Diet number 10 – menu for the week

  • 1 Diet number 10 for hypertension
    • 1.1 What can and can not eat?
    • 1.2 Sample weekly menu
    • 1.3 Recipes
  • 2 Diet Table number 10 for weight loss
    • 2.1 Menu for the week
    • 2.2 Dietary recipes

It so happened that stresses and various kinds of experiences became
peculiar norm of life of each average

Of course, such “obsession with trifles” leads to
disorders of the nervous system, which includes: irritability,
hormonal imbalance and, in fact, disruption
of cardio-vascular system.


Diet number 10 for hypertension

The famous Soviet therapist M. I. Pevzner at one time
envisioned the spread of a disease like hypertension and
включил в список 15 специальных лечебных диет — ограничение
Power Desk number 10.

Violations of the nervous and cardiovascular systems “housed”
number Table 10, which in no way affects the degree
the importance of this disease.

Итак, диета получила название Стол номер 10 и основным
принципом ее питания
является исключение соленой и острой
food. That is, substances that excite the central nervous
system is strictly prohibited.

Recipes and menus for a week food diet restrictions Table number
10 по Певзнеру также назначают в случаях инфаркта,
asterosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. If you had
found symptoms of one of these diseases, categorically
it is contraindicated to even touch products containing alcohol,
pepper, salt, high fat content and calories,
exceeded 2000 per day.

Read more about the recommendations of adherence to therapeutic diet Pevzner
Table number 10 talk further.

What can and can not eat?

When answering the above question, many shake their heads in
high-energy fatty refrigerator

But in order to cope with this ailment, some medicines
not enough. Therefore, it should urgently include in your
weekly diet menu from the therapeutic diet. Table number 10.

To reduce the risk of cardiovascular
либо для прекращения их развития, настоятельно
рекомендуется исключить из меню питания диеты
Pevzner Table number 10 the following “dangerous”

  • Butter and puff pastry – extra calories, and accordingly
    additional load on the heart;
  • Soups and broths with a percentage of fat above the average
    provoke a heart attack;
  • If you often allow yourself strong coffee or tea, do not
    be surprised at the increased heartbeat;
  • Drinks containing alcohol will lead to pain in the chest.
  • Fast food will reassure you, thus disturbing the heart.

With regards to healthy food in Pevzner’s diet recipes Table number
10 for a week, everything is simple. Разрешаются:

  • juices, compotes, low-sugar jellies;
  • coffee and tea brewed with cream or
  • wheat bread, as well as dietary bread made from the same flour;
  • low-fat meat and dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits in any form.

Based on the above tips and recommendations, your
меню на день диеты Стол номер 10 по Певзнеру
should look like this:

  • Breakfast: semolina with strawberry jam and a glass
    orange juice;
  • Lunch: a mixture of banana, kiwi and pineapple “pour” yogurt,
    mix and drink this mixture unsweetened lemon tea;
  • Dinner: a curd with honey and sour cream, fruit compote.

Sample menu for the week

The content in the recipes of your menu for the week should not exceed
Allowable fat and calories. For the greatest convenience, should
составить подробное меню по Певзнеру, включающую
Only useful recommended food.

Diet number 10 for hypertension — меню на


  • Breakfast: a mixture of cereal and nonfat milk with
  • Lunch: use vegetable soup with a small amount
    sour cream, washed down with kefir;
  • Dinner: fruit puree and fresh orange.


  • millet porridge with cheese and fruit compote;
  • potato casserole;
  • salad vegetables with berry kissel.


  • toast with melted cheese and a cup of weak coffee with
  • buckwheat porridge with lean meat bits and kefir;
  • Kiwi, banana and strawberry and berry kissel.


  • cottage cheese with sour cream and weak black tea;
  • Vegetable stew in combination with low-fat sour cream and greens
    drink apple compote;
  • a mixture of kiwi, banana and prunes with berry kissel.


  • honey curd and warm skimmed milk;
  • millet porridge with prunes and berry jelly;
  • fruits with low-fat yogurt and kefir.


  • apple-banana puree and kefir with a low percentage
    fat content;
  • mashed potatoes and orange juice;
  • soup with vegetables and low-fat meatballs, apple


  • curd honey mass drink unsweetened black tea with
  • banana pie and pomegranate juice;
  • milk-rice porridge with orange juice.

Dish recipes

Rejecting the recipes of fatty forbidden foods, you are not much
lose because the therapeutic diet Table number 10 by Pevzner
suggests a lot of delicious and healthy recipes for the week for
improve heart function and stabilize functionality nervous

Наиболее интересные рецепты меню диеты Стол
Number 10 in Pevzner is presented below:

Banana smoothie

Banana smoothie


  • 250 grams of low fat yogurt;
  • two bananas;
  • a glass of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. mix the banana with yogurt in a blender;
  2. pour milk;
  3. put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.

This recipe will appeal to all the sweets that eat on the menu.
диеты Стол номер 10. Смузи рекомендуется включить
in food 2-3 times a week.

Apple and Tomato Salad

Apple and Tomato Salad


  • 500 g tomato;
  • 400 g apples;
  • 250 g sour cream.


  1. wash the tomatoes, “save” from the top and cut
  2. peel the apples;
  3. mix tomatoes and apples;
  4. pour sour cream salad.

This recipe is quite simple and the vitamin contained in it is excellent.
suitable for diet menu Table number 10 Pevzner.

Diet Table number 10 for weight loss

Сама цель рецептов меню диеты
на неделю Певзнера Стол номер 10 подразумевает
is a deliverance of the heart from the load in the form of fat and high-calorific
food, which is one hundred percent way to lose weight.

Для наибольшей эффективности, рекомендуется исключить из
на неделю диеты Стол номер 10 не только вышеуказанную
food, but absolutely all products containing sugar.

Eat when dieting Table number 10 Pevzner need from 4 to
6 times a day, in small portions. Menu for the day
Such a food restriction looks like this:

  • Breakfast: curd toast and weak black tea without
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge with low-fat fish cutlets and berry
  • Dinner: fruit and warm milk.

Menu for the week

If you decide to lose weight thoroughly, by 10-15 kg, you should
Observe the menu of Pevzner’s Medical Diet.
for several months.

Предоставляем вам  вариант эффективного
меню диеты Стол номер 10 для
похудения на неделю, которое при желании вы
can extend:


  • Breakfast: milk porridge with jam and orange juice;
  • Обед: пшенная каша с черносливом и черный чай с lemon;
  • Dinner: fruit salad with low-fat yogurt and drink pomegranate


  • творог со сметаной и фруктами, лимонный чай без Sahara;
  • potato casserole with vegetables and a glass of skim
  • buckwheat porridge with apple compote.


  • drink a toast with melted cheese with a cup of cocoa;
  • vegetable soup with sour cream and greens, fresh apple
    the juice;
  • salad vegetables wash with unsweetened black tea.


  • тост с вареньем и чашка некрепкого черного чая с lemon;
  • mashed potatoes with low-fat fish cutlets and orange
    the juice;
  • vegetable stew with a bunch of greens and a glass of low kefir
    fat content;


  • fruit salad in combination with low-fat yogurt, tea with
  • buckwheat soup with sour cream and a glass of freshly squeezed orange
  • vegetable salad and a glass of kefir.


  • пшенная каша с черносливом и фруктами, ягодный jelly;
  • mashed potatoes with low-fat fish bits and greens,
    зеленый чай без Sahara;
  • банановое пюре в сочетании с апельсиновым juice


  • curd-honey mass and weak black tea;
  • йогурт с фруктами и гранатовый the juice;
  • oatmeal porridge and a glass of skimmed milk.

Diet recipes

Лечебная диета Стол номер 10 содержит и список
диетических рецептов

Salad with champignons and spinach

Salad with champignons and spinach


  • 200 g of champignons;
  • 250 grams of tomatoes;
  • half of one bow;
  • 2 peppers;
  • tablespoon of olive oil and as much soy
  • bunch of spinach.


  1. peel and cut into thin strips and mushrooms
  2. wash the spinach and tear it into pieces;
  3. combine and mix ingredients;
  4. cut the tomato into small pieces and add to the finished
  5. then season the salad with soy sauce, olive oil and
    add salt.

Squids with arugula

Squids with arugula


  • 300 g squid;
  • 50 ml of white wine;
  • half of one onion;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g of arugula;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice, soy sauce and olive
  • bunch of greens.

Salad Recipe:

  1. clean squid and cut into strips;
  2. peel and chop the onions with garlic – fry in olive
  3. then “throw” squid with garlic onions;
  4. after a minute, pour the mixture of white wine;
  5. there throw a bunch of greens;
  6. put lettuce leaves on a large plate;
  7. top with ready mix;
  8. prepare a special sauce for the salad from a mixture of lemon
    juice, olive oil and soy sauce.
  9. pour the salad dressing.

Diet Table number 10 and its recipes for the week – a great find
Dr. Pevsner to stabilize cardiovascular work
system and weight control.

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