Диета при атопическом dermatitis

  • 1 What is atopic dermatitis?
    • 1.1 Symptoms and treatment
  • 2 Разновидности диет при атопическом dermatitis
  • 3 Basic principles of nutrition
    • 3.1 For kids
    • 3.2 For adults
    • 3.3 What can you eat and what can not?
  • 4 Sample menu for the week
    • 4.1 Recipes

In this article we will consider a unique disease –
atopic dermatitis and appropriate treatment of it with a diet.
The uniqueness and at the same time, the absurdity of the disease lies in the fact
that the appearance of his first symptoms directly depends not only on
food or stress tolerance of a person, but also from
state of the environment.

Who is most susceptible to the occurrence of atopic dermatitis and
how therapeutic diet will help get rid of it, read


What is atopic dermatitis?

Атопический дерматит — воспаление кожи,
appearing on the human body due to heredity, external
factors or malnutrition. Since this rash is red
colors, many confuse it with allergies and treat accordingly
in a way.

In order unknowingly not to aggravate the situation with medicaments
drugs, in the paragraph below, familiarize yourself with the symptoms
thanks to which you can easily distinguish dermatitis from
normal allergic reaction and in the shortest possible time to heal it with
using diet.

Symptoms and treatment

Наиболее характерные симптомы атопического
выражены следующим образом:

  • skin redness;
  • severe itching;
  • the appearance of small formations filled with pus or
  • dry, scaly skin;
  • tongue plaque;
  • breathing problems;
  • runny nose;
  • eye inflammation;
  • the presence of viral infections, accompanied by deterioration
  • difficulty in defecation.

Redness accompanied by severe itching most often.
appear in the forehead, neck, knees, feet and hands. Should
notice that the disease is most susceptible to aggravation in
the winter period, therefore, it is recommended to keep to the winter
strict diet.

Your emotions also tend to influence the development of the disease:
excessive psychological stress increases the appearance
atopic dermatitis at times. Therefore, try to avoid frequent
stressful situations, if there is a genetic predisposition to
dermatitis. Coming from из вышеуказанной информации, логично будет при
compliance with the diet to exclude from the diet foods that stimulate
nervous system.

If you find at least one of the above
sign, you should immediately take action. Main treatment
заключается в соблюдении диеты при атопическом dermatitis.

Разновидности диет при атопическом dermatitis

In addition to atopic dermatitis, the most common
perioral and seborrheic varieties. Let’s look at what are
the main symptoms of these diseases and what is the essence
special therapeutic diets to eliminate them.

Итак, начнем с периорального дерматита. it
the disease is a skin rash around the mouth area.
Since this kind of education on the face can not be hidden with
using clothes, this particular variety is considered the most

Диета при периоральном dermatitis подразумевает
is a cleansing of the intestines from harmful substances through the use of
plenty of drinking water per day, as well as products
приготовленных на a couple. Among the permissible: dairy products
(kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt), cereals (buckwheat, millet),
lean meats (chicken, rabbit, beef), fruit and
green vegetables (avocado, kiwi, apple, cucumber, pepper,
cabbage, zucchini, broccoli). Should refrain from alcohol,
carbonated and sugary drinks, eggs, citrus, sweet and salty

Себорейный дерматит появляется, в основном, в
the back of the head and behind the ears. The most obvious reason for this
is a hormonal failure and exposure of the body to frequent
stressful situations. Perhaps the most logical advice in this case.
– Do not worry about trifles.

Диета при себорейном dermatitis настоятельно
recommends that you give up carbohydrate-containing foods (cakes,
варенье, semolina каша, макаронные изделия, картофель), пищевых
additives, alcoholic beverages and fast food. Replace the above
for milk, herbal infusions, water, chicken and beef, vegetables
(zucchini, asparagus, sea kale, broccoli), fruits and berries
(apples, pears, currants, watermelon). Also, with a therapeutic diet
It will be appropriate to take a medical complex of vitamins.

The basic principles of nutrition

In order for a therapeutic diet to give results in the shortest
сроки, при атопическом dermatitis следует:

  • eat 4 to 6 times a day, in small portions;
  • eliminate from the diet of foods that contribute to the appearance
    allergic reactions (citrus, chocolate);
  • during the period of exacerbation of dermatitis, suspend the use
    drug-containing vitamin preparations;
  • also in the period of acute illness, refuse to use
    products that contain histamine (tomatoes,
    eggplants, cabbage, fish, sausages, bananas);
  • use low calorie foods;
  • daily drink from 2 to 2.5 liters of purified water without
  • dishes from the diet menu to cook exclusively at home,
    no added food additives (salt, sugar, ground pepper) and
  • cooked meals to eat in the form of heat;
  • carefully protect the skin from chemical and mechanical
  • eliminate from the diet foods that affect the nervous system
    (semi-finished products, pastries, fast food).

Besides strict adherence to the above rules,
include in the diet of the following diet

  • Omega 3 – flaxseed, vegetable oil, fish oil;
  • lacto and bifidobacteria – yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • B vitamins – buckwheat, corn, beans, asparagus;
  • folic acid – carrot, bran, pumpkin;
  • vitamin E – rye bread, spinach, butter ;;
  • zinc – apples, rice, oatmeal.

For kids

The most effective in atopic dermatitis in children is considered
treatment of Dr. E. O. Komarovsky. Eugene
в этот период всем родителям
рекомендует следующие действия:

  • when dieting, eliminate all foods from the diet,
    containing at least the slightest amount of harmful substances because
    they enter the blood from the intestines and only aggravate the situation;
  • Try to keep the temperature in the house so that the child can
    can sweat less;
  • exclude from its menu all sorts of products that provoke
    allergic reactions (chocolate, citrus, nuts) and spare
    baby from contact with pets (cats, dogs) whose
    wool also contains allergens.

Also according to the method of Dr. Komarovsky, it is very important that
child did not occur constipation. At the first symptom, let’s
his lungs laxatives (lactulose syrup,
dufolak), and also urgently “transfer” it to a special
therapeutic diet.

При возникновении дерматита у грудничка,
A nursing mother should follow a diet herself, eliminating from her
fatty dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese), fat,
butter and fatty broths.

In order to avoid or reduce the development of this
, доктор считает, что лучше недокормить свое
child than to feed. He explains this by saying that it’s not at all
quality of products, and in their quantity. Also Komarovsky
suggests that the occurrence of atopic dermatitis in a child
arises from an overabundance in the protein menu. Therefore, avoid their presence.
in infant formulas and other foods when dieting to the full
recovery of the baby.

Для того, чтобы ваш ребенок меньше потел,
thus aggravating their illness in the form of a rash on the body,
so that the room temperature does not exceed +20 degrees

Дабы устранить наличие хлора в воде, не менее
dangerous in this disease, use a filter, or bring
before boiling the water, wait until it cools to the one you need
temperature before bathing baby.

Одежда ребенка должна быть из натурального льна
or cotton. Also, to atopic dermatitis in the shortest possible time
got away, preferably crushed calcium gluconate tablets and
add them to dairy dishes contained in the children’s menu.

For adults

Не меньше чем у детей, симптомы атопического
наблюдаются и у взрослых.
Дабы устранить их в кратчайшие сроки, специалисты

  • in combination with a diet, take anti-allergic drugs
    (Suprastin, Tsetrin, Claretin);
  • clean the gastrointestinal tract using such
    detoxification drugs like “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel” and
    of course, activated carbon;
  • get rid of all sorts of sources of allergens: contact with
    pets that have wool, eating chocolate and
    citrus fruit

As adults are subject to frequent stressful situations,
due to the numerous load of problems accumulated over all
life besides diet to eliminate atopic
дерматита, эксперты советуют принимать легкие виды
успокоительных средств
: “Глицин”, “Валерьянка”,
“Novopassit”. Also do not forget the tincture of motherwort and
hawthorn that help calm a person in the shortest
timing, thereby contributing to the improvement of the work of the heart.

Also if you have dermatitis, try as often as possible.
use moisturizers for the skin. Avoid sweating and
sudden changes in temperature. When dieting, try not to
eat neither too cold nor too hot.

In addition to all the above tips and advice about
how to get rid of atopic dermatitis as soon as possible
взрослым и детям, в обязательном порядке необходимо
stick to a therapeutic diet.
What can and can not
eat with this kind of diet, we will tell in the following paragraph.

What can you eat and what can not?

Atopic diet list
включает в себя:

  • dairy products: kefir, yogurt, cheese;
  • pork, beef, rabbit, turkey;
  • cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • greenery;
  • peas, beans;
  • apples, pears, plums;
  • currants, gooseberries, cherries;
  • refined, vegetable and butter;
  • wheat and grain bread;
  • cornflakes.

При соблюдении лечебной диеты, в умеренном виде можно
eat the following foods:

  • semolina croup;
  • pasta;
  • bread;
  • milk, sour cream, cottage cheese;
  • lamb, chicken;
  • carrot, beet;
  • onion garlic;
  • cherry, cranberry, blackberry;
  • bananas;
  • butter.

Diet for atopic dermatitis categorically
использование в меню таких продуктов
power supply:

  • spicy, salty, smoked, fried and fatty dishes;
  • broths;
  • sausages, sausages, sausage;
  • eggs;
  • fish, caviar, seafood;
  • processed cheese;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • ice cream;
  • radish, sorrel, spinach, tomatoes, peppers;
  • sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers;
  • strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, apricots, peaches, grapes, kiwi,
    pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • margarine;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • honey, marshmallows, caramel, confectionery.

Sample menu for the week

A therapeutic diet for atopic dermatitis involves nutrition.
in small portions, including low-calorie foods. Coming from
from the above list of permissible food items
приблизительное меню диеты на неделю.

In order not to distract you from more important matters,
We present you our version of the diet menu for the next seven days, with
to eliminate atopic dermatitis:


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, warm unsweetened tea;
  • Lunch: boiled rice – 150 g and 250 g of baked chicken
  • Dinner: low-fat beef patties cooked on
    a couple.


  • cottage cheese with dried fruits – 250g and a cup of green tea;
  • meatballs and apple compote;
  • braised cabbage – 250 g and broth hips.


  • oatmeal, hot drink and slice of cheese;
  • vegetarian vermicelli soup, dried fruit compote;
  • мясные котлеты, приготовленные на a couple.


  • vegetable salad with carrots and cabbage, herbal infusion;
  • mashed potatoes with low-fat fish cutlets, a glass of warm
  • 200 g of boiled rice and cottage cheese with raisins.


  • тост с сыром и стакан milk;
  • fruit salad, seasoned with defatted natural
  • stewed zucchini and a glass of kefir.


  • rice porridge with milk and jam;
  • cottage cheese casserole with apples and raisins, black tea;
  • rabbit stew – 200 g and broth hips.


  • mashed potatoes and chicken meatballs cooked on
    a couple;
  • baked turkey with cabbage and zucchini – 300 g;
  • apple salad, pears and banana drink apple compote.


Consider the most delicious and useful recipes for treatment.
atopic dermatitis in adults and children. Let’s start with the most
сытного блюда для завтрака при соблюдении

Beef Stew Cutlets

Beef Stew Cutlets

Ингредиенты: 400 г нежирного говяжьего мяса,
one egg yolk, onions, two carrots (raw and boiled), 5-6
potato, a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, a pinch of salt.

  • beef meat mince;
  • chop the onions and boiled carrots;
  • add the above ingredients to the ground beef along with
    sour cream and egg yolk;
  • add salt and mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • then put in the fridge for 30 minutes;
  • after a specified time, pull the mince out of the fridge and
    make burgers out of it;
  • peel and slice raw carrots and potatoes;
  • put chopped vegetables in the pan;
  • then put the burgers on top and steam for 25

На обед при лечебной диете для устранения
dermatitis can afford vitamins-rich sweets:

Dessert mango and banana for diet

Десерт из манго и банана

Ингредиенты: манго, банан, щепотка мяты.

  • peel a banana and cut into slices;
  • then peel the mango and remove the flesh from it;
  • put fruit in the freezer for 2-3 hours;
  • then grind them in a blender and pour into dessert

На ужин диеты при атопическом dermatitis
can afford a hearty meal:

Lavash roll with cottage cheese

Lavash roll with cottage cheese

Ингредиенты: 250 г обезжиренного творога, 250 г
celery root, a handful of parsley, 50 g leaf lettuce, two
pita bread

  • chop the herbs and mix until smooth with
    cottage cheese;
  • unfold the pita breads and smear them with the obtained curd
  • then roll them into rolls.

All the above diet recipes are most suitable for
eliminate atopic dermatitis by consuming delicious

Лечебная диета при dermatitis требует четкого соблюдения всех
rules and unprecedented endurance to hold on and not comb
first appeared reddening.

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