DIY skirt for girls – magic tutuin an hour! The easiest way to sew an American skirt

Чт, 26 май 2016 Автор: Ксения Рахимова

Little girls dream of the most luxurious skirts that
reminiscent of fairy princesses from favorite cartoons.

This skirt is better to sew tulle.

Sewing a lovely skirt for a lovely daughter is not at all difficult.

It takes patience and a little imagination. You can even play
the process of working with the baby in the game, where the mother in the role of the fairy godmother with
its charming Cinderella.


Baby skirt tutu do it yourself

To create it you will need:

1. Image processing. Desired product may be associated with
some kind of fabulous character. The similarity in color and
form. The decision is made on the length of the product, pomp.
The amount of consumable fabric is calculated;

2. Purchase of consumables. As a material
fatin is recommended. Easy and obedient material.
However, varieties of this
tissue. There are transparent, glossy, matte. There are very tough
unpleasant for the body. Its sharp edges create a piercing body.
feeling It is recommended to purchase the finest soft tulle or
knitted mesh, which one-to-one replaces hard tulle;

3. Work items: gum width from 2 to 4 cm in tone fabric
(it takes into account that the rubber band will be double to keep the shape),
gum thin (silicone, hat), thread to match, needles, scissors,
tailor meter, hat needles, sewing machine.

Work process of sewing skirts for girls with their hands

1. The fabric is cut into strips 30 cm wide. The length corresponds to
personal wishes, multiplied by two. Required to cut 50 pieces

2. Measured waist circumference. And according to this data the length is cut off.
gum. Elastic at the waist – double. After that, take a simple
three-liter glass jar, which wears a belt

3. Each strip of cut tissue is bent in length in half and
put on gum ends cut down. Strips for gum
do not sew. It is enough to pin each segment with a needle. Can
also use a hat elastic as in the picture;

4. When all the strips are strung, they are carefully finished;

5. Gum with pinned stripes is removed from the can and
stitched on a sewing machine knitted elastic stitching. For
those who do not wish to use a sewing machine are invited
third option. Can завязать полоски на узлы, а потом тщательно
straighten the fabric. She will gain pomp.

6. Dressing. Children’s skirt decorated with their own hands
all kinds of bows and ribbons. Can сделать напыление из
sparkles on the bottom edge. It is recommended to make a flower
decoration for the head with an elastic band.

It turned out a wonderful skirt, which will be the most beloved
little princess.

Skirt for girls with their own hands – American

The sewing technology is simple. The skirt consists of several tiers with
ruches. From the materials used: all the same tulle (from
the previous version of the skirt), soft knitted mesh, chiffon.
Can попробовать использовать атлас. Also need interlining on

Calculations and cutting

For маленькой девочки кокетка будет выглядеть как квадрат или
rectangular shape, similar to a square. Skirt length selectable
произвольно, но будем вести расчеты от длины равной 30 cm. For всех
Three tiers are recommended to use chiffon, but for the first –
better atlas.

The first tier is the height of the coquette (20 cm) and length (at least two
waist girths).

The second tier of the skirt for a girl is equal to nine
waist girth.

ATторой ярус юбочки равен двенадцати waist girth.

Now it is obvious that the pattern is not required for the product. It
executed from three rectangles. All tiers are already calculated. AT
If you want to make the skirt more magnificent – the length of the tiers


Ruche пришиваются в виде ленточек. Their width is 7 cm. Fabric
cut into tapes. The longer they are, the better. Recommended
use tulle for making quilling.

Crosses interlining. His stripes are equal to the length of the first tier. Width
– 2.5 cm

Thus, when sewing ruff, flizelin will be inside, and tulle –


The edges of chiffon are processed as the fabric is frayed and
naughty at work.

Take the longest piece of fabric – the third tier. To him
the tape is lined with a net-tulle in the middle. Line
Used with a wide step. After which the thread stretches for one
edge A strip of fabric is trailed down to form ruffles.

Ruched in the front side. Indent from edge is 1

Similar work is carried out with the second tier.

Bend the first tier from the top to put in the gum and sew.

The first tier can be folded in half and sewn so that the front
side and inner – will be the same as in the figure.

ATсе рюши пришиваются с разворотом наружу (налицо). ATизуально
should get a double skirt for girls with their own hands.

Пришивается лента с обоих сторон к краю gum. Their width
(ribbons and rubber bands) is the same. After which the gum is refueled in its
place on the coquette. It is sewn with a hand stitch. The edges tapes to let out
not required.


It is necessary to iron everything very carefully. Do not use maximum
iron heating mode. If you can use steam
generator – use this opportunity. This is the best way.
ironing products made from such delicate materials.

ATсе, юбочка для девочки своими руками в американском стиле
is ready. It can be decorated with elegant ribbons, colorful sequins
and beads.

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