Diet Table 5a – recipes and menus for the week

  • 1 For what diseases is prescribed a therapeutic Diet Table 5a
    • 1.1 Diet 5a after removal of the gallbladder
    • 1.2 Menu for cholecystitis
    • 1.3 Food for pancreatitis
  • 2 Diet Mode Table 5a – Weekly Menu
    • 2.1 What is possible and what is not?
    • 2.2 Menu for the week
    • 2.3 Recipes for baby

Стол 5а — лечебная диета, которая назначается в период
обострения заболеваний желчевыводящих путей и печени
occasionally associated with other diseases of the digestive system.
Diet 5a is prescribed to facilitate the work of the affected gall.
bladder, pancreas, or liver.

The menu provided by the dietary table mode 5a, saves
liver, organs of bile excretion, stomach, pancreas,
intestine and duodenum from the effects of multiple
stimuli provoking fermentation, rotting, increasing secretion
bile, gastric juice and damageable elements
the liver.

Строгое соблюдение лечебной Diets Стол 5а снизит нагрузку на
affected organs and will speed up the patient’s healing process.

В меню Diets 5а входят продукты, обеспечивающие нормальный
daily level of energy value. In comparison with
rational diet, Table 5a reduces the amount of
consumed animal fats. Daily level of KBSTU eaten
должен составлять 2300-2700 Ккал, из которых
proteins should be 80-100g; fat – 70-80g; carbohydrates – 350-400g.
Menu Table 5a allows for sugar intake. Daily rate for this
therapeutic diet – 85g. Salt intake with lesions
biliary tract, liver and pancreas limited
up to 8g per day. Пить жидкость при режиме Стола 5а можно часто и
many – up to 2.5 liters per day. Меню лечебного питания Diets Стол 5а
built on fractional meals up to seven times a day.

Food at dietary table 5a is served in a shabby or
ground form. In diseases of the liver, pancreas and
желчного пузыря из рациона пациента исключается пища в
fried foods, fatty foods, large amounts of salt, foods,
содержащие щавелевую кислоту и холестерин
. Temperature
meals at Diet 5a should be medium – between + 15 ° C and + 45 ° C.


What diseases are prescribed therapeutic Diet Table 5a

Medical diet Table 5a – quite a strict diet,
recommended by doctors for the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic hepatitis;
  • exacerbation of gallstone disease;
  • removal of the gallbladder.

Diet 5a after removal of the gallbladder

Treatment Table 5a regimen prescribed in the treatment of exacerbations
заболеваний печени и желчевыводящих путей, но его назначают
также после лапароскопической холецистэктомии
— то есть
surgery to remove the gallbladder. General course of therapeutic diet
after cholecystectomy can last from two months to six months, in
depending on the complications caused by cholelithiasis or
cholecystitis, which led to the removal of the bladder. Diet Table 5a
helps the body to adapt to changes in work
digestive system without gallbladder.

What kind of food after removal of the gallbladder provides
Diet 5a? First of all – fractional. Режим питания «мало, но
» поможет организму чаще выводить желчь естественным
way, avoiding stagnation, and daily meals at one and the same
At the same time, the regularity of its allocation will be adjusted. It is important to know:
stagnation of bile in the biliary tract will lead to the formation of
й. Второе важное правило Стола 5а — пить
много жидкости
. Doctors recommend taking mineral
water without gas. And not the least important rule of the diet after
gallbladder removal – exclude from the wellness menu
patient all fried foods, whole foods, spicy, salty and
sour snacks.

In the first days after surgery to remove the gallbladder better
just exclude all solid food from the menu, drink weak tea and
diluted juices with water to help avoid constipation. After
cholecystectomy, the crushed
boiled vegetables, yogurt, dogrose broth.

Через неделю после удаления желчного пузыря Diet Table 5a
allows you to start to replenish the food low-fat soups and pureed
meat, fish and vegetable products only in warm
the form.

One month after cholecystectomy in the patient menu, you can
add more bile-thinning protein foods: whole
baked vegetables and fruits, curd casseroles or soufflé, low-fat
meat and fish, crustaceans, fresh greens.

Menu for cholecystitis

Diet Table 5a при холецистите — то есть воспалении
желчного пузыря
— серьезная мера лечения, которую нельзя
ignore, because the quality of food directly affects the work
affected organ. The inflammatory process will be easier to eliminate.
if you reduce the load on the gallbladder.

During an exacerbation, it is recommended to exclude from the menu a solid
food, and start a diet with drinking days: tea alternates with mineral
water, broth hips, diluted juices. Then gradually into
fractional menu are added products from the medical diet. Table 5a:
mucous soups and porridges, while only in the shabby и теплом the form. By
as the patient relaxes, they are allowed to enter
boiled or steam dietary meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese.

Pancreatitis Nutrition

Another disease in which the “lifeline”
is a therapeutic Diet 5a, is pancreatitis –
воспаление поджелудочной железы. Here is the food
plays an important role in relieving severe pain and shaving
affected organ for speedy recovery. As in
previous cases, with exacerbation of pancreatitis is recommended for
a few days exclude from the menu all the food, leaving only the
neutral in taste and load drinks. After 2-4 days of drinking
Regimen, the doctor will recommend to go to the diet menu of Table 5a.

Diet Mode Table 5a – Weekly Menu

Medical diet Table 5a, as well as other health tables by
Pevzner has its limitations and absolute prohibitions. Patients with
diagnoses cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and gallstone disease
will have to forget about the fatty wiry meat, hot and cold dishes,
too salty and sweet food, spices, canned food, raw fruit
and vegetables. The menu of dishes for Diet 5a at first will consist of
mucous porridges and decoctions with chopped cereals and vegetables, later
Doctors recommend injecting dietary stuffing, sweet fruits in
готовом the form.

What is possible and what is not?

What can and can not eat with Diet 5a? Medical Menu Table
5а может включать пшеничный хлеб, но он должен быть
Yesterday or dry. All other flour products completely
excluded from the patient’s diet.

On the first dish Table 5a doctors advise to cook
пюрированные и слизистые супы.
It is allowed to cook them in milk and water, on divorced 1: 1

При этой диете уместны рецепты каш из рисовой, манной,
buckwheat, millet groats, grated rolled oats, small vermicelli,
Bulgur, couscous. It is unacceptable at the medical Table 5a to cook porridge from
legumes, lentils, pearl barley, corn and barley cereals.

Table 5a allows small quantities to be used in dishes
milk, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, light cheese, butter.
Excluded fatty, salty and spicy, causing fermentation
молочные продукты.

Овощные блюда при лечебной диете состоят из вареного
potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, cauliflower and Peking cabbage,
beets. Exclude from the therapeutic menu eggplants, rhubarb, sorrel,
radish, spinach, radish, mushrooms, onions, garlic, bell pepper,

Рецепты мясных блюд при Диете 5а должны
включать приготовленных на пару и воде
turkey, rabbit, veal, beef. All this is served in
minced form, permissible preparation of souffle or mashed potatoes.
Other types of meat processed by aggressive cooking methods
not allowed when compiling the menu of Table 5a during treatment
cholecystitis hepatitis, pancreatitis and gallstone disease.

Рыба нежирных сортов в период соблюдения Diets 5а
cooked and baked. It is worth choosing from cod, catfish, pike perch,
whiting, hake, pollock, pike, carp. Canned food, caviar, sushi, crab
Sticks, smoked and salted types of fish – all this with Diet Table 5a

Фруктовое меню пациента включает яблоки в
печеном и тертом виде
, груши, сладкие ягодные джемы и
jam, rarely allowed to add a little banana to the dishes,
melon, watermelon.

Из яиц в период заболеваний печени и желчевыводящих
ways you can cook only steam omelets, and add them fresh in
the dishes.

Напитки при лечебном Столе 5а ограничиваются травяными,
black and green teas, rosehip and chamomile decoctions, jelly and
sweet fruit drinks, juices mixed with water, mineral waters
without gas.

Menu for the week

To facilitate the recovery period after a serious illness.
liver, pancreas and gall bladder, care must be taken
that the patient’s food is as healthy and tasty as
This allows strict medical treatment. Daily recipes
weeks at a diet table 5a should contain all the necessary
components for the speedy regeneration of affected tissues.

Sample menu for a week at Diet Table 5a can
look like this:


  •  semolina, mineral water;
  • baked apple;
  • mucous broth on millet porridge with small vegetables;
  • white crackers with non-sour dried fruit jelly;
  • mashed potatoes with steam fish dumplings.


  • steam omelet from two proteins, chamomile decoction;
  • apple-banana puree;
  • vegetarian decoction with rice;
  • salad of grated carrots and beets;
  • steamed meat pudding, buckwheat.


  • grated oat-flakes with sweet berries, green tea;
  • carrot puree with honey;
  • cream soup of cauliflower, potato and chicken fillet;
  • dry biscuits, berry juice;
  • rice patties with ground beef, baked zucchini.


  • rice porridge on the water, mixed with milk, sweet jam, black
  • steamed omelette with chicken breast;
  • cod ear with vegetables mixed with water;
  • white croutons, jelly from seasonal fruits;
  • cottage cheese soufflé, vermicelli on water, stewed with vegetables
    minced meat


  • buckwheat porridge with butter, dogrose infusion.
  • cottage cheese casserole with apples;
  • pumpkin soup;
  • shredded salad of sweet fresh apples and fruits;
  • mashed potatoes, a piece of boiled fish, carrot and beetroot


  • dietary cottage cheese with honey and strawberries, chamomile decoction;
  • potato-egg salad;
  • diluted chicken broth with meatballs;
  • yesterday’s bread, squash caviar, jelly;
  • rice, turkey steam dumplings, beetroot and carrot salad;


  • sweet pumpkin soup with semolina, rosehip infusion;
  • milk noodles, cottage cheese pudding, green tea;
  • vegetable soup on rice broth;
  • pear jelly, dry biscuits .;
  • steamed meatloaf, baked potatoes with carrots and colored

Recipes for baby

Pevzner Diet Table 5a is not only prescribed for adults during
обострений заболеваний печени и желчного пузыря, но и детям
от трех лет
. This strict dietary table is recommended.
for small patients for a short time as a depletion regimen
affected digestive organs, after which the doctor will transfer the child
on more high-grade medical table.

Menu for children with diet Table 5a contains the same prohibitions and
advice as for adults, so parents who want to help
to get better, the child will have to learn how to refuse
sweets, snacks, pizza, burgers, fried fries, and other
dishes that are so popular with many young people. To
to brighten up the recovery period, these recipes are needed for
baby at Diet 5a.

Recipes for baby при диете 5А:

Cottage cheese souffle with apples

Cottage cheese souffle with apples


  • Cottage cheese – 600g;
  • Semolina – 100g;
  • Apples – 600g;
  • Egg – 4 pcs;
  • Butter – 60g;
  • Sugar – 120g;
  • Vanillin – to taste.

Приготовление: Яблоки и творог натереть.
Melt the butter, beat with the yolks, sugar and vanilla, add to
apples. Squirrel whip until foam, pour into the curd mass, mix.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Lubricate baking pan
infuse the future soufflé. Send bake for 30 minutes.

This recipe is a sweet dish for children in the diet table 5a fit
like a breakfast for a person with gall bladder damage,
pancreas or liver, and for snacking the whole family.

Pumpkin Chicken Cream Soup

Pumpkin Chicken Cream Soup


  • Pumpkin – 800 g;
  • Chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • Potatoes – 400 g;
  • Carrots – 150 g;
  • Chicken broth – 0.5 liters;
  • Water – 0.5 liters;
  • Butter – 30g;
  • Unsalted cheese – 50 g;
  • Salt, pepper – to taste.

Приготовление: Курицу отварить до готовности.
Peel vegetables, chop finely. Warm in a saucepan with a thick bottom
oil, put carrots, leave to stew for 3 minutes, pour
broth from the breast and water. Potatoes are sent to the pan and
pumpkin, cook until done. Grind chicken fillet separately with
add a little broth, put it in a saucepan, and
grind the contents of the pan to a state of mashed potatoes. Finely grate
cheese, add to dish.

The first dishes in the menu Diet 5a – the main part of clinical nutrition
in diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas,
therefore, it is easy to diversify the patient’s lunch meals

Turkey Steam Pudding

Turkey Steam Pudding


  • Turkey fillet – 300g;
  • Semolina – 30 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc .;
  • Butter – 40g;
  • Water – ½ tbsp.

Приготовление: Филе отварить, пропустить дважды
through the meat grinder. Beat the egg, pour the semolina into it. Mix
ingredients, mix, put in a greased form, send
steamed or in a slow cooker.

Meat pudding is a good alternative to fatty meatballs or
kebabs with strict dietary regime Table 5a.

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