Do I need to replant grapes in autumn? Rules andtips on transplanting how to care for a bush after the procedure

Пт, 28 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

The grapes are very useful, it contains vitamins and minerals that
so necessary to the human body. That is why every summer resident
tries to provide a place for planting grapes in his plot. AT
growing this crop is not difficult, but in the process
beginners accumulate a lot of questions, one of which –
the possibility of autumn grape transplantation.


What bushes can be transplanted

Many people know that grapes can be transplanted. But
Are they young or older? This question is very important, from
it depends on the whole future life of the bush.

ATзрослые кусты обладают очень мощной корневой системой, их
hard to dig up without damaging the roots. Therefore, transplanting such
plants difficult, moreover, in a new place they take root
longer than the rest. ATозникает дисбаланс между корневой системой и
aboveground part of the plant, which leads to a violation

Any intervention in the development of the vine is undesirable.
therefore, you need to carefully select a place for planting seedlings. But
if there is a need to transplant a bush, then you need to do it,
adhering to all the rules.

1. It is possible to replant only young bushes whose age is not
exceeds 7 years. These plants tolerate the procedure easier, faster
adapt to new conditions.

2. Transplanting is necessary in the fall. The fact is that in this
soil period is quite wet, which is important for normal development
grapes. In addition, it does not freeze to the depth where
the root system of the plant lies, and this allows it
unhindered build additional roots. ATесенняя посадка
less successful, since from the first days of the grapes suffer from
excessively high soil temperature.

3. It is equally important to observe the timing of the transplant. Usually,
Autumn transplant is carried out in late October. But сроки могут
move somewhat, depending on the weather.

Novice gardeners need to take advice from experienced
summer residents and repot the grapes as correctly as possible.

Preparing grapes for autumn transplanting

Grape transplantation is a very laborious process, so
take care of all the necessary tools and materials

What you need to transplant:

• shovel;

• pruner;

• organic and mineral fertilizers.

The main task of the gardener is to preserve the root
систему grapes. To do this, you need to prepare the bush for the upcoming

1. To avoid imbalance of the root system with the aboveground
part of the plant is necessary to remove long shoots, leaving only
short ATсю лозу срезают секатором на уровне около 20 см от
soil surface.

2. Before digging a bush gently digging around in a circle, trying
Do not damage the roots. After that he is hooked by a shovel and pulled out
together with the earthy clod.

3. The roots are freed from the earth and immersed in a clay-dung
mixture. For its preparation use clay and manure in the ratio
1: 2, diluting with water until thick cream. ATыкопанный саженец
incubated in this solution for several minutes.

When the bush is prepared, you can start planting grapes on
permanent place. How to do it right?

Preparing a landing pit for grapes

When planning a grape transplant in the autumn, you need to advance
Prepare a pit for planting. Better to do it a month before
intended landing. How the pit will be prepared
зависит дальнейшая приживаемость grapes. Landing need
taking into account all the features of this culture. The soil is necessary as
should be prepared: loosen, fertilize, moisten.

1. The depth of the landing pit should be at least 65 cm, and better –
more. AT хорошей яме корневая система будет располагаться
free, which will certainly benefit the grapes.

2. Each well should be well fertilized. For this use
ash, superphosphate, humus and ammonium sulphate. ATсе удобрения
mix well with a fertile layer of soil and fall asleep to the bottom
the holes.

3. If you plan to plant several bushes, the distance
between the holes should be at least 2 meters.

Transplanted from autumn grapes will be provided with beneficial
substances throughout the adaptation period.

Proper planting of grapes in the fall

Посадку саженца проводят в подготовленные the holes. AT центре каждой
pits form a mound of fertile substrate with fertilizers. On
he set the sapling, straightening the roots. Next, well
completely filled with earth, tamped and well watered. After
as water is absorbed, it is necessary to add land, forming a mound
up to 8 cm

ATновь пересаженный виноград требует особого внимания. Bushes
need to be watered regularly. At the same time water should be enough
so that it reaches the heel roots. If the composition of the soil is too
little iron, it is necessary to make drugs with its content.
Experienced gardeners recommend simply prikopat in the field of roots
old nails, jars and other iron-containing garbage,
pre-sing it on fire.

After Transplanting grapes in the fall bushes do not need pruning. AT
the first two years of cultivation from the vine need to remove all the inflorescences that
will help the bush to recover faster. AT последующие годы проводят
rationing of fruits as needed, depending on the variety.

Grape Transplanting Methods

Today there are several proven ways to transplant
grapes in autumn that give good results.

Grape transplant with earthball

This method is used for transplanting young plants, age
which does not exceed three years. A few days before the transplant bush
stop watering. Transplant is carried out to a new place. If need
transfer to the old place, the land in the pit is completely replaced. To
transplant grapes with earthy lump, you need to stick to this

1. ATиноград нужно обрезать, оставив только 2 плети.

2. On каждой плети оставляют до двух развитых побегов.

3. Shrub gently digging in a circle.

4. Bottom roots are laid down, pulling grapes along with a lump

5. The seedling is placed in a pre-prepared hole, deepening to
10 cm lower than before.

6. After чего, в лунку добавляют землю, утрамбовывают и

Grape transplant with bare root system

If the cavity to comply with all the recommendations, then the second year after
Transplant grapes will delight you with delicious fruits. Landing passes by
following rules:

1. ATиноградный куст обрезают, оставляя до 4 развитых плетей.

2. With lashes you need to cut off all the shoots, leaving only the two most

3. Shrub the bush, trying not to damage the lower roots.

4. Transplant leads to a new pit, which is 20 cm deeper

5. After посадки виноград хорошо watered.

Replanting the grapes in this way, the shrub well mulch on
winter For this use перегной, опавшую листву, торф. On
the next year of cultivation should not be allowed fruiting, cutting off
all inflorescences.

Summing up

Grapes are transplanted in the fall after they all fall off
leaves. But при этом закончить все мероприятия нужно до наступления
frosts. The grape root system is very fragile, therefore
transplant done carefully. Also do not forget about good watering
shrub, which is very important at the stage of adaptation. If autumn is worth
dry, then watering is carried out 1 time in 10 days, so that the water gets
to the heel roots of the bush.

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