Diet for a week

Every day, getting out of bed, you pass by the mirror.
Skeptical viewing of reflection in the mirror, which as always
ends with the discontent of his figure. Deep breath – exhale,
sad look and you are going to get ready for work while dreaming
achieve the perfect figure. It’s like an old joke when a Jew
turns to God to have mercy on him and help win in
lottery, although not even bothered, buy a lottery ticket. Nothing
does not remind!?

Диета на 7 дней

Dream about the perfect figure, and at the same time do nothing –
where is the logic here? Or remove the mirror and accept, loving yourself
the way you are, or get together and make go on a diet.
If our words made you think about diet, then we are very
happy to We understand that changing your diet is very hard and
reluctantly, but we in turn understand this, and the one we have proposed
easy diet for weight loss, the very thing that you are looking for, only 7

Diet for a week, оптимальный вариант чтобы дать
the beginning of the fight with extra pounds. Her menu does not contain harsh
prohibitions, the diet will not be too different from the usual, but only
will make some adjustments. Only 7 days and you will see
result. Find your motivation for losing weight, and boldly with
Monday we start a diet.

Диета на неделю

Diet quick weight loss per week should be consistent
following principles:

1. During the diet period try to lean on vitamin E, which
is a very powerful antioxidant. It will help keep you awake
and blooming appearance. Typical representatives of vitamin E: •
Fruits; • Grain bread; • Cereals; • Walnuts; • Almond.

2. Give preference and seafood that help
regulate cell metabolism for normal functioning
organism. What seafood to use in your diet: •
Salmon; • Salmon; • Fariel; • Tuna; • bream; • Herring.

3. Dilute your menu with polysaccharide food, which gives
charge of energy without gaining extra weight. These products are:
• Fruits – apples and pomegranates; • Vegetables – carrots; • Wheat; • rice; •
Quince; • Prunes.

How to build your diet? Every day should include
The following products: • Bread only with bran; • Fruits (2-3
portions); • Vegetables (1kg), best raw; • Yogurt
(non-greasy and better without sugar); • dairy products (kefir,
cottage cheese, sour cream); • Olive oil (and no other); •
Legumes; • Herbs and spices; • 7-8 glasses of mineral,
still water.

Рецепт диеты для похудения

We want to offer you our recipe of a diet for
Slimming for a week, consisting of 5 meals a day:

1-ый день: Завтрак: Фруктовые мюсли (2
tablespoons of cereal, half a banana, kiwi, a tablespoon
wheat germ, pour 100ml kefir); Second breakfast: Sandwich with
cherry tomatoes, mozzarella and mint green tea; Lunch: Baked
vegetable stew (potatoes, eggplants, zucchini, green and sweet
red pepper, tomato, onion and olive oil); Tea Time: Fruit
salad, seasoned with lemon juice; Dinner: Chicken Breast,
grilled and fresh vegetable salad with greens.

2-ой день: Завтрак: Тост с
sandwich cheese; fruit salad dressed with yogurt and juice;
Second breakfast: A cup of cocoa, without sugar; Lunch: Vegetable Soup;
Safe, 200g rice and grapefruit; Dinner: Shrimp Salad (125g
boiled and peeled shrimps, 6 cherry tomatoes, 75g arugula, 1
avocado, lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil,
half a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, salt and black pepper

3-ий день: Завтрак: Каша из любой
cereals and green fruit tea; Second breakfast: Sandwich with ветчиной
and lettuce, you can add a little green; Lunch: Pasta,
fresh vegetable salad, tomato juice; Lunch: Carrot fresh;
Dinner: Steamed fish with vegetables and celery.

4-ый день: Завтрак: Ломтик хлеба из
wholemeal flour, boiled turkey, greens, yogurt; Second
Breakfast: 50g cheese, 100g pineapple or grapes; Lunch: 2
stuffed peppers with rice and meat, a tomato, a bunch of parsley;
Tea Time: Fruit салат с орехами и изюмом, заправить обезжиренным
yogurt; Dinner: 2 boiled chicken eggs, toast, shrimp
and greens.

5-ый день: Завтрак: Омлет из яичных
proteins, fruits and berries; Second завтрак: Шоколадно-имбирное
ice cream from yogurt (recipe below); Dinner: Gazpacho soup, salad from
vegetables and stewed eggplants; Lunch: Thin cake and low-fat
cheese; Dinner: Grilled tuna with greens and side dish.

6-ой день: Завтрак: 2 яйца, бутерброд
with a slice of lean ham, juice; Second завтрак: Фруктовый салат;
Lunch: Chicken broth (1 potato, noodles, greens); Tea time:
Low-fat yogurt; Dinner: 150g boiled shrimp.

7-ой день: Завтрак: Овощной фреш;
Second завтрак: Бутерброд из сёмги; Lunch: 2 запечённые картофелины
salad of cucumber, tomato, radishes and greens; Tea time: Виноград или
an Apple; Dinner: Caesar Salad (recipe below).

That’s all! It’s not a difficult diet, right !? In this diet, we
tried to combine healthy and tasty foods that will help
make the right one metabolism, relieve stomach and help
throw off the annoying extra pounds. In addition, view more
once the proposed diet, all dishes are prepared fairly quickly and without
problems. A recipe for delicious salads for weight loss you can find here.
Диета для занятых

Diet you do not have to torture yourself, forcing to eat
only one product, for example, as is done in
buckwheat or kefir diet. The menu is quite diverse. Above we
promised to share with you recipes of dishes. So let’s start by

Caesar salad”

For 2 servings we need: 2 halves of chicken breasts – by
100g; Grated cheese – ½ spoon; Mustard table – 1h spoon; Apple
vinegar – ½ spoon; Olive oil – 1 hour spoon; Garlic – ½ cloves;
Chicken broth (nonfat) – ½ cup; Lettuce (sliced) –
3 cups; Cherry tomatoes – 7 pieces.

Start cooking. Chicken breasts need pepper,
salt and fry on the grill on each side, until complete frying.
In parallel, we are preparing cheese puree with mustard, vinegar,
oil, garlic and half a glass of broth. After cooking
mashed potatoes, add the remaining half of the chicken broth and
mix everything thoroughly, add lettuce leaves at the end.
Put it all on a platter. Then get cooked
chicken fillet and cut it across, thin slices.
Put them on a plate on top of the salad, along with chopped

Chocolate Ginger Ice Cream

For 2 servings, we need: Natural yogurt – 200g;
Ginger root (grate) – ½ tsp; Chocolate black (grated)
– 2.5 tablespoons; Icing sugar – ½ spoon; Whipped cream –
100g 30% fat. Cooking is pretty simple. Everything
Mix the listed ingredients with a mixer until smooth.
Put in a plastic container for freezing and send it all
in the freezer for 12 hours, at a temperature below -5 degrees.
Serve best in a glass for ice cream, in the form of balls,
sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Лёгкая диета для похудения

With this diet, you will not suffer, and walk with
under the eyes due to constant malnutrition and exhaustion
from a diet. It is recommended to reduce alcohol consumption during this period.
to an absolute minimum. Ideal for this busy diet
ladies leading an active rhythm of life.

If there are no obstacles, you can continue this diet.
and in the second week using the same diet suggested

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: