Duchess pear variety – photo, description, featurescultivation and care. How to grow a lot of fragrant pear varieties of pearsDuchess

Чт, 30 ноя 2017 BUTвтор: Евгений

Pear is a unique fruit, its value is
fragrant, tasty and healthy fruits, this culture and practically
annually brings great harvests. Also, the tree is beautiful
looks and season serves as decoration for your
the garden.

Pear make sweet marmalade, delicious compotes, jam and
jams, light low alcohol wine. For a mild, pleasant taste and
extraordinary flavor, loved by many people.


Чем хорош сорт груши Duchess

This variety is considered one of the standards of dessert pear varieties.
directions – tasty and, at the same time, very useful for the body,
In its composition there are many trace elements important for

Сорт Duchess создан селекционерами BUTнглии, но он благодаря своим
characteristics have become very popular gardeners of other countries
thanks to:

• Long shelf life of fruits;

• Harvest can be recycled in a variety of ways;

• Plants are undemanding in care, can successfully develop on
different soils;

• The fruits look appetizing and attractive;

• Fruits have a rich, bright taste.

This pear can be planted as a small backyard
plot, and use when creating industrial plantations.
Есть 2 разновидности сорта груши Duchess — летняя и зимняя. They are few
what is the difference, the difference is only in the time of the harvest. Summer
Duchess поставляет ароматные плоды в августе, дерево может дать
first harvest at 5-6 years of age. Crohn in this species
pyramidal, wide forms, well leafy. The tree is low,
leaves are oval, with a sharp point at the end, smooth and shiny.

Forms inflorescences, in which there are 5-7 medium sized flowers,
they are well able to withstand adverse weather
conditions. Зимняя груша Duchess, имеет те же качества что и летняя
only differs late flowering.

Урожайность сорта Duchess

В обычный год, урожайность каждого дерева груши Duchess достигает
250 kg of high-quality fruits. Mostly grow large or
medium pears (practically no small fruits), hang on the branches
for a long time, do not crumble until ripe. The average weight of each pear –
about 170 grams of a young tree fruit reaches 200 grams.
The skin forms fragrant, thin with a slight shine, ripening
fruits, acquire a light green color that turns into yellow,
with dark dots at full maturity. Juicy creamy flesh,
with a slight muscatel, melts in your mouth. Harvest harvest
starts at the end of August. Freshly harvested fruits may lie
about 2 weeks, in a refrigerated room the shelf life reaches 45

Сорт груши Duchess прекрасно растет на достаточно увлажненной,
fertile soil. The downside of this variety is that it is weak
can withstand drought and low temperatures, and what he
often damaged by a copperfish and aphids. Winter Duchess – displayed in
Belgium, the plants grow tall with a wide pyramidal crown.
On the tree leaves are medium in size, elliptical in shape. This grade
good because it can withstand cold. It is better to plant a tree
just in a place protected from the wind with fertile soil. In raw and
cool summer markedly increases the risk of scab disease that
significantly reduces their taste characteristics.

Тонкости выращивания груши Duchess зимний

This grade начинает приносить плоды в возрасте 6-7 лет, фрукты
ripen in October, they are able to ripen until December, in
this time the taste is saved or even a little
are improving. With proper storage, the crop is able to be stored in
fresh until April. Pears grow large (weighing about 350-400
grams), individual fruits can grow weighing more than 500 grams.
Smooth skin, nice yellow color and beautiful blush make these
fruit attractive to the most demanding customer. BUT
sweet taste with a slight sourness and exceptional flavor,
will delight even the gourmet.

Loss of beneficial qualities and deterioration of fruit taste may occur.
when collecting fruits too early. Every tree can grow
about 100 kg of fragrant quality pears. Fruits hold on for a long time
branches, but during heavy rain and under gusts of wind can
crumble because of the large mass of fruits. Сорт груши Duchess хорошо
can withstand the lack of moisture in the soil, but they are still desirable
water it. Pour 20-30 liters of water for each year of life
plants, watering produced before and after flowering. In the dry year
water one more time in the fall.

Посадка груши Duchess

It is best to plant pear saplings at the end of April, while
It is important to do this before bud break. In areas with poor soil
need to plant good compost, humus or
fertile land, but note that this should be done in advance, in
autumn time, you need to fall asleep 2-3 buckets for each planting
pit A cone is formed from this mixture in the hole;
lay out the roots of the seedling. Fresh manure to increase fertility
soil can not be, he is able to severely burn the roots.

With landing near the tree you need to drive a support stake, which
will support the seedling under the gusts of wind. In order not to damage the stem,
you need to tie him with twine in the shape of a figure eight. Too deep
pear planting is not allowed; root collar should not be immersed in the soil
This can cause the death of the tree. Landing is made in
a landing pit prepared from autumn, 1 meter deep and 60-70 cm

It is necessary after landing to plant a landing circle near
seedling, it will protect the soil from moisture loss and the tree from the drop
temperatures. As mulch you can use most organic
materials, perfect for this weed and ordinary grass without
seed, humus or compost. Mulching should be carried out in
the autumn period, before the onset of the first frost, which are capable
ruin a young pear plant.

Features care for pear

To protect the thermophilic pear from the burning gusts of wind in
winter time and low temperature need for winter to shelter a tree. Bottom
trunk wrapped in cotton cloth or newsprint.
Good natural protection of roots from low temperature – fresh
fallen snow, you need to podgresti him more around the stem
sapling Adult plants need to be protected from damage caused by
Hares, for this they make small fences around the plants
or, if possible, build a good fence around the site with

The plants are pruned in the spring, on the biennial seedlings pruned
the side branches are 1/4 taller than the bud and the central shoot of the stem;
provokes the growth of the crown. The next year, cut off
a central shoot of 20–25 cm and form a truncated cone of
lateral branches (lower shoots must be longer than the upper ones).

Like any plant, pear needs extra food.
After landing on a permanent place to feed there is no need
in the landing pit laid the necessary stock. Most Fertilizers
applied to the soil in autumn, organic fertilizers – after 3 years (according to
5-8 kg under the tree), mineral – every year (20-30 g
nitroammofoski). All nutrient formulations are introduced into the grooves,
made in the near-stem circle to a depth of 15-20 cm.

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