Diet onion soup – menus and recipes

  • 1 How to lose weight with an onion diet?
    • 1.1 Efficiency
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
  • 2 Recipes

Any diet is increased stress for the body. therefore
It should be selected with a special gentle diet, so as not to
harm the digestive system.

Diet onion soup from French nutritionists
– best suited for people who have difficulty tolerating the process
fasting, because the soup is a healthy, safe and tasty dish.

You can use it without limiting the amount. Only a week without
effort really lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. Diet is contraindicated
in diseases of the genitourinary system, kidney, peptic ulcer
intestine, stomach.


How to lose weight with an onion diet?

Луковый суп для похудения является низкокалорийным
. For its preparation does not require special
culinary skill and tough menu.

Диетическое питание рассчитано на неделю.
Худеющему нужно употреблять суп 4 и боле раз в день. But the dish
it is advisable to cook every day fresh.

During weight loss, the following are prohibited:

  • bread;
  • sugar;
  • alcohol;
  • sparkling water;
  • fried, smoked, fatty foods.


Efficiency лукового супа для похудения крайне велика, так как
nutritionists believe that he has a negative calorie. Other
In other words, the body spends more calories on recycling than

Диета на луковом супе принесет организму
invaluable benefit. When using a diet onion first course,
the body is limited in the amount of fat
, что, несомненно, приводит к улучшению общего
пищеварения, ускорению метаболизма и нормализации
the work of each body. Greens, which is part of the dish,
helps break down fat naturally.

Основной компонент блюда – лук, который
possesses fat burning property. Он также выводит лишний
, снижает в крови сахар и активизирует обмен

Onions are rich in minerals (basic: magnesium, phosphorus,
potassium, calcium) and vitamins, and also has flavonoids,
organic acids, glycosides.

With this type of food the body is cleansed of slags and
, лишних жировых отложений, насытится витаминами,
water balance will be restored. The results of the diet will be visible in just
week of a similar diet.

Menu for the week

Диета на луковом супе для похудения на неделю
— это 4-х разовое питание: завтрак, перекус, обед и ужин. Everything
drinks consumed without sugar.

Классическое меню:

Первый день

  1. a plate of onion first, a cup of coffee.
  2.  2 oranges or any fresh fruit up to 0.5 kg (except
    banana, grapes).
  3. a plate of the first, a cup of green tea.
  4. фруктовое ассорти до 0,5 кг (кроме banana, grapes).

Second day

  1.  a dish plate, a cup of green tea or coffee.
  2. salad of carrots, cabbage, seasoned with olive or
    vegetable oil.
  3. a plate of onion first, boiled, baked or raw salad
    vegetables (except peas, potatoes, beans, corn).
  4. liquid first.

Третий день

  1. a plate of the first, a cup of coffee.
  2.  assorted fruit up to 0.5 kg (except banana,
  3. a plate of the first, 1 baked apple.
  4. a bowl of soup.

Четвертый день

  1. a bowl of soup, 1 cup of skimmed milk.
  2.  salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable,
    olive oil.
  3.  a plate of the first.
  4. исключительно a plate of the first.

Пятый день

  1. a plate of onion dishes, boiled chicken (200 gr.), green
  2.  2 tomatoes.
  3. First, steam fish (500 gr.).
  4. standard first, boiled chicken (100 gr.).

Шестой день

  1.  a plate of onion soup, tea or coffee.
  2.  cabbage, cucumber and pepper salad (400 gr.)
  3. the first is boiled chicken or beef (300 gr.).
  4. standard first tomato salad, lettuce leaves.

Seventh day

  1. standard onion soup, a cup of coffee or tea.
  2. a glass of fruit juice without sugar.
  3. a plate of the first, rice cooked brown (120 gr.).
  4. standard first, a glass of fruit juice.

Small recommendations:

  • The main fat burning dish can be eaten hot and
    cold form.
  • Unlimited you can drink tea, coffee, water, without sugar.
  • Dinner should finish before 6 pm.
  • During the day, a liquid diet should be up to 2 liters.

Диетную неделю можно повторить через 3 дня.
After the diet, should be in the normal menu to enter dairy
low-fat products, so as not to dial back sharply discarded
kilograms, as much as possible to fix the result.


Recipes лукового супа для похудения практически все имеют
the same component component.

The easiest recipe for the first dish

Классический луковый суп

Для приготовления потребуется:

  • bulb (medium) – 6 pcs.,
  • cabbage – ½-1 head,
  • carrots – 1 pc.,
  • green pepper – 2 pcs.,
  • tomato – 2 pcs.,
  • Dill and parsley.

Vegetables must be chopped into pieces, pour water
(maybe low-fat broth), salt and boil for about 10 minutes
on high heat, after the fire reduce and cook the vegetables up to
readiness At the end of cooking add the greens. Dish can be
cook with cubes of vegetable broth, spicy sauce, ginger,
garlic, cumin.

Classic French

Classic French луковый суп


  • 6 onions,
  • meat bouillon,
  • 2 celery stalks,
  • dill,
  • 50 grams of cheese
  • salt pepper to taste.


Bake onion rings in the oven until golden brown. AT
pan with broth add ready baked ringlets and finely
chopped celery stalk. ATарить 20 минут, после добавить
grated cheese. The dish is ready. When serving sprinkle with dill.

American onion soup for weight loss

Американский луковый суп

Мелко нарезать 6 луковиц, 3 стебля сельдерея, 200 г
white cabbage. Put everything in a large saucepan and pour
water so that it covers a little of all the products. ATарить 20
minutes, salt and pepper. 

Celery Cooking Recipe

Луковый суп с сельдереем


  • onions – 6 pcs.,
  • celery (root) – 100 gr.,
  • Tomato – 1 pc.,
  • Bulgarian pepper – 1 pc.,
  • 1 carrot,
  • coriander, ginger, turmeric (to taste).

Finely chop all the vegetables and cook until ready, approximately
20 minutes. AT онце добавить все любимые вами приправы. 

Cooking recipe with red onions

Луковый суп с красным луком
  • красный лук — 6 шт.,
  • cabbage – 250 gr.,
  • Tomato – 6 pcs.,
  • carrots – 2 pcs.,
  • beets – 1 pc.,
  • Bulgarian pepper (red) – 1 pc.

Finely chop all vegetables cook until ready 15-20 minutes on
small fire. AT уже готовый суп рекомендуется добавить 1 свежий
finely chopped tomato and onion floor. It will give the dish
piquancy. When serving, add a little lemon to the table.

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