Diet for men

How strange it sounds, our article today will be
devoted to diet, but only male. Да, диета для похудения
также существует, правда она менее популярна, чем
female The fact is that men are not so picky about their weight and
his figure, unlike girls, but in spite of everything, men like
and women find motivation for losing weight and fight against excess
kilograms, by using a special diet.

Diet for men

Diet, for men, is a very difficult and decisive step, as they
love to eat a lot and eat well, and deny yourself this happiness –

The vast majority of men do not worry about their hanging
stomach or excess weight – they love themselves and so. If overdue
the need to lose weight, then men solve this problem in the gym,
thanks to intensive pursuits that help get rid of
overweight and at the same time can build muscle.

Making a man go on a diet can only weighty
reason: severe discomfort from overweight, loss of past
attractiveness, new love, health problems and

What are the main aspects of the male diet? Essentially, men’s diet
implies only a partial restriction in the daily diet.
If girls diet consists of numerous taboos, and easier
write what she can eat, then in the diet for men
on the contrary, it is easier to write a list of what is not recommended

Рацион для похудения мужчин

Starting a diet, men need to abandon the so-called
�”Catering” food.

As a rule, every day men move around the city to
the car and fully eat them once or uncomfortable. Driving through
past a stall or another diner, can’t deny themselves
pleasure not to have a hot dog or shawarma snack while washing
This is a Pepsi jar. From this food and this kind of snacking is necessary
refuse – only a full and healthy diet.

Also, for the period of the diet of alcohol and
carbonated drinks with dyes (which are so loved by the strong

From fatty foods, unlike girls, refuse not
mandatory, but reduce its consumption to an absolute minimum –

Try to eat boiled or baked meat.
(grill). Some men also have the habit of “diving” into
refrigerator before bed, so as not to fall asleep hungry – and this habit
for the period of the diet must be forgotten.

Как похудеть мужчине

The most common diets for men

Considering the dietary regimes for the diet, we want to your attention
suggest the two most effective regimens: fast diet and

Так называемая быстрая диета для мужчин, включает в
oneself only one restriction – you can eat in one span
time from 15:00 to 19:00.

The diet lasts only 5 days, but it is not necessary to enter
no dietary restrictions and counting calories. You just
eat whatever you want, but you can only allow it for 4
hours a day.

At other times, you can not eat anything, you can only drink
mineral water. If you really want to eat, then you can drink
low-fat yogurt, but not more than 500g per day.

In the period of time when food is allowed, do not need to gorge
like on the last day, eat as much as you want, but without
fanaticism, otherwise the diet will lose all meaning.

Как выбрать диету мужчине

The essence of the fast diet is that as a result
reduction of food intake, the body will be fully its
recycle, and in periods of hunger will be exhausted extra

This diet can be used only 2 times a year, since
when used more times, it will be disastrous
affect your health.

With proper observance of these 5 days you can lose
from 4 to 5 kilograms.

Ну и вторая – классическая диета, которая на наш взгляд
more gentle to the body, unlike the previous one.

Here you need to install 4 meals a day, there is
in small portions, and organize a normal diet without

• Breakfast should be “easy”, but, nevertheless, it is obligatory;
• Lunch is very important to consist of hot, the best for this.
there will be soup (for example, Bonn); • Dinner should quench the feeling.
hunger; • Tea time should please some low-calorie

Of all the diets available, we want to offer
this one

Следующее меню диеты для мужчин рассчитано на 10

1st day:

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, salad (tomato, cucumber, greens –
fill 1 tbsp. a spoon of olive oil), a slice of ham and a slice
cheese, drink a low-fat yogurt; Lunch: Chicken Soup; Lunch: Salad
from fruit; Dinner: 1 glass of boiled shrimp.

2nd day:

Breakfast: 2 sandwiches (2 toasts on top of a ring of tomato, cheese and
greens) drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice; Dinner:
Mushroom soup; Safe, 2 apples; Dinner: Half Baked Chicken
breasts and spaghetti.

3rd day:

Breakfast: Omelette of 3 eggs with tomatoes and herbs, drink a cup
green tea without sugar; Dinner: Рыбный суп; Lunch: Low-fat yogurt
with the taste of some fruit; Dinner: Potatoes in uniforms and salad
(from cucumbers, radishes and greenery).

4th day:

Breakfast: Oven-Baked Half Chicken Breast and 2
potatoes, drink a glass of orange juice; Dinner:
Noodle soup; Lunch: Grapefruit; Dinner: Boiled macaroni with
green vegetables.

5th day:

Breakfast: Medium size croissant (with cherry or strawberry)
filling) and low-fat yogurt; Dinner: Летний овощной суп; Tea time:
Medium bunch of green grapes; Dinner: Baked or
steamed vegetables.

6th day:

Breakfast: 2 slices of French loaf cooked in a toaster,
then make a ham sandwich, tomato and leaf rugs
salad dressing; Dinner: Суп пюре; Tea time: Фруктовый салат; Dinner: Lazy
cabbage rolls. 7th day:

Breakfast: Grilled salmon fillet with spices
(marinated in advance for the night), a slice of bread made from coarse flour
grinding, drink half a glass of fruit juice; Dinner: Говяжий
potato broth; Tea time: ½ стакана клубничного морса; Dinner:
Baked turkey slice with vegetables.

8th day:

Breakfast: Seafood, steamed, a cup of unsweetened
green tea; Dinner: Сырный суп; Tea time: Любой цитрусовый фрукт;
Dinner: Диетический вариант салата «Цезарь».

Day 9:

Breakfast: Milk porridge; Dinner: Постный суп из фасоли; Tea time:
A small plate of red currant slightly covered with sugar;
Dinner: Салат из авокадо и креветок.

10th day:

Breakfast: a piece of loaf and a piece of chicken roll, cucumber and
greenery; Dinner: Суп из овощей с тефтелькой; Tea time: Стакан красной
sweet cherries; Dinner: Запечённый в фольге кусочек нежирного мяса со
spices and salad (from tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper, greens),
seasoned with olive oil.

How do you see a diet that is more benign when compared to
female. You can replace some ingredients to your liking,
the main thing that they were equivalent in calories.

After these 10 days, try not to eat to the maximum, but
eat more restrained. After the end of the diet, you can
a week use fasting days which will be favorable
affect the digestive system and weight.

Диета для похудения живота

Belly diet

In this article, we cannot but touch upon one of the more urgent and
sore problems in men – the theme of a hanging belly.

The diet for losing belly for men is almost the same as
and stated above, but special attention needs to be paid
the categorical rejection of beer, kvass, flour products, baking and
all of which consists of yeast.

In your diet you need to lean on fruits rich in vitamin
C (for example: citrus fruits) and fresh vegetables.

Of course, at a minimum, start doing sports every day.
Exercises, especially for press pumping. At the same time try
move more, and once again walk, rather than ride
car or bus.

Diet for conception мужчинам

Diet for conception

And finally, no less important topic: a diet for men for

In order to contribute to their health and favorable
conception should give preference to such products:

• Oysters are a good sexual stimulant; • Walnuts,
peanuts, hazelnuts – useful for potency; • Pomegranate – great
potency stimulator; • Olives – maintain hormonal balance in
the body; • Sweet Bulgarian pepper – increases the amount and
sperm motility; • Peaches, strawberries, papaya – also
useful for sexual function and conception; • Orange juice –
excellent thirst quencher, which is rich in vitamin C.

During this diet it is forbidden to drink alcohol in any
its manifestation.

If you smoke, you also need to tie it up, the same
concerns and hookah.

Conception must be taken very seriously, so your
the diet should be analyzed fully and then you
should give up “heavy” food.

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