Diet for urolithiasis

  • 1 Benefits and efficacy of diet
  • 2 Menus for the week
    • 2.1 For women
    • 2.2 For men
    • 2.3 What should be the food – the recommendations of doctors

Urolithiasis better known as urolithiasis
, является серьезным заболеванием, напрямую
associated with metabolic disorders.

Самым характерным признаком мочекаменной
становится образование камней (конкрементов) в
various organs of the urinary system: ranging from the kidneys and urinary
bladder and ending with ureters and urethra.

Stone formation is triggered by an increase in urine acidity,
которая в свою очередь возникает при чрезмерном
the use of spicy, salty, fried foods, foods with high
содержанием белка
и воды с переизбытком солей кальция.
Therefore, in addition to drug treatment for urolithiasis
diseases, medical specialists prescribe medical
diet is mandatory.


The benefits and effectiveness of the diet

The benefits of a diet with urolithiasis are high enough.
There is a special menu and universal products that
suitable for any person suffering from urolithiasis.
These include: citrus fruits, watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, quince, honey,
bakery products from coarse flour, potatoes, pumpkin,
dried fruit, white poultry and lean fish.

Use of all of the above
 при диете поможет не только
избавится от мочекаменной болезни, но и станет
a great way to prevent and prevent it.

Excess content of the norm of magnesium and calcium provokes
the formation of phosphate stones and the development of urolithiasis.
Diet for urolithiasis предполагает исключение из
рациона молочных продуктов
. You can eat any
cereals, green vegetables and foods high

На диете рекомендуется употреблять крупы,
dairy products, fruits and foods with high content
витамина С. Основной целью этой диеты является
decrease in the acidity level and normalization of PH-balance with the help
increase in alkali, neutralizing acid.

Menu for the week

So, consider several types of menus for diet with urolithiasis

classic menu for the week with urolithiasis


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal, cabbage salad, baked
    an Apple.
  2. Обед: легкий мясной бульон с овощами, паровые котлеты из
    white chicken meat, berry jelly.
  3. Ужин: огурцы и оливковое масло, омлет без специй,
    mineral water or a glass of kefir.


  1. Buckwheat porridge, two boiled eggs, a cup of green tea.
  2. Soup with meatballs, white bread, cottage cheese.
  3. Squash pancakes with sour cream, a glass of kefir or apple


  1. Borscht based on chicken broth, braised cabbage, glass
    warm rhubarb compote.
  2. Mannic, white bread, fruit jelly.
  3. Semolina, milk with honey.


  1. Boiled rice with vegetables, herbal tea.
  2. Omelet with vegetables, a glass of kefir.
  3. Mashed potatoes, steamed fish, green tea.


  1. Lazy cabbage rolls, white bread.
  2. Two boiled eggs, berry jelly, fruit compote.
  3. Milk soup with vermicelli, a cup of green tea.


  1. Boiled bird fillet with steamed vegetables, a glass
    kefir with honey.
  2. Milk rice porridge, vegetable salad without spices, a cup
    herbal tea.
  3. Wheat bran, a glass of milk.


  1. Omelette, cucumber, tomato, celery stalk, white bread, tea from
    rose hips.
  2. Stuffed bell peppers, berry compote.
  3. Rice pudding, a cup of green tea.

Diet for patients with urolithiasis
Uratnogo type – menu for the week:


  1. Rice casserole.
  2. Vegetable soup, a cup of warm milk with dryers.
  3. Potato zrazy with vegetables and sour cream.


  1. Fruit salad with yogurt.
  2. Boiled eggs, a glass of warm milk with cookies.
  3. Cottage cheese casserole.


  1. Mashed potatoes, cucumbers, tomato juice.
  2. Rice patties with sour cream sauce, 1 tbsp. kefir.
  3. Muesli with yogurt.


  1. Cauliflower soup with greens, boiled fillet, glass
    pear juice.
  2. Boiled fish with potatoes, berry juice.
  3. Salad of boiled beets with vegetable oil, 1 tbsp.


  1. Semolina with honey.
  2. Muesli with nuts, coffee.
  3. Rice porridge with milk, orange juice.


  1. Вареные яйца, микс из капусты и моркови,  coffee.
  2. Buckwheat porridge with squash caviar, 1 tbsp. milk
  3. Grated apple, berry jelly.


  1. Boiled fish fillet with rice and vegetables, berry compote.
  2. Zucchini baked with carrots and sour cream.
  3. Curd mass with nuts and raisins, baked glass

Diet for patients suffering from urolithiasis
Phosphate-type diseases – weekly menu:


  1. Seafood salad, mashed potatoes.
  2. Rice porridge, baked apple, a glass of cherry compote.
  3. Boiled chicken breast, 1 tbsp. carrot juice.


  1. Fish aspic, a glass of tea with bread.
  2. Buckwheat porridge, squash caviar, dried fruit compote.
  3. Спаржа, кабачок, баклажаны и кролик на пару.


  1. Barley porridge, bread, 1 tbsp. apple juice.
  2.  Овощной суп-пюре, чашка чая из rose hips.
  3. Steamed vegetables, Peking cabbage salad, a glass of mineral


  1.  Beef based rice soup broth, plum
  2. Steamed fish fillet with arugula, herbal infusion.
  3. Barley porridge, tea with bran bread.


  1. Stewed cabbage with mushrooms.
  2. Puree of grated apple and carrot.
  3. Buckwheat cutlets with carrots, mashed potatoes.


  1. Отварная курица с томатами, шпинатом, огурцами.
  2. Chicken broth with vermicelli, bran bread, berry
  3. Baked eggplant, loaves.


  1. Mushroom soup, rye bread, a cup of tea with dry biscuits.
  2. Turkey meatballs, mashed potatoes, berry
  3. Salad of boiled salmon with vegetables, rice, berry mousse.

For women

For women характерно обострение мочекаменной болезни во
время климакса
. In the same period, most
women have a tendency to

In general, the diet for urolithiasis in women is not different.
from the menu for men. However, there are a number of special diets,
designed exclusively for women to help solve
сразу две проблемы: оздоровить организм и убрать лишние
килограммы, избавиться от мочекаменной diseases.

Diet for urolithiasis – weekly menu for


  1. Boiled rabbit with Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad
    dried fruits compote.
  2. Vegetable puree soup, mineral water 0.5 ml.
  3. Boiled eggs and tea.


  1. Chicken broth, rye bread, rhubarb compote.
  2. Lenten bread and kefir.
  3. Buckwheat porridge, squash caviar, warm milk 0.5 ml.


  1. Rice soup with vegetables and herbs, bran bread, weak
    coffee drink with lean biscuits.
  2. Omelet with greens, easy vegetable mix from broccoli, tomato,
  3. Отварная рыба, овощи на пару, ягодный jelly.


  1. Barley soup based on quail broth, curd mass with
    nuts, low fat yogurt.
  2. Rice casserole.
  3. Mashed potatoes, squash pancakes.


  1. Овсяная каша с сухофруктами, стакан milk
  2. Fruit jelly, a cup of tea, dry biscuits.
  3. Chicken aspic, bran bread.


  1. Овсяные котлеты, банан, стакан клубничного compote.
  2. Творожная запеканка, чашка herbal tea.
  3. Fish cakes with sour cream sauce, 1 tbsp. mineral


  1. Baked apples with honey and carrots.
  2. Ear with greens, apple juice.
  3. Carrot salad, potato zrazy, kefir.

For men

In men, stones are formed in the kidneys, and not in the urinary
channels. For the preservation of men’s health it is important to categorically
stop smoking, drinking alcohol and strong coffee.
Below is one of the universal diets for urolithiasis,
which is perfect for men.

Diet for urolithiasis у мужчин — меню на


  1. Egg omelet, fresh cucumbers, low-fat yogurt.
  2. Boiled potatoes, fish fillet steamed, weak coffee.
  3. Boiled rabbit with vegetables and herbs, warm milk with


  1. Fresh apple, cheese cakes, a cup of tea.
  2. Творожный мусс, dried fruits compote.
  3. Rice soup based on broth, orange juice.


  1. Oatmeal with candied fruit.
  2. Голубцы без специй, сметанный соус, яблочный compote.
  3. Buckwheat cutlets with carrots, kefir.


  1. Barley porridge.
  2. Говяжьи котлеты на пару, салат из белокочанной капустой с
    оливковым маслом, стакан mineral water.
  3. Ужин: отварное филе семги с картофелем, 1ст. fruit


  1. Fruit kissel, orange, apple juice.
  2. Buckwheat porridge, stewed eggplants.
  3. Muesli with nuts, a glass of yogurt.


  1. Вареные яйца, свежий помидор, чашка чая из rose hips.
  2. Помидоры, петрушка, стебель сельдерея с оливковым маслом,
    cherry soufflé.
  3. Turkey, cream sauce, tomato juice.


  1. Buckwheat soup based on broth, rye bread, a cup of weak
  2. Seaweed salad, asparagus, a glass of pear and apple
  3. Steamed vegetables, bran bread, biscuits.

What should be the food – the recommendations of doctors

Питание и диета  при мочекаменной болезни
и у женщин, и у мужчин должно быть
. No compromise on the way
there can be no recovery.

Above was a list of universal products useful for
patients with any type of stones in the urinary system.

If the patient for any reason is not able to get
qualified consultation for urolithiasis, he may
питаться блюдами из продуктов-универсалов и придерживаться
simple rules:

  • With urolithiasis, you need to give up salty, fatty,
    spicy, smoked,
  • On a diet and after it to give up alcohol and smoking.

It is necessary to resort to therapeutic diets not only when confronted with
diseases, but also for the general improvement of the body. Important
realize that a person’s lifestyle is always reflected in the state
his health.

And the consequences do not manifest themselves immediately, therefore observing
in all measure, you can avoid most of the diseases of urolithiasis
systems in the future.

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