Diet for a flat stomach: 7 steps to a dream

dieta-dlya-ploskogo-zivotaFat deposits in the abdomen
considered the most dangerous, because fat is not only under
a layer of skin, but also deposited around the internal abdominal organs
cavities as important as the liver and intestines. And it is capable
cause a lot of complications.

That is why it is very important to learn how to burn abdominal fat, how can
rather Here is a simple example of such a program for
losing weight

So, a diet for a flat stomach includes:

1. Eat more fiber.

Fiber is one of the most important components of this
diets. When mixed with water products containing fiber,
provide indisputable help in digestion, helping to absorb everything,
what you ate. This means that food is converted into energy more
effectively and the fat residue from food is not transformed into fat
abdominal tissue.

2. Eat high-quality carbohydrates

When you eat carbohydrates, some of them are stored as glycogen.
in the muscles and liver. Glycogen binds and transports water molecules
three times its own weight, while fats and proteins are not
carry no water whatsoever.

Glycogen storage of fluid means the fat is not so
plenty of space to accumulate. But be careful not
overeat a lot of carbohydrate foods, because how can that be
cause bloating. 3. Drink plenty of water.

Although there are many people who believe that consumption
large amounts of water can cause bloating,
really exactly the opposite. When you drink water, from the body
excess salt is washed out, which significantly reduces bloating.
Water consumption is one of the main factors of this

4. Salt management

Salt is necessary for the body, but should not be taken
her over the norm. When salt comes in excess from food, it
causes bloating because it tends to attract
water, and water is retained in those parts of the body where arises
excess salt.

5. Light dinner

Your metabolism at night is significantly reduced, since
You do not spend too much energy in your sleep. It means that
Most of what you eat before bedtime will remain as
the fatty tissue in your body, and does not turn into energy.

That is why a light dinner is always expedient and optimal.
option if you want to quickly tidy up your tummy. 6
Eat regularly in small portions.

Meals in small portions at regular intervals
is much more efficient than three large meals in
throughout the day. This principle helps to keep your digestive
also metabolic systems in the form and they work more

In addition, small amounts of food are digested and
are transformed into energy much faster than a large amount
heavy eating.

7. Try to avoid stress.

Although it’s not exactly dietary advice, it’s also important
Follow to get a flat stomach. When you are able
stress and anxiety, you usually eat more by eating
�”Forbidden” products.

In addition, due to the stress of the digestive and metabolic
systems do not work optimally. Together these both
factor able to add a lot of excess fat in the area

This diet for a beautiful and flat belly is incredible.
effective. There have been numerous studies that
Proved the performance of this approach.

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