Diet for pyelonephritis in adults and children

  • 1 What should be the power with pyelonephritis?
    • 1.1 Which products can be consumed and which can not?
  • 2 Рацион и меню при пиелонефрите для взрослых
    • 2.1 Menu for every day for children
  • 3 Useful Recipes

To achieve an effective result in the treatment of diseases
helps compliance with food restrictions for patients.
Accelerate the removal of the inflammatory process, facilitate
the functioning of the diseased kidney will be able to abandon the products that
retain fluid in the body, lead to inflammation in
the kidneys.

Constant application of the rules for pyelonephritis, specified in
диете, помогает избежать обострения и серьезных


What should be the power of pyelonephritis?

The basis of nutrition in adults with pyelonephritis, doctors suggest
соблюдать диету «Стол № 7». Diet rules help
make a menu for the week with adult pyelonephritis.

Основной принцип диеты состоит в
fractional five meals a day.

The diet used in the treatment of pyelonephritis in adults, in
helps women cope with symptoms and complications
diseases. With беременности использование многих
medication is prohibited.

Reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of acute illness in
Pregnant helps competent dietary restrictions.

Из меню у беременных при хроническом
diseases removed fried, fatty, salty, spicy dishes.
Particular attention in pregnant women is given to the problem of constipation. During the period
complications, pressure on the kidneys, in pregnant women
drink more water, add beets to the diet,

During the period обострения болезни человек должен строго следовать
rules restrictions in the diet, so as not to cause complications. Diet
will include food that is easily processed by the body

Она должна быть наполнена витаминами,
trace elements necessary for acute or chronic type
заболевания почек, встречаемом у adults. Doctors believe that
количество суточных калорий при пиелонефрите
обостренной формы, наблюдаемой у взрослых, должно
равняться 3200 ккал.

Diet при пиелонефрите хроническом, остром типе помогает снизить
load on the kidneys. Diet у взрослых применяется в ходе
combined treatment. The food in the menu should be
prepared by boiling, stewing, steaming.

What products can be consumed, and which can not?

The rules in the diet used in the treatment of various ailments,
depend on the stage and type. With pyelonephritis, a person may feel
дискомфорт, боль, нуждаться в ограничении продуктов в

  • aggravations;
  • going to the recovery stage.

To reduce the inflammatory symptom in men and women with
пиелонефрите, диета для больных запрещает

  • alcohol;
  • coffee drinks;
  • spicy foods (spices, seasonings, preferably deleted);
  • canned foods;
  • concentrated broths;
  • fried foods;
  • bean varieties;
  • cabbage.

One of the basic rules for pyelonephritis in adults is
в отказе от супов, бульон которых сварен на мясе.
Exacerbation of an acute type of kidney disease suggests
полное исключение животных жиров из питания у
adults and children.

Benefit with pyelonephritis in adults and children will bring
liquid filled products:

  • watermelon;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin.

Болезни почек, встречаемые у взрослых, не накладывают
в диете на ряд белковых продуктом, которые
can be used:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese;
  • the eggs.

Каши могут стать одним из основных видов блюд в
menus for patients with acute, chronic type.

Восстановительный период при остром,
chronic kidney disease gives relief in the diet, adding
in the recipes are garlic, onion, simple spices, lean fish and

На каждой стадии лечения человек должен употреблять
большое количество жидкости
при отсутствии отечных
symptoms in pyelonephritis.

Рацион и меню при пиелонефрите для взрослых

Лечение пиелонефрита у взрослых может состоять из
нескольких пунктов, одним из которых будет строгая
In acute, chronic kidney disease for
Patients assigned to the diet “Table number 7”.

Diet при пиелонефрите у взрослых «Стол № 7» имеет в основе
принцип готовки блюд без соли.

Diet при пиелонефрите, хроническом заболевании почек,
нацелена на вывод лишней жидкости из организма
, облегчению
работы почек у adults.

Menu used for pyelonephritis during the treatment of the disease
kidney in adults diet can be represented by a list of dishes on
days of the week.

So, diet for pyelonephritis for adults – the menu on

1 day diet

  1. Breakfast can be served vinaigrette, dressed with sour cream, a slice
    bread, not containing salt, tea with added milk.
  2. At lunchtime borscht cooked in vegetable broth,
    allowed to add sour cream, boiled beef, potatoes, baked
    apples, compote.
  3. In the evening, the wheat casserole or potato with
    adding vegetables, dried fruits, milk with a bun.

Day 2

  1. For breakfast is offered cottage cheese, a piece of unsalted bread with
    butter, tea (you can add milk if desired).
  2. The lunch dish is vegetarian pumpkin soup,
    boiled chicken garnished with stewed vegetables, baked fruits,
  3. На ужин овощные cutletы, сухоfruits, свежевыжатый сок.

Day 3

  1. At the first reception in the food menu in adults will offer semolina,
    vegetable salad option, chicory.
  2. In the lunchtime snack it is useful to eat 200 g of lean soup,
    boiled potatoes with fish dish, drink jelly.
  3. Barley porridge and juice diversify the evening reception.

Day 4

  1. For breakfast in adults can cook cottage cheese with the addition of
    sour cream and berries, compote.
  2. At lunchtime, add porridge to the lean soup, cooked
    on milk, compote.
  3. In the evening you can let the meat pudding, jelly.

Day 5

  1. Breakfast consists of buckwheat cereal, vegetables in a salad or on
    separately, tea.
  2. Lunch food is represented by lean soup, wheat porridge.
    cereals, boiled veal, decoction of herbs.
  3. Evening reception diversify omelet, stewed vegetables.

Day 6

  1. At the first meal in adults will delight pearl barley,
    cucumber, boiled cauliflower, tea.
  2. In the lunch snack you can eat borsch, rice cereal porridge with
    adding apples, boiled fish dish, compote.
  3. Вечером творог, fruits, сок.

Day 7

  1. For breakfast, buckwheat cereal, tomatoes, chicory with
    adding milk.
  2. In the lunch break to the lean soup, you can add cooked
    potatoes, steam meatballs, herbal decoction.
  3. In the evening with pyelonephritis it is useful to eat porridge,

To diversify the diet diet for patients with pyelonephritis in
adults, you can use a different menu offering a list
meals for each day of the week depending on the time of reception

Between main meals can be arranged.

  • omelette, dogrose infusion;
  • baked fruit, herbal decoction;
  • buckwheat cereal with milk, decoction of herbs;
  • cottage cheese, tea.

Menu for every day for children

In children with pyelonephritis, the main treatment can
based on a less strict diet. Diet при пиелонефрите у детей
will help the kidneys and stomach work normally

Exclude certain products from the menu
снижает нагрузку на почки, облегчая вывод жидкости
with pyelonephritis:

  • smoked products;
  • fried meat, fish;
  • fatty meats;
  • salty food;
  • cocoa, coffee, onions, garlic.

In children, depending on the age of pyelonephritis is worth to enter
in the daily menu of fermented milk and dairy products. With
pyelonephritis, converted to the chronic type, based on a diet for
treatment of kidneys apply the rules of restraint used

Facilitate the daily selection of recipes for pyelonephritis
helps pre-made menu for each day of the week.
Особенно полезны будут: раба, омлет, овощи, приготовленные
for a couple.

Day 1 

  1. For breakfast for children on the menu you can offer manna porridge
    cereals, boiled egg, tea, diluted with milk. Tea in children with
    pyelonephritis should be weak.
  2. At lunch you can drink fresh juice.
  3. Lunch consists of soup with vegetables with sour cream, meatballs
    of fish with a side dish of potatoes, jelly. Snack from kefir glass
    с медом, fruits.
  4. For dinner, children’s menu includes macaroni and cheese, stewed
    vegetables, tea.

Day 2

  1. For breakfast with pyelonephritis in children, you can make porridge from
    buckwheat with milk, cottage cheese pudding, carrots, raisins, juice from
  2. Lunch consists of tea with a slice of bran bread, cheese,
    a tomato
  3. Lunch on the menu is boiled chicken with vinaigrette, infusion
    rose hips.
  4. At the mid-morning snack in children, several pieces of pastilles can be served.
    a glass of kefir.
  5. Dinner porridge with rice, dried fruit.

Day 3

  1. For breakfast, to facilitate the work of the sick kidney in children is served
    омлет, ломоть белого хлеба, цикорий с adding milk.
  2. Lunch from cottage cheese with sour cream and honey.
  3. At lunch, children cooked fish with vegetable casserole, you can
    add pasta.
  4. You can eat fruit.
  5. A dinner with pyelonephritis that has reached its chronic form will be
    consist of milk soup with rolled oats, fruit drinks.

Day 4

  1. For breakfast in children bring porridge from buckwheat, egg, compote.
  2. Snack can be baked apples.
  3. At lunch, children can cook borscht on vegetable broth,
    boiled beef with potatoes, tea.
  4. Полдник будет состоять из фруктов с отваром rose hips.
  5. Children’s dinner will be served with baked cottage cheese baked pudding
    fruit, jelly.

Day 5

  1. For breakfast with chronic pyelonephritis in children
    will present in the menu porridge from oats, egg, tea with the addition
  2. На ланч у детей можно использовать fruits, compote.
  3. At lunch, prepare milk soup, meatballs with vegetable garnish,
  4. Lunch can consist of fruit salad.
  5. Dinner diversifies the menu pasta with cheese, milk.

Day 6

  1. Children’s breakfast will be made up of vegetable casserole, cheese,
    weak tea.
  2. Snack can be carried out with a decoction of wild rose with fruit.
  3. Lunch on the menu of vegetable pilaf, baked apples, jelly.
  4. Lunch is presented cottage cheese casserole, milk.
  5. For dinner, the children will have potato zrazy with sour cream,
    сухоfruits, чай.

Day 7

  1. Breakfast of vegetable stew, a slice of bread and tea.
  2. In the afternoon snack juice is suitable, you can add fruit.
  3. At lunch, children should offer boiled fish with potatoes,
    тушеные овощи, compote.
  4. Tea time in children will be pleased with cottage cheese casserole and kefir.
  5. For dinner when pyelonephritis can offer vinaigrette or vegetable
    a casserole to choose from, tea.

You must diet strictly without adding prohibited foods.
in nutrition in children.

Useful recipes

There is an opinion that nutritional restrictions imposed by
treatment rules lead to scarcity of the menu. Diet при
pyelonephritis can be tasty, useful, making it easier
the work of a sick kidney by eliminating harmful products.

Recipes for pyelonephritis surprise with its simplicity and
by ease. It turns out you can eat tasty and right.

The recipe for pumpkin soup will enrich the menu in a person’s diet with
diseased kidneys

Тыквенный суп


  • pumpkin in the amount of 300g;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • water volume of 1.5 liters.

Grind pumpkin, potato, onion, carrot. 1.5 liters of water
after boiling add vegetables in sequence: potatoes,
pumpkin, carrots, onions. By willingness to bring the soup to the state
mashed potatoes.

You can add to the menu in children and in adults soup from vegetables
and millet

Суп из овощей and millet

Состав рецепта представлен набором

  • a pair of spoons of millet;
  • 0.7 liters of vegetable broth;
  • half carrot;
  • two potatoes;
  • parsley root.

Stew carrot and parsley root, add hot broth,
millet, potatoes, cook 20 minutes. You can add to the finished soup
sour cream, greens.

Pilaf with raisins and prunes

Pilaf with raisins and prunes


  • rice 70g;
  • raisins 10g;
  • prunes 15g / dried apricots;
  • water 150ml;
  • butter 10g;
  • sugar 10g.

Rice cook until half cooked, add steamed
сухоfruits, сахар, масло. Cook on the steam bath in the oven under
a lid.

На ужин в меню можно использовать рецепт овощных

Овощные cutletы


  • 700 g of cauliflower;
  •  ½ cup of milk;
  • egg;
  • a spoon of semolina;
  • spoon of butter.

Cauliflower stewed in milk with the addition of water
Poured semolina mixture stew 5 minutes. Add to the cooled mass
яйцо, сделать cutletы, можно обвалять в сухарях, готовить на
a couple.

Ужин в меню диеты может быть представлен картофельной

Картофельная запеканка


  • from 4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 g of cabbage;
  • tablespoon flour;
  • butter;
  • sour cream.

Form a casserole by layers: boiled potatoes,
ошпаренная морковь, опущенная в кипяток cabbage. Between layers
use sour cream with flour.

Withятно удивит в меню, применяемом при пиелонефрите,
rice and apple casserole

Запеканка из риса и яблок

Способ приготовления:

Boiled 1.5 cups of rice combined with a spoon of cream
butter and egg. In the form put layers of rice mixture, apples,
paired with cinnamon and sugar. For 3 apples 100 g of sugar are taken.
Casserole poured 150 g sour cream, cooked in the oven at 180
degrees half an hour.

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