Doctors are not sure about the safety of tablets forchildren

Fri, 26 Feb 2016

At the core of the modern tablet interface is the principle
intuitiveness. In other words, the ability to know without asking. Even
a child who has not yet learned to speak and walk with ease
controlled with such a technique. Recently, the tablet is
the most relevant gift for the child. Manufacturers even released
на рынок планшеты, которые предназначены специально для children —
InnoTab 2 and LeapPad 2. At first glance, everything looks perfect:
Fashionable and useful toy, in which there are many training
programs. But doctors are sounding the alarm and talking about the dangers of tablets for
child health.

Technical innovations go on sale too quickly. But
it takes at least five years to investigate their safety. TO
In addition, the number of connections between brain cells during the period
from birth to 3 years increased by almost six times. Baby in
this age it is necessary to develop mental and physical

What kind of full development can we talk about if a child
constantly spending time in front of the tablet screen? Study,
conducted by American pediatricians, confirmed that every hour
which the child devotes to watching TV increases risk by 9%
damage to attention.

If we talk about tablets, their influence has not yet been studied, but rather
all, they are also unsafe. Children’s doctors warn – technology
never replace parents. They should go for walks and
play with the baby. Psychologists fully support
pediatricians. Three-year-olds can “talk” with a tablet not
more than five minutes. Even десятилетнему ребёнку не стоит разрешать
sit on the Internet. The tablet should not be used in bed, otherwise
sleep pattern will be disrupted.

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