Diets: sit or not sit – that’s whatquestion!

Чт, 08 дек 2016 Автор: Галина Правдина

I went on a diet for 14 days and lost only two weeks.
Toti Fields

The modern world makes quite stringent requirements for
what a successful woman should be. Good career, cozy
home, happy family. But the hallmark of success is
the woman herself, her face, figure, appearance in general. Looking at
written beauties with perfect figures on televisions and
magazine covers, a woman also wants to look attractive and
seductively. But how to do it? And here come to the rescue
numerous journals that they say are 100% effective
recipes for finding the perfect figure.

Any women’s magazine considers it obligatory for them to quote
Your pages for healthy diet and nutrition. There are even
specialized magazines with talking titles that are entirely
devoted to this topic: “Easily lose weight”, “Figurine”, “Lose weight!”,
�“Dietetics”, “Lose Weight Beautifully”, “Diets that Work”, “Lose Weight Without
diets “,” Lose weight correctly “… And the names of Internet resources,
dedicated to diets and weight loss in general can be listed very

It would seem, why so many magazines, sites and headings one by one
topic? Maybe they write the same thing? But when I began to study
the question directly about diets, it turned out that
ways to lose weight and diets are just a huge amount!

The biggest variety among fruit and vegetable diets:
cabbage and parsley, cucumber and beet, celery and
onion, vegetable and apple cider vinegar, banana and
watermelon, grape and pineapple, grapefruit and lemon, diet
with prunes and orange, strawberry and apple.

Milk and dairy diets are not so much: kefir,
milk and yoghurt. Krupyany diets: rice, buckwheat, oat,
bran diet. There are even sweet diets – honey and chocolate.
Diet under the degree – wine. Widely represented diet
national: Greek and Japanese, Chinese and Hollywood,
English and Italian, Brazilian and Indian, Canadian. Diets
in the author’s performance: Kim Protasov and Tatiana Tarasova, Larisa
Valley and Valerie, diet from Karl Lagerfeld and Dukan, from Demi Moore
and Jennifer Aniston. Special diets for brides and for pregnant women.
Another cheesy diet and a tea mushroom diet, the Kremlin and
insulin, protein, fast and urgent, three-week and monthly,
high-calorie and oxygen … And that’s not all. After such
impressive list recalls the anecdote: – You’re on what diet
sitting? – I immediately sit on 5 diets. — What for? —- I’m not on one
I fill up.

Jokes jokes, but once they write about diets, does it mean someone reads them?
Or not? Does demand create supply or supply generate demand?
How many women sit on popular diets? Do diets help?
anyone? Having interviewed women of different ages and professions, I
I tried to find out if they were dieting, reading magazines
and articles about nutrition for losing weight? Here are the answers I

Women go on a diet only in three cases: if they quit
husband, if they like a man, if today is monday. Catherine

Анна 28 лет, бухгалтер:На каких только диетах я
did not sit: and rice, and buckwheat, and the Kremlin, and fruit, and
fasting, and protein, and blood type and … Already I do not remember
even. Saw various pills, powders, etc. Dropped 5 kg, and
then scored more! Now I stick to only one diet:
I do not eat before bedtime, I try to refrain from sweet and flour. AND
I am observed at the endocrinologist. As for magazines, sometimes I read
These headings, but everywhere the same !!!

Татьяна 31 год, продавец:Лет 15 назад сидела на
diets. After 18.00 I did not eat, did exercises, and the result was
a great! And so all ate but for a little bit. How are women now
suffer on such hard diets, I could not. So charging,
first of all! In the morning and in the evening.

Аида 32 года, менеджер:Про диеты больше читала,
than adhered to. Usually no more than 2-3 days. Result immediately
заметен, но ненаlong. In the end, I am convinced fitness + cancel late
snacking = perfect for me. Diets я не очень люблю. And magazines and
headings read, like all girls, more at the level of intuition. Need to
don’t … it’s always interesting …

Татьяна 30 лет, финансистЯ стараюсь есть
less flour (although it is hard to give), a specific diet is not
stick to. I do exercises more often, I try to eat a little, but
more often. Previously, diets are not sitting. Under the headings of women’s magazines
I can occasionally read about diets, but I don’t stick – not interested
for me. I have my own approach. True, as long as the result of my
seats – less flour, more physical activity – no!

Мария 22 года, менеджер:Шесть лет назад сидела
on the most severe diet – just did not eat. She lost 20 kg, but
at the same time, internal organs began to refuse, and on the head they fell out
almost all hair. I was scared, and my parents were shocked. Has become
go to the doctors, actively treated. I have come back
reaction – incessant gluttony. Very quickly, I returned
discarded 20 kg. Smarter, she just began to slowly shed
using moderate nutrition, giving up flour and night snacks.
Well, of course, sport is still important. Now I am totally against
any diets! I think you just need to limit yourself in moderation,
Do not allow the stomach to burst from a large amount of food.

Зуля 39 лет, дизайнер:Считаю, что диеты
periodically needed, but they must be very seriously approached. Only
under the supervision of a nutritionist! What is suitable for my girlfriend, then for
i might be bad AND наоборот.

Светлана 27 лет, руководитель отдела:Diets,
definitely needed. Preferably in the form of fasting days 2-3
times a week. I do not read about dieting magazines, I do not see the need for

Анна 23 года, журналист:К диетам отношусь
positively. I have my own diet – this is not after 6 pm and
periodic refusal from flour for two weeks. But magazines and articles
I do not read about diets.

Гуля 33 года, домохозяйка:Diets не
stick, and never sat on it. ANDногда читаю в журналах
о diets. I try not to eat after 8 pm.

Ольга 37 лет, главный бухгалтер:Диет не
stick to. Instead, I prefer to drink herbal teas.

Katerina 29 years old, head of credit
To me повезло с фигурой, так что я никаких диет не
I observe and eat what I want! In reading about diets in magazines,
accordingly, do not need.

Ольга 23 года, офис-менеджер:Считаю, что все
good in moderation. And the best diet for me is a healthy diet.

Алена 23 года, бухгалтер:Я постоянно сижу на
diet, because it is predisposed to fullness. Arranging myself
fasting days, drinking herbal teas, I eat only low food
carbohydrate and fat content. I try to eat mostly cereals and
yogurt. Do not eat after 18-00. Well, sport, of course. Some kind of
I do not adhere to a specific diet, I myself make up the diet.
I do not read magazines and articles about diets, I already know everything without them.

Мария 28 лет, финансовый менеджер:Никаких диет
I do not observe and do not deny myself anything! I have everything in

Елена 28 лет, учитель:Накануне свадьбы я решила
lose some weight to be, as they say, in the best shape.
I chose the buckwheat diet, but only one was able to sit on it
day. And then I thought: before the wedding, a lot of excitement, that’s from them,
from excitement, and lose weight. So it happened.

Of course, to determine the full picture, you need to survey much
more women, but even the above answers can serve
indicator. ANDсходя из этого, получается, что многие женщины, даже
diets don’t read articles and magazines of this
directionality. Then who reads them? The question remains

As for my personal experience. I used to hear something edge
ear about some names of some diets, but specifically faced with
them only when writing this article. I admit, thoroughly
to study what a particular diet is, I don’t
I had the patience, I could only glance at least them

But I was not spared the desire to improve my figure.
Just shortly before writing the article, I, nevertheless, decided,
Finally, lose the extra 3-4 kg, which so ruined my life. To me
I didn’t need the help of any articles or diet magazines, I
acted on their own. Began to reduce gradually
portions of food and stopped eating before bed (the ideal option is not
after 18-00 I, unfortunately, fail). All this i started
do on a waning moon, say she is the most waning
the moon – it helps to decrease extra pounds. In one of
women’s magazines came across a set of exercises promising
with the regularity of training the perfect figure in a month. I have,
however, it’s not quite regular to study, but I’m growing old
even in the evening after the end of all cases. ANDтог — за 2-3 недели я
still dropped 4 kg! Now I think whether to lose weight further
or is it better to stop and just maintain the achieved form?

Trying to achieve the perfect figure with the help of diets
forget that the trouble spots go last
first disappear chest and face. It is necessary to closely monitor
by this. AND если нет желания лицом походить на Кощея Бессмертного (и по
mind and age), it is better to find the strength in yourself and stop at
stage when the exterior has not yet suffered. Most difficult to see
whether the person has become sick of diets or not, in this case it is better to ask
proven friends or relatives who are not shy
tell the whole truth about the face in the face.

Returning to the question of whether anyone reads articles on
diets. Most appropriate here, perhaps, to bring a line from the great
Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, slightly changing it,
according to our topic: “If they write about diets, then this means
somebody needs! ”

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