Dracaena: how to care and multiply at homeconditions. All about the care of the dragon plant at home: tips witha photo

Пн, 11 апр 2016 Автор: Инна Квашина

Among the huge variety of plants that are used for
home, office, apartment, shopping center and landscape decoration,
dracaena – this is the kind that you can meet almost

If you want to have this shrub, then follow our tips,
и узнаете больше об уходе за драценой в домашних conditions.


Dracaena: home care – breeding

To begin with, we note that this is a perennial plant that grows
rather slowly 10-15 cm per year.

Types of “false palm”

Размножение происходит путем черенкования.

There are two ways.

1. Reproduction by the crown.

The steps are as follows:

– prepare the cuttings. For this, cut off the branched part
the root of the plant or, if the trunk is one, cut it off
upper part at a distance of about 10 cm from the beginning. Remove with
cut pieces of the lower leaves. To dry the cut, leave it.
for one hour in the air.

– take the container and pour vermiculite into it – this
special mineral that is used for rooting cuttings
(it can be purchased at garden centers or replaced with woody
coal). Alternatively, the cutting can be dipped into the root solution –
drug that accelerates the formation of roots in plants.

– moisten the soil and place cuttings in it. Once again water
warm water.

– provide lighting, avoiding direct light and warm
temperature conditions.

After three weeks, the plant’s root system will develop and
can be transplanted to the soil substrate.

You can plant the cutting and immediately straight into the ground, but the soil
must have a high peat content. For the best effect make
a kind of greenhouse or provide the necessary temperature
(24-26 ° C), moistening and watering.

If the uterine plant is now a stump,
Cover it with a can and place in a warm and bright place. Signs of
New growth on it can be seen in a few months. Remove
all the buds directed inward, there should be no more than five of them.
This is done so that the shoots that develop will not interfere
each other. Otherwise, the crown will be uncontrollable in thickness, and how
consequence – diseases and pests simultaneously with the deformation

2. If the top of your head is dead, and only one stump is left, and the plant
really want to save, then apply the following method of reproduction.
To do this, take the stalk and cut into leaf scars from it
pieces of 5-20 cm. The stalk is placed horizontally or vertically
in vermiculite, sand or soil substrate and create a peculiar
greenhouse effect. If you used the vertical method, then
transplant the stalk into the ground is not required.

Proper cultivation takes an important role in ensuring
plants. Not everyone knows what care instructions for dragon seed in
home conditions should be respected. The following tips will be yours
conductor in the process of proper crop production.

Dracaena: home care – soil, lighting, conditions
for flowering

Почва: если вы не хотите приобретать
special composition of soil mixture for the family of agave, it can be
cook and do it yourself. For this you need to take 1 part sod
land (harvested in meadows and pastures) + 1 part of perlite
(light, light mineral, which serves as a substitute for sand) or the
sand, or peat + 1 part of compost or sheet humus. AT
coal can also be used as a baking powder
brick. Be sure to put clay on the bottom of the pot. Thanks
this, the soil will be prevented by various water stasis, which
can destroy the whole plant.

It is even easier to take three parts of garden land, 1 part of peat and
coarse sand. Do not forget to lay the drainage around the bottom
3 cm

When the so-called transfer to a deep pot, it is desirable to replace the top
soil layer. Properly selected soil – the key to successful development
and plant growth.

Свет: это растение вполне терпимо к освещению в
wide range of conditions. But avoid direct sunlight
better if the lighting is scattered. AT то же время, недостаток
lighting can lead to much slower plant growth.
This refers to the case when the plant is in the middle
rooms It stretches into growth and quickly loses its
attractive look and refinement. AT этом случае ему поможет
pruning. It is recommended to spend it in spring and summer. By its
procedure, it resembles the process of “breeding crown.” Not
forget to cut the edges of the slices with special tools.

Температура: всегда должна быть теплой
(20-23 ° C), regardless of the season outside. At low temperature
dracaena will not grow, and may even die. Minimum
the temperature for the content is 13 ° C. Not забывайте, что драцена боится
drafts. Take care of her.

Условия for flowering. Surprised? It turns out
our ornamental leafy plant also blooms. Although called
this bloom is impressive impossible. Inflorescence is an ear
or brush, on which are small and colorless flowers.
For flowering must comply with temperature and mode
watering and moisturizing. But do not pin special hopes, because it blooms
dracaena is rarely and often, only fragrant dracaena.

Flowering scented dracaena

Dracaena: home care – feeding and watering

ATлажность: если окружающая влажность высока,
the plant grows well. Try as often as possible to spray
this plant.

Watering the soil should be moderate and carried out as
drying out This is about 2 times a month in winter and once a week –
summer. Here it is important to prevent neither excess of moisture, nor drying.
soil. ATода должна быть обязательно теплой.

Удобрения: такие потребности довольно просты.
In summer and spring, two water-soluble fertilizers can be used.
times a month. When it’s winter or autumn, the fertilizer is not
required. AT период активного роста растения рекомендуются
organic fertilizers, and from mid-summer – mineral. ATажно:
the soil during the fertilizer should remain wet.

Фтор: эти растения очень чувствительны к нему,
so the effects of this chemical should be reduced
to a minimum. Fluoride can be found in tap water, therefore it is important
use pure and distilled water.

Dracaena: home care: why does she die?

AT большинстве случаев беспокойство владельце драцен вызывает
leaf condition dracaena. They begin to darken from the tip, and then
the whole leaf turns brown and dies. Pruning dead leaves
does not solve the problem. Here you need to think about the reasons that led
to such results.

One of the most common reasons for this are:

растение заливают. It can also lead
to rotting plant roots. For реанимации драцены достаньте ее из
pot, cut the roots with rot, sprinkle them with powder
activated or charcoal and transplant to new

недостаточно поливают — на листьях появляются
brown spots and they dry up. AT этом случае отрегулируйте полив
to moderate. Cut the brown tips of the leaves.

низкая влажность в сочетании с высокой температурой
. Avoid placing a pot of dragon flower near
heating radiators. If this cannot be avoided, then regularly
spray the plant.

Excessive lighting is evidenced by the appearance on the leaves.
light and dry spots or they are slightly colored.

If the temperature in the house is too low, the leaves become
soft, curled, fall off and rot.

ATсегда используйте хорошо дренированные почвы, чтобы избежать
problems in the future. If your plant’s stem is healthy, but the leaves
withered or disappeared, then delete them. Barrel continue regularly
spray and provide him with the necessary conditions. ATскоре он даст
new sprouts. Keep in mind that the falling of the lower leaves
Plants belong to the normal process for dracaena.

If the barrel frowns, it means that rotting is in progress.
whole plant.

Also the cause of the death of the plant can be mechanical.
damage. But in this case there is a way out. Use one of
breeding methods to plant a broken top again or
the root of the broken pot. Caring and proper care
At first your plant reanimates.

Another cause of plant death may already be
sick plant that you bought at the store. Not приобретайте
plant with the following characteristics:

– wrinkled trunk;

– drooping tops;

– translucent or brown young leaves;

– rotting root tips;

– the smell of mold and rot.

Buying a healthy plant will save you from unnecessary spending.
and experiences that you do something wrong.

Potential problems to fight: diseases and pests

Various pests can destroy the dragon season, which is why
it is very important to know about the natural solutions of these problems.

Клещи паука – это сосущие насекомые, которые
lead to uneven leaves. To get rid of them, you can
опрыскивать растение с инсектицидами для комнатных plants.

Щитовку при появлении необходимо соскрести, а
Leaves process alcohol solution.

Мучнистый червец — сосущие насекомые, которые
clearly visible. ATатным тампоном, смоченным в мыльном растворе удалите
treat them from the surface of the leaves, and treat the leaves themselves with alcohol

Тля — при поражении эти вредителем листья
the plants turn yellow, twist and fall. For борьбы с ними
use insecticides (Actellic, Fitoverm, Decis, Inta-Vir).

Трипсы — мелкие насекомые, которые поражают и
flowers and leaves. Notвооруженным взглядом выглядят как черные точки.
You can get rid of them by ruthless removal of leaves and
processing konfidorom.

The most common diseases that affect
plant include:

1) Leaves are yellow and white spots near the tips. Disease
is treated by maintaining moderate humidity, lighting conditions and

2) Fluorine toxicity – leaves are dark brown and dead
zones with yellow borders. Management: avoid using
soil changes that contain fluoride.

3) Leaf spot – reddish spots on young leaves.
Iprodione, methyl thiophanate, mancozeb and chlorothalonil are used.

4) Soft rot – soft, brown rot and unpleasant smell from
rooted cuttings. Peel the roots of the old land and land in
new soil.

5) At low temperature и высокой влажности может развиться
серая гниль (ботритис) – коричневые пятна на leaves.

Regular inspection of your plants and timely
preventive measures will keep your
The plant is beautiful and healthy.

Dracaeni have beautiful color patterns (with pink, yellow,
white and red stripes) and can revive any area. If you
know when to replant, how to care for them at home
conditions and will adhere to all of the above
recommendations, then your healthy plant will amaze everyone

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