�”Diet Pagano” for psoriasis – a menu for eachday

  • 1 What is a Pagano Diet?
    • 1.1 Меню на неделю
    • 1.2 List of permitted products
    • 1.3 Recipes

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease,
which causes significant physical and emotional
inconvenience. Universal cure for this problem is not

But an American doctor, John Pagano, has developed his own way to
long-term remission of psoriasis without the use of drugs. Doctor
defended the importance of a systems approach in the diet and the impact
psychological factors for success.


What is the “Diet Pagano”?

�“Pagano diet” for psoriasis is aimed at treating a person by
полного пересмотра системы питания, за счет чего,
the body leaves toxins, the skin is cleansed. The doctor claimed that in
most of the diseases of modern man are to blame

Начало диеты при псориазе представляет собой
полную разгрузку на фруктах. 5 days if a person
selects mono-fruit food, 3 – if apples or citrus. By
According to the doctor, such natural sorbents will have a qualitative effect on
the state of internal organs, especially the digestive tract. Pagano offers
combine fruit days with colon therapy for greater effect.

Второй этап, он же основной — это диета с высоким
содержанием щелочеобразующих продуктов:
воды, фруктов,
vegetables and natural fresh juices. Provides for a reduction
consumption of preservatives, sweet and artificial food.

The Pagano diet for psoriasis is incompatible with hormonal
drugs and bad habits!

Частью лечения при псориазе также является специальный
комплекс упражнений
, направленный на улучшение состояния
back and spine: Pagano was confident that psoriasis and others
skin diseases are directly related to the sedentary lifestyle
and restoring normal blood flow helps achieve

Не последнюю роль в диете играют бани, сауны, горячие
. Herbal teas and specials are welcome.

И последним пунктом является психоэмоциональное
: американский врач верил, что именно от настроя
the success of his treatment for psoriasis depends on the patient; therefore, on his
recommended diet to avoid stress and conflict.

Меню на неделю

The diet, according to the doctor’s diet, does not imply
specific diet, but provides for certain rules.
Many are baffled by the abundance of dishes, which includes a diet
Pagano with psoriasis.

Diet Pganano for psoriasis – weekly menu (breakfast,
lunch, dinner):

Первый day

  1. oatmeal on milk with 1 tsp. honey or without and several
    dried fruit to choose from.
  2. squash soup with broccoli and chicken, sprouts salad
    beans with carrots and whole grain bread.
  3. Baked salmon with asparagus and Romano salad, pineapple
    sherbet for dessert.

Второй day

  1. brown rice with honey, a few nuts, blueberries.
  2. spaghetti with greens and zucchini.
  3. lamb stew with cauliflower and garlic.

Третий day

  1. 2 boiled eggs, whole grain bread with a thin layer
    butter, blueberries.
  2. vegetable mix based soup with ginger and couscous
  3. chicken with vegetables and spinach baked in the oven.

Четвертый day

  1. pumpkin muffins and flakes with baked apple.
  2. leek cream soup, broccoli with garlic.
  3. red cabbage salad with apples and peas and
    Steamed chicken breast.

Пятый day

  1. oatmeal with almonds, fruit to choose from.
  2. vegetable salad with lemon dressing and tuna slices.
  3. pikeperch with spinach and pumpkin cream soup, a few crackers without

Шестой day

  1. brown rice with honey, a few nuts, blueberries.
  2. vegetable mix based soup with ginger and couscous
  3. Baked Hake with Asparagus and Romano Salad, Peach Sherbet
    for dessert.

Седьмой day

  1.  boiled soft-boiled egg, whole grain bread with thin
    слоем butter, blueberries.
  2. lamb stew with cauliflower and garlic.
  3. leek cream soup, legume sprout salad with carrots
    and whole grain bread.

It is allowed to have a snack several times throughout the day.
Preferably, fresh vegetables, fruits or juice (natural).
Each meal can and should be accompanied by herbal tea.

List of allowed products

Many are deterred by the prohibitions that the “Diet
Pagano, however, the list of approved products is quite large.

Give your preference is:

  • high quality fresh vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereals;
  • almond;
  • lean meat of animals;
  • fish dishes;
  • fermented milk products of natural origin;
  • whole grain crackers and bread;
  • bran;
  • porridge on the water.

In psoriasis, cabbage, beetroot and
. Among the fruits are considered the most useful
plum culture.

But even within the limits of permitted products should be
осторожным: «Диета Пегано» при псориазе предполагает
дробное питание
. So, simultaneous
eating dairy products and citrus, meat and food,
containing starch.


A feature of this power system is a large number
dishes that are allowed by this system of weight loss. That is why
рецепты при псориазе по диете «Пегано» such

Fresh vegetable salad with a drop of olive

Салат из свежих овощей


  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • Bell pepper;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • spoon of olive oil;
  • salt.

All ingredients must be thoroughly washed and cut into any
convenient way for you. Salad leaves are best to tear hands.
All mix, salt and season with olive oil.

Mutton Stew with Garlic

Mutton Stew with Garlic


  • 250 g of lamb;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 celery tuber;
  • 50 g of champignons;
  • 2 heads of red onions;
  • two bay leaves;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Boil carrots, mushrooms, celery root. Low fat lamb
cut into small pieces and simmer about 1.5 without oil
hours in a pan with red onions and spices to taste:
thyme, bay leaf, garlic, etc. At the very end add
pre-boiled vegetables so that they get fed up
the sauce.

Spinach Fish

Spinach Fish


  • 200 g of trout;
  • 100 g of spinach;
  • 20 g white wine;
  • Red onion;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • thyme, salt and other spices to taste.

Fry fish fillets in the pan without oil for 5 minutes each
parties. Put the trout on a plate. in the same pan throw
washed spinach and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. Byсле добавить
thyme, white wine, finely chopped red onion and parsley. TO
fish fillet is added to sauce and boiled on low heat about 15

TOрем-суп из лука порея

TOрем-суп из лука порея


  • celery root – 1 medium tuber;
  • 1 leek;
  • bunch of green onions;
  • bunch of greens (parsley, dill);
  • 100 g of spinach;
  • 1 onion;
  • a glass of milk.

Boiled in water: celery, leek, greens, green onions, spinach and
onion. Add a small amount of milk and grind.
soup with a blender until smooth. Can be served with
whole grain crackers.

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