Diet models for weight loss

  • 1 How to lose weight model?
    • 1.1 Menus and Diet with a Model Diet
    • 1.2 Diet for 3 days
    • 1.3 Diet for 6 days
    • 1.4 Diet of models “Victoria Secret”
  • 2 Vegetarian and raw foods

Everyone knows that models lose weight by a special scheme, which
allows for a short period of time, for 3-6 days to throw off the extra
weight. Данная диета рассчитана на 3-6 дня и включает
a complete cleansing and renewal of the body.

What is the secret of losing weight models? Дневная норма для
models include consuming more protein for 6
, однако не стоит пугаться – меню достаточно

If we talk about diet models for weight loss, then
There are several types:

  • express weight loss;
  • starvation.

The diet may remain varied for 6 days.
According to the mono-Estonian model method it is possible to eat everything except
carbohydrates over the next 6 days.

Also, models often choose the Mediterranean diet for
losing weight Its features and menu for the week are here: 


How to lose weight model?

Экспресс диета американских моделей не является
strict, allowed to eat breakfast or small
piece of bakery products.

It is imperative to choose toast bread from
hard flour, bran, or black bread. When express
диете, для похудения на несколько кг, стоит употреблять
большое количество жидкости
, для того чтобы очистить
the body, remove waste and toxins.

Approximate volume of liquids is about 3 liters per day.
water, excluding coffee and tea. In the period of losing weight, perhaps
use coffee and its derivatives. The results of losing weight will come in
for several days, at least minus 3-5 kg ​​for the entire period
this diet.

Menu and diet with a model diet

As a rule, the diet model is identified with painful thinness
and malnutrition. However, it is not. The basis of the model diet – the struggle
for a healthy beautiful body. All together makes up a full
personality and harmonious relationship with nature, as well as strong

Основой методики похудения манекенщиц является
употребление больших количеств белка – куриное филе,
liver, legumes boiled and cottage cheese.

Также обязательно употребление большого количества
, которая помогает усвоению белков и построению мышц.
With such a developed method to gain extra kg will not work, but
Here is to build a beautiful relief completely.

Diet for 3 days

Diet models for 3 days is designed for rapid weight loss.
Эффективно похудеть возможно употребляя до 1500 калорий в

The daily ration is divided into 3 meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner.

The three-day diet of models includes the following menu:


  1. boiled egg, toast with jam from rose petals.
  2. boiled chicken fillet, liver of your choice and a few green ones
  3. 200 grams of cottage cheese with dried fruits.


  1. cheesecake or any other dish from cottage cheese with jam from
    rose petals.
  2.  boiled vegetables;
  3. easy curd product.


  1. Fasting day on kefir.

In case there is a desire to eat something sweet, you can
use a spoonful of rose petal jam on the menu.

Diet for 6 days

Diet models for weight loss и здорового тела рассчитана
на подсчет калорий за 6 дней
, которые были употреблены.
For a start, it is worth deciding whether a person will stick
given food whole conscious life or just 6 days,
to achieve a certain result.

Дневной рацион — 5 приемов пищи: завтрак,
snack, lunch, snack, dinner.

So, diet models – the menu for 6 days:

Первый день

  1. omelet with vegetables (tomatoes, greens, onions.), toast;
  2. big green apple;
  3. vegetable soup (onions, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, stalk
  4. a couple of cashew nuts, walnuts or almonds to choose from;
  5. any dairy product – 200 grams of cottage cheese or natural

It is important to bear in mind that all the nuts in the menu are high in calories and
in any case it is not recommended to abuse them, otherwise
It is possible to achieve the exact opposite effect.

Second day

  1. a handful of fresh berries, toast;
  2. grapefruit;
  3. boiled chicken fillet – 150 grams;
  4. natural yogurt;
  5. a glass of kefir.

As a snack between the main meals, it is recommended
eat any fruit except bananas and grapes, as they themselves
себе достаточно калорийны и могут увеличить ваш weight.

The third day

  1. milk soup or rice porridge;
  2. 1 carrot;
  3.  chicken broth, toast;
  4. green apple;
  5. a glass of kefir.

Fourth day

  1. oatmeal on the water;
  2. apple and celery stalk;
  3. vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley);
  4. 50 g of cottage cheese, orange;
  5. kefir.

Fifth day

  1. 1 egg and yoghurt 0%;
  2. an Apple;
  3.  chicken broth, toast;
  4. pumpkin soup;
  5. natural yoghurt.

Sixth day

  1. buckwheat on the water;
  2. 1 carrot;
  3. vegetable salad, (broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, grapefruit,
    50 g sheep cheese), toast.
  4. natural yogurt;
  5. Kefir nonfat and 1 orange.

Diets моделей самые эффективные. According to reviews, this is the power system
Victoria Secret models as they keep themselves in excellent
form. Also very popular are food systems like buckwheat.
diet and dry fasting, which is not allowed to drink water in
for several days.

Diet Victoria Secret models

In order to take a closer look at the diet of fashion models who
participate in the shows of the legendary brand, it is worth considering that in
первую очередь, она основывается на процентном содержании
жировой прослойки в организме женщины

For Victoria Secret models, this figure varies from 18 to
19 percent. In a healthy person, this figure is 25
percent. To reduce the weight of the model drink a large amount
protein, without additives and flavors, bady
and vitamin complexes.

For weight loss and getting rid of extra pounds you need
exclude such products from the menu:

  • Fruits that contain large amounts of sugar (bananas,
  • Bakery products.
  • Liquids that may contain large amounts of sugars and
    harmful substances.
  • Alcohol and alcoholic cocktails.

A sample menu of Victoria Secret models for the week
(breakfast lunch dinner):


  1. protein shake;
  2. fresh citrus from any;
  3. baked vegetable or apple.


  1. 1 egg boiled hard boiled;
  2. medium beef steak;
  3. cottage cheese.


  1. protein shake;
  2.  a glass of plain yogurt;
  3. cottage cheese casserole.


  1. Fasting day fasting.

If hunger brings discomfort – drink a protein shake,
dinner – light fruit salad.


  1. egg;
  2. vegetable soup on the water;
  3. стакан yogurt


  1. a handful of berries for the season;
  2. salad of baked vegetables;
  3. natural yoghurt.


  1. A day on protein.

Vegetarianism and raw foods

Diet моделей основывается на употребление пищи, которая не была
subject to any kind of processing. Philosophy of vegetarianism and
raw foods includes the concepts exclude animal products
origin, including dairy dishes.

Perimeter menu for weight loss and getting rid of excess
kg of raw food and vegetarianism (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon tea,

1 day

  1. banana, orange, kiwi;
  2. seasonal fruit smoothies;
  3. green buckwheat, fresh vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, onion,
    pepper), seasoned with first cold olive oil
  4. celery fresh;
  5.  vegetable smoothies made from tomatoes, avocados, spinach and parsley,
    1 raw bread loaf .;

2 day

  1. 3 grated apples with raisins, dressed with honey;
  2. fresh juice;
  3. wheat germ, raw carrot patties;
  4. vegetable salad (spinach, tomatoes, parsley, zucchini), seasoned
    linseed oil;
  5. fruit salad (apple, grapefruit, kiwi).

3 day

  1. steamed from the evening oatmeal with mango;
  2. 6 almond nuts;
  3. sprouted lentils, a handful of green peas, 3 tomatoes;
  4. an Apple;
  5. raw pumpkin puree with pumpkin seeds.

It is recommended to adhere to the active mode of the day for
данной системы употребления пищи для эффективного losing weight By
reviews may lose up to 7 kg per week subject to
drinking mode and this menu.

Methods of diet models and menus are designed primarily for
achieving quick results, based on eating food,
which carries a charge of energy to sustain life however
It is worth remembering that introducing into your life express courses for
Slimming is not recommended to avoid damage to health.
losing weight in 6 days.

Чтобы закрепить полученный результат, меню на каждый день
должно содержать основы меню для losing weight

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