Diet “five tablespoons” for weight loss

  • 1 Diet “5 tablespoons”
    • 1.1 What can and can not?
    • 1.2 How to drink alcohol?
    • 1.3 Menu for the week
  • 2 Recipes
  • 3 Results

The diet of “five tablespoons” is gaining increasing popularity.
Adhering to the simple principles of this method, you can not only
lose weight without harm to health, but also to keep achieved
result. При четком соблюдении всех правил диеты удастся
normalize metabolic processes in the body, reduce the amount of
the stomach, which will affect the reduction of consumed portions for one
food intake and due to this lose weight.


Diet “5 tablespoons”

Many people trying to lose weight are interested in
the question is how to eat 5 tablespoons of diet, what is
its principle, and which rules should be followed for a stable
losing weight? In fact, everything is very simple. This nutritional method is not
implies strict restrictions in the choice of products – on the contrary,
the menu should be quite diverse and balanced.

The main principle of the diet – the total amount of portions eaten for
once, should not exceed 5 tablespoons.
According to
The nutritionists who developed this method need exactly that
man in order to get enough and fill the need
organism in vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Eat worth
often, at least 4-5 times a day with an interval of 3 hours between doses
food. With an acute feeling of hunger, it is allowed to have a snack even on
night. During the day, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.
Allowed to drink tea and coffee, but without sugar. It is recommended to exclude
appetite-enhancing foods from your diet: salty, spicy,
marinated dishes, spices, sauces, carbonated drinks. For
Achieve fast results with 5 tablespoons better
eliminate fatty, fried foods, pastries and sweets, or reduce
their use up to 1-2 times a week.

Most fat people have a too big stomach, which
constantly increasing and requires more food to saturate.
If you significantly reduce the amount of food consumed, the stomach
gradually decrease in size, and the body will require
гораздо меньше питательной food.

Diet «пять столовых ложек» призвана уменьшить
stomach and teach him to fractional nutrition. The most pleasant thing about this
method is that prohibited foods are practically not
exists. This means that a person sticking to this diet,
will always be able to pamper yourself with your favorite delicacy. But only in
allowable ration volumes (not more than 150 grams for 1 reception

The five tablespoons diet is a great way to lose weight, which
can be observed throughout life to maintain perfect
forms. Recommended before starting to lose weight with this method.
get ready. Three weeks before the diet should be consumed for 1
food intake of 10 tablespoons of food, for 2 weeks – 7, gradually
Teaching your body to small portions. Sticking to this
weight loss method in one week, you can lose 5 kg. Result
may vary in a smaller or larger direction, depending on
initial weight of a person, age, gender.

What can and can not?

What can and what can not on the diet “5 tablespoons”? Products at
A diet of 5 tablespoons is practically unlimited, which cannot
ни радовать, ведь нет необходимости отказываться от своих
food preferences. There is everything, but a little bit. Receptions
meals should be frequent, 4-5 times a day with an interval of 3 hours.
However, the portion volume should always be constant – only 5
tablespoons at a time or 150 grams.

It is recommended to use 1.5-2 liters of water without gas per day.
It should be drunk in sips, half an hour before meals and an hour later
after meal. Food should not be washed down because it provokes
stretching the walls of the stomach. Despite the fact that as such
There are no prohibited foods in the diet of 5 petals to achieve
maximum weight loss results must be eliminated or reduced
to a minimum the use of fatty, fried foods, sweets,

The list of prohibited foods with a diet of 5 canteens

  • Pastry, fresh pastries;
  • Fatty meats and poultry (pork, duck, goose);
  • Sausages;
  • Fried and smoked dishes;
  • Sugar;
  • Carbonated drinks.

As exceptions (for example, during holidays)
It is allowed to use prohibited foods in the menu, but not more often
1-2 servings per week.

How to drink alcohol?

Diet “5 tablespoons” implies a maximum limit
drinking alcoholic beverages. They possess high
calorie and increase appetite, which leads to the opposite effect –
weight gain. However, the complete elimination of alcoholic beverages method
Slimming “5 tablespoons” is not intended.

How to drink alcohol on a diet “5 tablespoons”? Valid
the dose of alcoholic beverages per week is one portion, the amount of which is not
should exceed 100 ml. Preference is given to the weak
alcohol – for example, red or white dry wine. If it will be
selected brandy, whiskey, vodka or other strong drinks, the portion
reduced to 50 ml per week.

Menu for the week

Diet 5 tablespoons – the menu for the week (breakfast, lunch,
afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Banana oatmeal;
  • Chicken broth with pieces of meat;
  • Orange;
  • Beef medallions. Mashed potatoes.


  • Cheesecakes;
  • Green borscht;
  • Kefir;
  • Lightly salted salmon. Cabbage salad with onions.


  • Omelet with herbs and tomatoes;
  • Pasta with cheese;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Fish with grilled vegetables.


  • Buckwheat;
  • Chicken cutlets. Cucumber tomato;
  • Ryazhenka;
  • Ukha.


  • 2 hard boiled eggs;
  • Okroshka;
  • Berry Cocktail;
  • Baked turkey with vegetables.


  • Fruit salad;
  • Soup with mushrooms;
  • A pineapple;
  • Cocktail seafood.


  • Rice porrige;
  • Chicken rolls;
  • Kiwi;
  • Vegetable stew.

Making the menu for the week, you must comply with the most important
the rule of the diet – the amount of one meal should not exceed 5
tablespoons. It is compliance with this principle provides
decrease in the volume of the stomach and leads to a stable weight loss.


Recipes по диете “5 столовых ложек “:

Banana Bunting

Banana Bunting


  • Cereals;
  • Milk;
  • Banana;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Nuts

A few tablespoons of oatmeal pour boiled
hot milk so that it completely covers them. Give porridge
infuse for at least 15 minutes, then add a half to it
sliced ​​banana. If desired, you can add nuts and finely
chopped dried apricots.

Start your day by dieting 5 tablespoons correctly.
Banana Bunting — не только сытное и вкусное блюдо, но еще и
useful, contributing to the improvement of the gastrointestinal

Vegetable stew

Vegetable stew


  • Squashes;
  • Carrot;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Onion;
  • Olive oil;
  • Tomato paste;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt.

Peel the onion. Cut into cubes zucchini, carrots,
tomato, onion, lightly fry in olive oil, then
put in a saucepan and pour water so that it is slightly covered
vegetables. Simmer on low heat for half an hour, 10 minutes before
ready to add tomato paste, bay leaf, salt and spices
to taste.

Nourishing vegetable stew can be consumed as
as a side dish for diet 5




  • Cottage cheese;
  • Oat flour;
  • Egg;
  • Sugar;
  • Cinnamon.

Cottage cheese mash with a fork, add a little oatmeal, one egg,
a little sugar, cinnamon, knead not too thick dough.
 Form small patties, fry them on the preheated
pan with olive oil. Serve with sour cream, berries
or fruit.

For breakfast, a diet of 5 tablespoons can be
Treat yourself to delicious cheesecakes. 

Chicken Cutlets

Chicken Cutlets


  • Chicken fillet;
  • Milk;
  • Wheat bread;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Egg;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

Prepare minced chicken fillet. Soak bread in warm
milk Mix the minced meat with bread, add 1 egg, salt and pepper.
to taste. Form small patties, roll them in breadcrumbs.
crumbs and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Tender chicken cutlets can be included in your diet 5 diets

Berry Cocktail

Berry Cocktail


  • Natural yoghurt;
  • Blueberry;
  • Strawberry;
  • Vanilla;
  • Mint.

In a glass of natural yogurt add blueberries, chopped
strawberries, a little vanilla. Beat the cocktail in a blender before serving.
decorate it with a leaf of fresh mint.

Tonic berry cocktail quench thirst and saturate
the body with vitamins with a diet of 5 canteens

Pasta with cheese

Pasta with cheese


  • Pasta (spaghetti);
  • Butter;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Mozzarella cheese”;
  • Salt.

Boil the pasta in salted water, strain them through
colander. Put the pasta in a plate, put a piece of cream
butter, then sprinkle with grated hard cheese on top, and lay out
a few pieces of mozzarella.

Pasta with cheese — сытное блюдо. Turn it on in the diet menu 5
tablespoons for lunch or dinner.

Fruit salad

Fruit salad


  • An Apple;
  • Pear;
  • Banana;
  • Blueberry;
  • Raspberries;
  • Natural yoghurt;
  • Mint.

Cut apple, pear, banana into slices into thin slices,
add a little blueberry and raspberry, season with natural yogurt,
decorate with a leaf of fresh mint. You can sprinkle with cocoa or cinnamon.
wish before serving.

Light, juicy fruit salad suitable as a dessert
при диете 5 tablespoons.


If you believe the numerous reviews, the diet 5 tablespoons
The results of slimming provides excellent. Depending on the
initial weight, some manage to lose up to 5 kg in one

In order not to break down and keep achieved
необходимо обеспечить плавный выход из диеты,
gradually including in your diet favorite treats, but
save portion size. To keep your figure in perfect
form, it is recommended to learn to eat all the time fractional, 4-5 times in
day. This method of feeding will not allow the stomach to stretch again, and
the body will not need a lot of high-calorie food
for saturation.

How much can you lose weight in a month?

According to nutritionists, adhering to this method of reducing
weight in one month you can get rid of 5-7 kg. Actually accurate
the result always depends on several factors: the initial
human weight, its complexion and health. However as
a minimum of 6 kg per month with a diet of 5 tablespoons usually goes to

To achieve a similar result, it should be exactly
to comply with all the requirements of this method of losing weight and in no way
case does not increase the portion of food. You should not limit
yourself in the products, it is worth including in your diet your favorite dishes,
уменьшая их объем до 5 tablespoons.

Diet “пять столовых ложек” — результаты

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