Dreamcatcher: a talisman that should be inevery home! How to make do-it-yourself dream catcher

Dreamcatcher: a talisman that should be in every home! How to make do-it-yourself dream catcher

Dreamcatcher is one of the most recognizable talismans.
Its main purpose is to attract good dreams, protection from
bad ones. Previously, this talisman could only be seen in houses
people who are fond of esoterics. Nowadays, the dream catcher is found
much more often, it is even used as an element of decor.
The dream catcher is associated with Indian legends, and more
talismans used and the tribes living in Siberia.
You can buy this amulet or do it yourself, charge it and
use as intended. More about everything in our


How did the dream catcher

There is a legend explaining the appearance of the dream catcher. Leader
Indian tribe Dakota sat on a high hill and meditated. His
the spirit which the tribe worshiped appeared, and in the form of a spider. AND
they started a long conversation about being, death, birth and secrets
rebirth. During the conversation, the spirit tore off a willow branch and bent it into
as a circle and wove a web inside. The spirit informed the chief that all
the good, seen at night, passes through the web, and the bad –
entangled and dies at the first rays of the sun.

According to legend, after this conversation, the leader told everything
to their tribe, they began to weave dream catchers, so that dreams would be
good, and the nightmares did not attend sleeping. Over time, weaving catchers
dream spread throughout North America, and after
all over the world.

There is also a scientific statement catcher appearance

Ethnographers and anthropologists associate it with the people of Ojibwa Chipev.
In the language of this people the dream catcher is called Asabikshinyh, that
translated as “spider”. Unlike other nations that consider
spiders are dangerous, they made the spider their protector. In the legends
this people still have references to the mysterious “spider woman”,
who is the spiritual protector of the people, especially children. Legend
reads as follows: as the people spread across the land,
it became difficult for the spider mother to protect everyone she weaved the catcher
dreams Women of this nation recreated this talisman from generation
in a generation. Dreamcatcher defended everyone, guarded dream and spirit.

Some tribes living in Siberia used
similar talismans. Since the exchange of experience between the Indians and
the inhabitants of Siberia is unlikely, it is believed that the emergence of a dream catcher
on this territory is an independent phenomenon. In addition to sleep protection
sleeping, this talisman helped the shaman to manage his
dreams, look to the future, receive answers to questions and
to make decisions.

Dreamcatcher: a talisman that should be in every home! How to make do-it-yourself dream catcher

Dream Catcher Appointment

We have already designated the general purpose of the dream catcher, let’s talk
how to use it, how it will help a person.

Everyday life is full of stress and experiences, many
negative factors do not have the best effect on a person’s sleep. it
leads to the fact that night dreams nightmares, restless sleep and
intermittent, in the morning there may be a feeling of depression. From quality
sleep depends on the state of a person throughout the day, mood,

Dreamcatcher can help improve the quality of a person’s sleep,
he will drive away bad dreams, lure good and

It is believed that good dreams penetrate to a person through a small
hole in the center of the talisman.

To work the talisman, it is hung at the head of the bed. ANDндейцы
still traditionally decorate baby cradles and cots to
evil spirits entangled in the web and did not harm the child.

Dream Catcher Types

There are several varieties of this talisman. Common with them
– The circle, which is the basis of the composition. The circle symbolizes the sun and
its daily cycle. Also all kinds of dream catchers have bird feathers,
symbolizing ease and breath.

Dream catchers are:

  • ANDндейский. Represents bonded in
    circle-shaped willow branch, intertwined with threads in the form of cobwebs.
    ANDногда ее украшают камешками, бусинками. Good dreams pass
    through the hole in the center and down to the person on the feathers. Nocturnal
    nightmares and evil spirits are entangled in the web or can not find
    output. They disappear at the first rays of the sun.
  • The talisman of the Siberian shamans. Unlike
    north american indian mascot siberian draws all
    dreams, be it good dreams or nightmares. Everything is important for the shaman
    dreams, they are needed for providence, to look into the future.
    The shaman controls the dreams that have fallen into the trap of the web, and
    добрые сны тоже не могут найти output. It is believed that by this
    mascot is better to use only the shamans, the average person
    such a dream catcher can even hurt.
  • Asian. In Asia, too, use
    similar talismans. Here, special emphasis is placed on the magical
    составляющим ловца dreams Various webs can be woven into the web.
    objects, or they are hung instead of feathers. it могут быть фигурки
    animal or constellation zodiac.

To attract good dreams, restful and peaceful sleep
better to use traditional indian mascot.

Dreamcatcher: a talisman that should be in every home! How to make do-it-yourself dream catcher

How to choose a dream catcher

Dream catchers come in different colors, and properties depend on it

To choose for yourself the right dream catcher with the necessary
it is for you qualities, you need to know the following:

  • The white color of many nations is a symbol of purity,
    innocence and healing. If white dominates in the dream catcher –
    It will help to gain light energy, relieve from ailments.
  • Black – infinity and feminine life energy. Such a catcher
    Dreams will give firmness of spirit, perseverance and will help to finish everything
  • The red color personifies the will and spiritual strength, develops
    creativity, energizing.
  • Orange dream catcher add harmony, balance female and
    masculinity, will help fight the negative.
  • Yellow – the spiritual beginning. Such a talisman will improve mental and
    bodily health will give strength and sharpen sensitivity.
  • Green color symbolizes eternal life. Talisman will help
    to gain an objective view of the world, will give strength for the performance of everything
  • Blue color – the truth in all its manifestations. Talisman will help
    anticipate events, make the mind clear and bright, bring
    positive in assessing what is happening around.
  • Blue Dreamcatcher cleans the spirit, brings harmony and activates
  • Purple personifies the soul of man, helps humility,
    strengthens the spirit.

These colors and meanings refer to the Indian talismans. Shamans from
Siberia is guided by other fundamental ones to create
talismans. The colors are mostly dark, often just black.

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands

You can buy a ready-made dream catcher, but it’s better to make it
with his own hands so that he better absorbed the energy of his
the owner. Most importantly, all or at least most
Items for manufacturing were from natural materials.

ANDтак, нам понадобится:

  • willow twig (hoop hoop, wooden circle or
  • thick thread or cord; twine;
  • beads made of glass, wood, stone, bone, or ordinary beads;
  • bird feathers.

ANDнтересно: если выбрать бусины из минералов, например:
amethyst, rock crystal, obsidian or others, dreamcatcher
will receive additional protective properties inherent to the selected
the mineral.

Bird feathers are used only from live birds and by no means.
the case is not dead. ANDх можно покрасить натуральным красителем.

If a dream catcher will be used by a woman, it’s better to take
Feathers owl, and for men take feathers eagle.

If you use others, the talisman may not be so

Dreamcatcher: a talisman that should be in every home! How to make do-it-yourself dream catcher

ANDтак, берем ветку или другую основу для круга, скрепляем нитями
the edges. Leaving about 10 cm, wraps the cord or threads around the hoop,
then we tie at the left end.

We tie a thread on a hoop, wrapping the base, skipping over
the loop. Thus we create a web of the first row. Following
intertwined in a similar way.

Do not forget to thread the beads, the order may be

When you get to the center, tie a knot, leaving a small
hole in the center. For reliability you can use glue.

Feathers with beads at the base are hung to the bottom, and
верху делаем петельку, чтобы можно было подвесить ловец dreams

Dreamcatcher can become a protector of dreams and
beautiful decoration in your bedroom. Try hanging it and
evaluate the quality of dreams after a while – surely your dream
will improve, become calmer and more pleasant.

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