может потребоваться
поддержка из-за большого количества apples.

To prevent the drought from which these fruit
trees, inter-trunk space can be sown with meadow grass
weak root system: fescue or bluegrass. Mowing grass
up to 6 times and left in place. It will serve as a mulch.
tree trunks, and useful fertilizer.

The main enemy of dwarf apple trees is cold. Vaccination site and
superficial roots can freeze even in small frosts.
Too early shelter for apple trees can cause the apple tree to
wakes up and goes to growth in the midst of the coming cold weather. Of course
in this case, the plant is doomed. Wait until it starts.
steady frosts in -10 degrees. Since the dwarf apple trees
it is necessary to cover the surface roots not only the stem and the place of the graft,
but also the trunk circle. Put a thick layer of humus on it, and
top spruce lapnik.

To protect against hares and mice, the trunk and lower branches are wrapped
nylon or tar soaked rags. It is believed that lapnik
better protection against these pests, but sometimes it happens
not enough.

Diseases of dwarf apple trees

Diseases of dwarf apple trees are exactly the same as those of
vigorous. This scab, powdery mildew, various types of cancer,
fungal diseases. Prophylactic treatment
held in the spring before awakening, the next before the blooming of flowers and
the last – after the main discharge of leaves.

More and more gardeners are planting dwarf in their plots
fruit trees. High yield on a small plot of land,
convenient collection of fruits and varietal diversity makes them much
more preferable choice in comparison with tall fellows.
The main obstacle to the wider dissemination of dwarf
apple trees – severe frosts. Unfortunately, in the middle zone there are
frosts that can destroy this miracle of agro-breeding on the vine.

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