Diet of Sergei Agapkin for weight loss

  • 1 Rules of diet Agapkin Sergey
    • 1.1 Principles of nutrition
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
    • 1.3 Efficiency
    • 1.4 Energy Diet

Sergey Agapkin – famous TV presenter, doctor specializing
on physical therapy, candidate of psychological sciences. By their
publications and recommendations on the topic of health Sergey Nikolaevich
makes a huge contribution to the development of medicine. In order to help people
suffering from overweight, the doctor has developed his own system of weight loss.
The diet of Sergei Agapkin is far from being a discovery in dietetics. The doctor has collected
together known to all recommendations on nutrition for weight loss, and
also highlighted the importance of regular physical exertion.


Rules of the diet Agapkin Sergey

The diet of Dr. Sergey Agapkin suggests a set of rules
mandatory in order to effectively

  • A positive attitude is needed. Before you start losing weight,
    Agapkin’s recommendations, you need to clean up your own thoughts,
    identify a clear motivation that will stimulate
    getting rid of extra pounds;
  • Meals should be balanced. For normal
    vital activity a person needs to eat proteins in the diet,
    fats and carbohydrates. In this regard, the doctor does not welcome mono diet. AT
    slimming menu should be dominated by products containing proteins,
    complex carbohydrates, fiber.
  • AT основе диеты Сергея Агапкина лежит правильная организация
    power supply. �”The body is the engine that constantly needs
    fuel, ”says the doctor. Eat often, at least 5-6 times
    per day, but in small portions. This principle will allow you to feel
    satiety, but do not overeat, do not experience drowsiness, as well as heaviness
    in the stomach.
  • The day regimen must be respected. For a full life
    man needs daily rest in the form of a 7-hour uninterrupted
    sleep. It is at night that the production of growth hormone occurs, called
    accelerate the growth of muscle tissue and destroy fat cells. Sounds
    Paradoxically, in a dream a person loses weight.
  • Последний прием пищи должен быть минимум за 4 часа до sleep.
  • You should accustom yourself to healthy habits. TO
    This may include: the replacement of the trip 3-4 stops on the bus
    walking, refusal to use the elevator.
  • According to Agapkin, physical activity is vital.
    It can be both morning exercises and exercises in
    fitness center, swimming, yoga, pilates. Must have at least 2
    hours per week to give intense physical exertion. Daily
    it’s worth doing exercises or taking long walks

Compliance with all of the above principles of diet will provide
gradual, proper weight loss. According to Sergey Agapkin,
The most optimal is a weight loss of 5-15 kg per month, in
depending on the initial weight. Drastic weight loss leads to
violation of the body’s customary supply mechanisms
livelihoods and entails the development of certain

Principles of nutrition

Basic dietary guidelines

  • Fractional diet. It is necessary to distribute all your daily
    diet for 4-5 meals. It is advisable to eat the same
  • The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before
  • AT меню должны преобладать белковые продукты (постное мясо,
    chicken, turkey, fish), complex carbohydrates (not starchy vegetables and
    not sweet fruits), fiber (legumes, cereals, cereals).
  • Daily следует употреблять кисломолочные продукты (кефир,
    yogurt, ryazhenka) to normalize the activity of the intestine.
  • Mandatory use of wheat bran. Norm 30
    gr per day. 
    Bran contain large amounts of
    Fiber, which perfectly breaks down fat deposits.
    It is not desirable to increase the consumption rate of bran, as this
    is fraught with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, such
    like bloating and diarrhea.

Important for weight loss, according to Agapkin, is
daily physical activity. Load should be increased
gradually, the main thing is to go in for sports systematically. People with
a large overweight doctor recommends water aerobics,
the advantages of which include a small load on the joints.

Foods that should be excluded from the diet according to
диете Agapkina:

  • ATыпечка, кондитерские изделия;
  • Flour and bakery products;
  • Fried foods;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Crackers, chips, fast food;
  • Green tea with milk;
  • TOартофель;
  • Alcohol.

Sugar also belongs to the prohibited foods in the diet, however,
according to Agapkin its use is allowed, but with a volume of not more than 10%
from the total daily calorie intake. Should be cut
salt intake because it retains fluid in the body
leading to puffiness, making it difficult to lose weight.

According to the method of weight loss of Agapkin, there is nothing terrible if for
праздничным столом ATы съели кусочек торта или позволили себе
fried chicken leg. Fasting days in this case arrange
do not, should continue to follow the diet Agapkina for the same
to the principles.

Menu for the week

The menu of the Agapkin diet for a week (breakfast, snack, lunch,
afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Omelette steamed with tomatoes;
  • TOефир one%;
  • Vegetable soup. Boiled chicken fillet;
  • Green apple;
  • Steamed fish. Greek salad”


  • Boiled chicken breast. Cucumber, spinach;
  • Ryazhenka;
  • Bouillon. Steamed fish cakes;
  • Orange;
  • Caesar salad with chicken.


  • Buckwheat. Grapefruit;
  • Sour milk;
  • Turkey Meatballs Rice;
  • TOиви;
  • Cottage cheese, seasoned with natural yogurt.


  • 2 hard boiled eggs. Cheese;
  • TOефир;
  • Ear with fish pieces;
  • Pear;
  • Salad with shrimps, egg and greens.


  • Wheat porridge. Peach;
  • Natural yoghurt;
  • Shchi Baked Chicken Breast;
  • An Apple;
  • Steamed fish steak. Vegetable stew.


  • Cottage cheese with greens;
  • Garnet;
  • Pilaf with mushrooms. White Cabbage Salad;
  • Sour milk;
  • ATинегрет. Baked turkey fillet.


  • Omelet from 2 eggs. Ryazhenka;
  • Berry mousse;
  • Cabbage rolls with beef;
  • Carrot juice;
  • Cottage cheese casserole.

With the observance of methods for losing weight Sergei Agapkin
should be added to breakfast, lunch and dinner and 1 tablespoon (10
g) bran, taking into account the necessary daily allowance 30


Efficiency диеты Агапкина подтверждена многочисленными
positive reviews. Some people lost 6-15 kg following
method Agapkina. The most problematic areas of the body are
belly, thighs and buttocks, since that is where it accumulates
excess fat. Bran Cellulose Underlying
Sergei Agapkin’s weight loss scheme, actively struggling with fat
deposits in these areas, contributing to weight loss.

The main advantage of the diet of Sergei Nikolaevich Agapkin –
stability. Overweight goes away gradually, due to the lack of
ration of sharp jumps in the form of fasting days and exclusion
fasting Regular exercise will help not only
improve skin elasticity and build muscle mass, but also keep
the result of losing weight, subject to further

Diet about energy

Energy diets – a method of losing weight, based on
use of specialized cocktails. TOоктейли
low-calorie, enriched with vitamins and minerals. Exist
Energy Diet cocktails of various tastes: meat, chicken, fish,
mushroom, vegetable, fruit. Manufacturers assure that with their
slags and toxins are removed from the body, the metabolism is normalized
substances, so without much effort you can lose the extra
weight. The result of losing weight when using cocktails is Energy Diets
already observed after a short time, from 8 days to 3
months, depending on the initial weight.

Energy diets are products in ground
the form.
It is scientifically proven that consumed food in the form of mashed potatoes
saturates the body much longer, helping to reduce appetite.
That is why the effectiveness of Energy Diets is confirmed
positive reviews losing weight.

According to Sergei Agapkin, it is better to use in your diet
wholesome, healthy food. However, when time is short
eat cocktail Energy diets. ATо-первых, в продукте содержится
protein and vitamin-mineral complex necessary for the body.
ATо-вторых, коктейли низкокалорийные, но при этом вкусные. Sergei
Agapkin allows daily replacement of one or two full
meals on Energy Diets, but does not recommend eating
solely by them for weight loss.

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