Diet for pancreas – a detailed description,Useful tips and diet examples.

Sat, Feb 27, 2016


Diet for pancreas – description and general principles

The pancreas is a very important organ, in function
which includes the production of enzymes necessary for digestion
food ingestion and insulin production due to lack of
which, as we know, occurs diabetes.

Pancreatic diseases are expressed in the appearance of pain,
nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, etc. So sick
prescribe a sparing diet that does not contain alcohol, fatty, sweet,
carbohydrate-rich foods and fried foods, as well as foods that
containing coarse fiber and extractives that
stimulate the secretion of digestive juices.

A diet for the pancreas is based on a regular and
frequent, six-meal meal. At the same time portions should be
small so as not to burden the pancreas.

Food is steamed, boiled or stewed. It should not contain
large amounts of fiber. Before use, it should
cool to a temperature of 30 to 60 degrees to prevent
stomach irritation and load on the digestive glands.

Salt is limited, if possible exclude completely. Also sharply
reduce the amount of fat and simple carbohydrates, which especially
rich in sugar or pastries, while increasing in the diet
foods rich in proteins – meat (non-fat), fish and dairy
products. Animal protein should be one-third

The energy value of such a diet should be no more than
1800 kcal.

Meals when following a diet for the pancreas should be
liquid and semi-liquid, in the form of porridges on water, vegetable and cereal soups

The diet for the pancreas should be followed for
about a year after attacks of the disease. Then allowed
the gradual expansion of the diet and the inclusion in the diet more
разнообразных products. For exacerbations, it is advisable to
days completely give up eating and go to drink clean
water or mineral water without gas.

Diet for the pancreas – what foods can

With a diet for the pancreas is allowed

1. Bakery products in the form of wheat bread from the previous
baking day or dried.

2. Soups, vegetables (only not from white cabbage) and

3. Appetizers in the form of salads from fresh and boiled vegetables.

4. Meat and poultry low-fat varieties (in the form of beef, veal,
курицы etc.).

5. Fish low-fat varieties.

6. Boiled eggs or cooked in the form of a steam omelet.

7. Dairy products in the form of acid cottage cheese, cottage cheese
puddings, kefir, sour cream (for dressing dishes).

8. Cereals (semolina, rice, wheat, buckwheat, barley,

9. Dough products in the form of pasta from the highest grades
flour or homemade noodles.

10. Vegetables in the form of potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, zucchini,
cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, green
peas. Very useful in diseases of the pancreas.
sea ​​kale rich in cobalt and nickel.

11. Ripe fruits, berries (not sour).

12. Sweet dishes in the form of jelly and compotes.

13. Fats in the form of butter and vegetable oil.

14. Drinks in the form of tea with milk, rosehip broth,
fruit juices.

When dieting for the pancreas is necessary to remember
about drinking regimen. Since the restoration of the pancreas
accompanied by large losses of water, then drinking should be
plentiful. In addition, the normalization of the bowels also
happens more actively when the body gets enough

Patients with diseases of the pancreas due to its weak
functioning and due to changes in diet often suffer
digestive disorders. To normalize his work is extremely
it is important to eat and eat regularly, often and
in small portions.

Diet for the pancreas – what foods can not

When diseases of the pancreas is prohibited

1. Rye bread and muffin.

2. Soups in the form of sour soup, borscht, as well as strong meat,
fish, mushroom broths and vegetable broths.

3. Salty, spicy, spicy snacks and canned food.

4. Fatty meats and poultry (lamb, pork, duck, goose),
smoked meats, sausages.

5. Fatty fish.

6. Eggs, hard-boiled and in the form of fried eggs.

7. Fried curd dishes (for example, in the form of cheesecakes).

8. Millet.

9. Dough products in the form of pies, pancakes, fritters,

10. Vegetables in the form of white cabbage, radishes, radishes, sorrel,
raw onions, peas, beans, beans, pickled vegetables.

11. Sour berries and fruits, as well as fruits containing large
the amount of carbohydrates that can cause
intestinal swellings (bananas, grapes, dates).

12. Sweet dishes in the form of ice cream, and sweets in large
quantity in the form of jam, sugar, honey, chocolate.

13. Fats in the form of fat and ghee.

14. Drinks in the form of carbonated water, natural coffee,

Pancreas Diet – menu examples

The first breakfast consists of cottage cheese with milk (or porridge,
cooked in milk from permitted cereals, or boiled
potatoes with boiled lean meat (boiled lean fish) or
protein omelet), as well as semi-sweet tea.

The second breakfast consists of an apple or cottage cheese.

Lunch consists of vegetarian soup (vegetable, cereal or
dairy), boiled chicken (or meat, fish, steam cutlets), cereal
or potato (carrot) puree, jelly (or compote, fresh
berries or fruit).

Tea time consists of their kefir or juice.

Dinner consists of a cottage cheese dish (or porridge, boiled potatoes,
omelet of protein, boiled fish).

At bedtime, drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Pancreas Diet – Tips and Testimonials

It is important to remember that the diet for the pancreas should
observe not only during exacerbations, but also after termination
attacks of pancreatitis, otherwise it can be very
harm her and cause more serious illness.

During the treatment should not only take care of the correct
nutrition. It is also necessary to eliminate heavy physical exertion, not
overwork and avoid colds.


Katerina 03/24/2016 In principle, there are no special restrictions! Can’t all
what is fatty, smoked, salty, sweet! And it is contraindicated and
healthy people. It is a pity that all the yummy is so harmful. Svet_777
03/24/2016 Living with such problems in health is probably very
heavy. But there is nowhere to go. The only way out is to comply
correct diet All the information presented here is
need to learn a tooth! Pantera 03/24/2016 You will laugh, but
a clear idea of ​​the internal structure of man I got
just. So she is what a pancreas! How ingenious
still, human nature has conceived. Daughter 24.03.2016 Accidentally
looked at this site and just fell in love with him. What volume
information! Here everything is for women and not only, but I will copy this diet.
for your father. His pancreas periodically aches.
Tatyana 03/24/2016 The pancreas is a capricious organ. Everything, that
you did wrong in your life, she remembers, and then
revenge. I learned in the article a lot about the diet of people with such

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