Drinkers from plastic bottles with their own hands.Species, especially the manufacture of drinkers from plastic bottlesby hands

Ср, 13 июл 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Keeping poultry or animals is not easy
and troublesome. Very often there are situations when you need to quickly
make a new drinker yourself. However, not always on hand is everything
necessary materials, but if there are ordinary plastic houses
bottle, then this problem can be solved quickly and easily! So how
изготовить поилки из пластиковых бутылок своими by hands?


Types of drinkers

There are several types of drinkers that are applied on
farm estates.


1) most often it is difficult automatic adaptations,
used mainly on large farms;

2) water is poured into large stainless steel tanks, which
then goes to tara, where it is distributed;

3) a system of flushing and floats is set up in such a tank, and to it
tubular lines are brought to all

4) at the end of the tubes are attached convenient for animals or birds
devices from which they drink;

5) water comes to them regularly, and thanks to floats the level
the water in the fixtures is always controlled and when it
valve ends automatically, so the bird
there is always pure water in the quantity in which
she needs.

It’s not easy to build such drinkers yourself, and if there is
desire, you can buy them in special stores.


1) this type of drinkers is filled from additional packaging, which
can serve as a simple plastic bottle;

2) drinking appliances are mounted in pens or cages, for
bottle clamps are being prepared;

3) the water in the container is regulated by means of the lower clamp;

4) it is necessary to mount such a device at a height of several

5) So that the container is not filled with litter and animal feces,
protrusions in cages should not be more than 3 cm (for rabbits).


1) most farmers prefer this
because it’s not difficult to make them, and the water in them
always clean and fresh;

2) in the drinkers installed unusual ball – nipple. When
animals touch his tongue, water begins to flow from him;

3) a very important advantage of such structures is that water
their animals can not be poured or contaminated;

4) there are also disadvantages, but they are minor. For example,
since such constructions are small in volume, water will have to
top up more often. In winter, you need to make sure that the water in the tanks is not
froze up.

Поилки из пластиковых бутылок своими by hands: особенности

Изготовление поилки из пластиковых бутылок своими by hands —
occupation is not at all difficult. Its main advantages are simplicity with
manufacturing, no hassle during filling and comfort for

Since birds can easily throw too light
capacity, you need to make sure that they have enough weight for
sustainability. Also, when “attacking” the drinking water of a bird, it can quickly
so it’s also necessary to make sure that the water is
they kept their purity.

There is also such a moment. Material from
which will be prepared waterers, must be perfectly tolerate wet
Wednesday, and its edges should not be too sharp. therefore
Plastic remains the best option: it does not oxidize and remains
completely safe for birds.

Plastic is a very cheap and practical material, and the packaging is made of it.
present in almost every yard. As a drinker may be suitable
ordinary 5 l bottle with a hole, or nipple drinker,
made on the basis of the same capacity. Such devices
just made, they are very practical and have a long
shelf life.

The process of making plastic drinkers with their own
by hands

So, we come to the most important thing – how to build water bowls from
plastic containers? There are several options that are very
just getting ready.

Quick drinker

For its manufacture, we need:

  • 5 l plastic bottle;

  • bowl, tray, or other similar container;

  • pointed knife.

Next you need to perform the following steps:

1) Take the prepared plastic container of 5 liters and do it
there is a small hole in it at a height of 18–20 cm from the base;

2) Fill it with water, closing the hole with your finger;

3) After that, put it in a pre-prepared
capacity and open the hole. Water will flow from it to
the level of the hole, and will be replenished as water flows out.

Nippelny drinking bowl

To build a nipple drinker, we need these

  • 5 l plastic bottle;

  • nipple on the number of plastic containers;

  • awl or other tool for making holes.

When все готово, нужно сделать так:

  • We make a hole in the container lid by means of awl and
    insert the nipple into it;

  • Cut the bottom of the bottle to make it easier later on.
    add water there;

  • Hang the drinker in the pen and that’s it, it’s done!

Vacuum fixture

There is another fixture which is made from
two plastic containers – vacuum drinking bowl.

To build it yourself, we need:

  • 5 l plastic bottle;

  • The same bottle, but the volume is smaller (suitable 1.5 or 2

  • Several screws for mounting.

To make such a construction, you need to do the following

1) to begin with, 5 l bottles need to cut the neck like this
the way that such a bowl came out;

2) then you need to take a smaller capacity, install it inside
our bowl and fasten it with screws so that
that the necks of both bottles converge in one place;

3) after that in a tank with a smaller volume you need to do
several punctures below the side of the bowl, through them the water will be
go to the trough;

4) through the neck of a smaller container you need to fill in the water, turn it over
our homemade drinker and fix in any convenient place.

As you can see, make homemade drinkers from plastic containers
– the task is very simple and everyone can do it, everything that is needed for this
– a few plastic bottles and a little desire.

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