Diets with prunes for quick weight loss -menu examples

  • 1 What are diets with prunes for weight loss?
    • 1.1 Kefir and prunes
    • 1.2 Egg and prunes
    • 1.3 Dried apricots and prunes
    • 1.4 Buckwheat diet with prunes
  • 2 Benefit and harm
    • 2.1 Effectiveness and weight loss results

Prunes belong to dried fruits, which means there are many
useful components, vitamins, microelements, organic
acids, fiber, pectins, starch, carbohydrates, proteins, etc .. This
dried fruit can not be called a dietary product, contains 100g
231 kcal.

At the same time, combining its use with low-calorie dishes,
It is possible to lose weight and cleanse the body well. Do not forget
rinse well dried fruits.


What are diets with prunes for weight loss?

Diets with prunes really contribute to fast
weight loss

Among the effective emit:

  • Трехдневная Курс включает употребление только
    dried fruit and low-fat kefir;
  • Четырехдневная Разрешено питаться яйцами,
    vegetable soups, fresh or stewed vegetables. After taking
    the main food should eat 1-2 prunes;
  • Семидневная В рацион входят кисломолочные
    products, cereals, fish, vegetables, savory fruits. Daily amount
    calories are not more than 1200;
  • Чернослив и курага Во время диеты при чувстве
    hunger eat one dried fruit. When losing weight helps infusion
    of these dried fruits. Soak them overnight with warm water and
    drink the next day instead of water;
  • Гречневая каша и чернослив Является
    mono-diet Mix together these two products and during the diet
    use only this dish;
  • Безуглеводная Употребление чернослива при этой
    diet should be minimal, 2-3 things a day. Main
    products- stewed vegetables, boiled meat, mushrooms, low-fat kefir,
    olive oil, tomato juice;
  • Диета Дюкана На Дюкане сухофрукт разрешен к
    use only at the Stabilization stage in small

Kefir and prunes

There are several options for such a diet, which lasts only 3
of the day These are rigorous low-calorie courses that promote aggressive
losing weight, so more than 3 days to stick to this diet is not
recommended. Chew well when you eat.

  1. Repeat the diet for three days of the course. Can be divided
    food intake for 6-7 meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner: 3 pieces of prunes
    and a big glass of kefir and nothing else.
  2. In a blender, mix 100 g of dried fruit and 1 l of kefir to
    get a cocktail. Завтрак —  овсяная каша на воде; dinner,
    dinner – a glass of kefir cocktail.

This way of losing weight is not only struggling with extra pounds,
but also actively cleans the intestines, helps to cope with constipation. Over 3
day can lose up to 3-4 kg.

Egg and Prune

The course consists of 4 days. The diet is divided into 3 doses.
пищи: завтрак, dinner, ужин.

1 day

  • 1 boiled egg, 2 berries, unsweetened tea;
  • a plate of vegetable soup, 5 berries;
  • 1 boiled egg, lean fish.

2 day

  • 1 boiled egg, 2 berries, coffee without sugar;
  • vegetable salad, 3 berries;
  • 1 boiled egg, 2 diet bread with cheese.

3 day

  • a slice of bran bread with cheese, 1 boiled egg, 2 berries;
  • vegetable soup and 2 berries;
  • 5 berries, a glass of kefir.

4 day

  • cornflakes with milk, 4 berries;
  • vegetable salad, 2 boiled eggs;
  • 50g raisins and prunes, a glass of yogurt.

Diet fills the body with beneficial elements and fights well with

За 4 day can lose up to 3-4 kg.

Dried apricots and prunes

These 2 products used together for weight loss, since
are a treasure trove of beneficial elements for the body. The best thing
soak 150-200 g of dried fruit in the evening with warm water and water.
время диеты пить настой каждый день по 2-3

Диета длится 3 of the day Питание 3-разовое: завтрак, dinner, ужин.

1 day

  • bran bread with cheese, 1 tomato, instead of tea, their infusion
    dried fruits;
  • vegetable salad, 2 diet loaves;
  • lean fish, 2 cucumbers.

2 day

  • porridge on the water, you can add a spoonful of honey, a loaf with
    melted cheese;
  • a plate of lean borscht;
  • cabbage salad with greens.

3 day

  • squash pancakes, scrambled eggs;
  • a plate of vegetable soup, dietary loaf;
  • a plate of vegetable soup.

Do not forget пить настой вместо чая и кофе во
diet time, then the process of losing weight and cleansing will be more active.
During the course you can lose 2-3 kg.

Buckwheat diet with prunes

One of the most effective ways to lose weight is buckwheat.
mono-diet. The course lasts 14 days, during which it is possible to reset 12
extra pounds.

Porridge preparation method:

0.5 kg of buckwheat fill with hot water and leave to swell overnight.
Over the next day, eat porridge.

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with 5-6 pieces of prunes;
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge, mixed with low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge without anything.

This is an approximate diet for the next 14 days. You can
divide drinking 6 berries during the day and drink a glass
kefir before bedtime.

Benefit and harm

If you want to protect yourself from unforeseen consequences,
It is worth knowing what the benefits and harm of a diet with prunes.

Преимущества диеты с черносливом в том, что
the food ration well saturates the body, one wants to eat less.
Strong hunger not haunting, with a sense of lightness in
stomach will accompany during the entire course.

These diets also apply to detox, due to the content of pectin
– A substance that cleans toxins from the intestines. Going on
reducing cholesterol due to the low salt content of the product and
low glycemic index-29. Another useful substance is
potassium, which normalizes metabolism and the process of losing weight
proceeds more efficiently.

In addition to potassium, it contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins.
Groups B, C, beta-carotene and organic acids. Possesses
antibacterial properties.

Not стоит забывать и про противопоказания. Not
It is recommended to use the product for people with liver diseases,
stomach, digestive disorders, diabetes and obesity, and
as nursing women.

Effectiveness and weight loss result

With the help of diets with prunes can get rid of 2 to 4 kg
лишнего веса всего за 4 of the day Losing weight doesn’t help
only fat burning, but also not harmful to health. If you wish, you can
alternate the diets presented here to figure out which one
It suits you best.

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