Diet for blood group 1

Diet for blood group 1

  • 1 Features of the diet for 1 blood group
    • 1.1 Purpose of the diet according to the blood group
  • 2 List of permitted and prohibited products
    • 2.1 weekly menu for 1 positive
    • 2.2 Menu for the week for 1 negative
    • 2.3 Recipes

Diet for blood group 1 разработана Питером Д’Адамо. By
the statement of the doctor carriers 1 positive and negative group
blood – innate hunters, both men and women, and therefore
to improve their immune system, normalize functions
digestive system, maintaining vigor and even slimming
when dieting in blood group 1 should be eaten low-fat
varieties of meat dishes, as well as fish and seafood.


Features of the diet for 1 blood group

Diet for blood group 1 предполагает употребление в меню красных
meat dishes, poultry, fish and seafood. Excludes pork,
dairy and grain products, pastries, coffee, strong black tea,
alcohol. There are some dietary habits in people
on 1 blood group with positive and negative
Rh factor.

The peculiarity of nutrition of people 1 positive blood group with
diet is the daily use in your diet low-fat
meat dishes, preferably beef and lamb, turkey, and
fish and seafood. On the side, with positive rhesus,
recommended cereals: buckwheat, barley, barley, and spinach,
Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, radish, artichokes.

The peculiarity of nutrition with a diet with 1 negative
blood type is the use in the weekly diet of meat dishes
at least 3-4 times. It is better to simmer or bake the meat in the oven. With
negative rhesus is worth pre-pickle dishes in
tomato, cherry or lemon juice. The menu should be present
a fish. Byказано дополнительное употребление рыбьего жира. Allowed
use in the diet of goat cheese in small. Byтребление жирных
cheeses should be reduced to a minimum.

Purpose of a diet according to a blood group

People with 1 positive and negative blood group
prescribed diet for weight loss. Competently made menu
allows you to lose weight while maintaining vigor and
cheerfulness To other indications for diet people 1 positive and
negative blood types include: a weakened immune system,
metabolic disorders and diseases of the digestive system.

List of permitted and prohibited products

Observing diet, you must take into account in your diet.
recommended by dietitians for people with blood type 1

In the diet must be present:

  • meat (except pork);
  • offal (kidney, liver, heart);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • olive and flaxseed oil;
  • sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, beans, pumpkin, turnip, broccoli,
  • parsley, spinach, ground pepper, curry;
  • prunes, apples, plums, cherries, figs, cherry plums.

Of the drinks in the diet for 1 blood group are recommended: lime and
green tea, dogrose broth, juice.

People with blood group 1, both positive and negative
Rh factor is recommended to completely eliminate from its menu when
diet the following foods:

  • Pork, goose, bacon and ham;
  • Dairy and dairy products (with the exception of cottage cheese and
    cottage cheese cheese);
  • Pistachios, peanuts, lentils;
  • Macaroni and bakery products from firm grades
  • Pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar;
  • Potatoes, champignons, cauliflower;
  • Oranges, tangerines, melons, strawberries, avocados;
  • Черный чай, крепкий кофе, газированные напитки и alcohol.

Weekly menu for 1 positive

People with 1 positive blood group in between
main meals with a diet recommended
have a bite of pumpkin seeds, walnut, cedar or
almond nuts. Supplement diet menu can be lime or green
tea, decoction of wild rose.


  • Cottage cheese. Jam.
  • Pike ear
  • Stewed lamb. Salad of radish, cucumbers, greens.


  • Pumpkin puree. Jelly.
  • Rassolnik. Cherry plum
  • Grilled salmon fillet with sweet pepper.


  • Cottage cheese with prunes.
  • Turkey broth. Sweet potato.
  • Beef with rice and spinach.


  • Perlovka with figs and cherry plum.
  • Chicken soup. Plums
  • Salmon fillet with Jerusalem artichoke.


  • Muesli. Honey.
  • Beef croquettes in tomato sauce.
  • Veal in cream sauce with parsley.


  • Soft-boiled egg. Rye gingerbread.
  • Rabbit stew with vegetables.
  • Herring. Turnip. Prunes


  • Rice waffles.
  • Cream soup with shrimps.
  • Turkey fillet with seaweed.

Weekly menu for 1 negative

Diet 1 negative blood group involves the preparation
meat dishes in a preliminary marinade, preferably in lemon juice
or tomato. Carriers 1 negative blood group recommended
add iodized salt to food, especially dieting. With
the feeling of hunger is better to eat dried fruits, walnuts


  • Cod liver. Toasts.
  • Roast lamb.
  • Fillet of veal. Turnip, spinach.


  • Rye gingerbread. Plums
  • Beef patties. Green beans.
  • Sturgeon. Sweet potato.


  • Pancakes with chicken liver.
  • Hake fillet. Baked turnips.
  • Beef medallions. Broccoli.


  • Perlovka. Fish fat.
  • Vegetable soup in meat broth. Baked apples.
  • Grilled trout. Spinach.


  • Buckwheat. Stewed chicken liver.
  • Ukha. Rye bread.
  • Baked with prunes lamb.


  • Barley porridge with almonds and cherry plums.
  • Beef soup Toasts.
  • Herring. Fig. Seaweed.


  • Stuffed walnuts prunes.
  • Beef medallions.
  • Turkey steak. Beans

Dish recipes

Beef medallions


  • beef tenderloin 200 gr;
  • lemon 1;
  • onions 1;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • iodized salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Beef tenderloin cut into medium pieces, not less than
1.5 cm, at will we beat back to give a delicate taste. We salt the meat,
pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Peel the onions, cut them
rings, add to the marinade and leave it for 20 minutes. Then
fry meat in a pan with a small amount of olive
oils. Put it on a baking tray covered with foil or
parchment paper fried meat pieces, send to the brass
cabinet for 30 minutes until ready.

People with 1 negative blood group are advised to include in
your diet on a diet – beef medallions for lunch or

Cream Shrimp Soup


  • shrimp 5;
  • sweet potato 3;
  • lime 1;
  • carrots 1;
  • cream of 10% 100 ml;
  • iodized salt;
  • ground black pepper.

We clean the shrimp, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lime juice.
Peel carrots and yams, finely chop. Cook vegetables in
salted, boiling water for 15 minutes until ready. Merge the excess
water, pour 10% cream into vegetables, cook for 5 minutes over low heat.
Then на блендере доводим до консистенции пюре. Add to
shrimp cream soup, green on request.

Exquisite taste of cream soup with shrimp complement a touch
piquancy of the diet menu of representatives of 1 positive group

Baked sturgeon in the oven


  • sturgeon 1.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • lemon 1.

We clean the fish from scales and viscera, remove the gills. Flush
running water, rub with salt and pepper, leave to marinate on
5 minutes. We spread parchment paper on baking sheet
Sturgeon on it, sprinkle it with squeezed lemon juice. We send
fish in the oven for 30 minutes before rudding and

Sturgeon – amazingly delicious dinner, permissible in the diet of people 1
группы крови с положительным и отрицательным Rh factor.

Baked apples


  • apples 2;
  • honey 1 tsp;
  • nuts 20 gr.

My apples, cut out the middle, without touching the base. AT
the resulting shape put honey and nuts (to taste raisins, prunes
и т. д.). We send в разогретую духовку на 20-30 минут.

The diet of people with the first negative blood group allows
As a dessert, use baked apples.

Pancakes with chicken liver


  • chicken liver 0.5 kg;
  • onions 3;
  • Olive oil 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water 0.5 l;
  • chicken eggs 2;
  • flour 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • iodized salt.

We clean onions, cut into cubes, fry in a pan with
hot olive oil until golden brown. Add
chicken liver, salt to taste, fry in a place with onions 5-7
minutes to readiness, let cool. Skip the liver through a meat grinder
for the formation of uniform stuffing. AT воду добавляем яйца, муку,
a pinch of iodized salt, whip the dough on a blender or mixer,
добавляем в тесто немного оливкового oils. We fry the lists with
pan. AT блины заворачиваем фарш.

People 1 positive blood group is recommended to use
Pancakes with liver for breakfast during the diet.

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