Diet for blood type 2 (type A)

dieta-po-gruppe-krovi-2Unlike a lot of variety
nutrition programs designed for anyone who wants to lose weight, diets
for certain blood types can only be used by people with
corresponding type.

Доктор Питер Д’Адамо, автор книги «Diets по группе крови»,
claims that, thanks to this approach, you will be able to bring in
order your health and successfully burn those extra pounds.

In his book, he suggests that the anthropological history
each person is distributed through his blood and for healthy
development of the body must eat such groups
products that ate his genetic ancestors.

The history of the second group

According to Dr. D’Adamo, the anthropological ancestors of people with
blood type A were mainly farmers who lived in the Middle
East about 25 thousand years ago, at the dawn of the Neolithic.

The doctor assumes that this type was the result of a set
mutations that contributed to better uptake of vegetables and some
cereals. Today, such people are a common occurrence.
especially in Western Europe and Japan.


Features of the diet for blood group 2 (type A)

Recommended Products

During cooking, you must use a small
the amount of fat – olive oil is the best choice. AT
As a snack, pay attention to peanuts and pumpkin seeds.
Useful fruits include cherries, apricots, lemons, pineapples, plums,
prunes and figs.

Bean crops – lentils, black beans, beans and soybeans –
contain the best source of protein for the body. From vegetables can
pick out broccoli, kale, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts,
garlic, leek and spinach.

Buckwheat and amaranth are among the grains, but you can also use
barley, kamut (a high-protein wheat variety),
corn flour, oat bran 1-2 times a week. Limited

Avoid cooking with corn and sunflower oil.
AT качестве закусок между основными приемами пищи откажитесь от
walnuts, cashews and pistachios. In addition, the body of people with 2
группой плохо переваривает и усваивает мясные products.

Пшеницу и products ее содержащие употреблять в пищу не
recommended. It is also worth excluding bread from coarse rye flour and
хлеб из нескольких cereals.

Forbidden vegetables include mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, olives,
pepper and cabbage. Among the fruits are oranges, coconuts,
bananas, melons and mangoes. In addition, D’Adamo believes that during
диеты не следует пить молоко или есть молочные products, потому что
they will not be properly digested.

Stress management

According to D’Adamo, people of this type tend to have
high levels of cortisol – a hormone associated with stress.
Adjust your daily diet to balance
cortisol by limiting intake of sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

Break food into several small portions throughout the day.
necessarily including a normal breakfast, it will help stabilize
blood glucose level. Food preferences

According to D’Adamo, to help regulate cortisol levels,
It is very important to develop certain eating habits. AT дополнение к
split meals throughout the day, eat more protein, preferably in
morning hours Stop eating if you’re concerned about something
as this may disrupt your digestion. Chew food thoroughly
thereby facilitating digestion.

Life style

People using this diet can control the level
cortisol, adjusting your lifestyle. Avoid contact with
crowds of people, loud noises, extreme weather conditions,
smoking, overloading and watching cruel scenes on television;
get enough sleep at night.

Try to maintain a positive outlook on life,
negative emotions only increase stress. Be engaged in such
soothing practices like taijiquan, hatha yoga or
independent meditations.

Также обратите внимание: «Диета по группе крови типа AT (3)»
и «Питание по крови типа АAT (4)».

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