Diet favorite for 7 days

  • 1 Principles of a seven-day slimming diet
    • 1.1 Products List
    • 1.2 Menu for 7 days
    • 1.3 The correct exit

Favorite diet has gained popularity due to its
efficiency. In just 7 days on it you can lose weight from 5 to 10 kg.
In this case, the menu will not have time to get bored because of the cardinal change
daily diet. Every new day is peculiar
one-day mono-diet, reminiscent of a normal fasting day.


Principles of a seven-day diet for weight loss

Diet favorite for 7 days для похудения получила немало
laudatory reviews. Sparing daily diet
use only strictly certain products, does not have time
to bore down You can diversify the menu of the “beloved” at your discretion from
allowed products based on personal taste preferences.

Should be made in advance and consistently
follow the menu of each of the 7 days, strictly adhering to the following
свести потребление в пищу соли к
minimum, additionally take vitamins and minerals (in the form
capsules, pills, tablets). On drinking days, be sure to drink
broth from chicken or turkey without salt in order not to break
from the grueling feeling of hunger. On a fruit day should eat
every 2-3 hours, in order to avoid feelings of hunger, dizziness,
weaknesses. Physical activity should be reduced during this period to
the minimum.

The menu of the favorite diet for 7 days is made up as follows.
in the following way:

  • 1,3 и 6 дни — питьевые (допускается
    the use of any liquid, including water, tea, soups, broths in
    unlimited quantities);
  • 2 день — овощной (допускается как отдельное
    use of any fresh vegetables, and in salads);
  • 4 день — фруктовый (любые фрукты, в
    features of kiwi and grapefruits, which are natural burners
  • 5 день — белковый (сваренные вкрутую яйца,
    boiled fish and chicken breast, yoghurts);
  • 7 день — сбалансированное питание (в рацион
    Included foods that were valid on previous days of your favorite diet:
    broths, salads, fruits, fish, chicken).

Grocery list

Diet favorite for 7 days — список продуктов,
permissible in the menu:

  • Жидкость: очищенная вода без газа, чай без
    sugar, broths without salt, kefir, milk, berry juice and compote without
  • Фрукты: яблоки, груши, сливы, айва, киви,
    grapefruits, oranges, bananas;
  • Овощи: капуста белокочанная, огурцы, помидоры,
    Bulgarian pepper, zucchini, carrots, onions;
  • Белковые продукты: филе курицы и индейки
    (boiled, without skin and salt), fish (boiled), cottage cheese and
    low fat yogurts hard boiled
    the eggs.

Menu for 7 days

Diet favorite – the menu for 7 days (breakfast, second breakfast,
обед, полдник, ужин): Понедельник:

  • Kefir;
  • Juice (tomato, apple);
  • Bouillon;
  • Tea;
  • Berry juice.


  • Grated carrots;
  • 2 cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • Squash Cavier;
  • Bulgarian pepper, spinach;
  • White Cabbage Salad.


  • A glass of milk;
  • Vegetable broth;
  • Compote;
  • Kefir.


  • Banana. An Apple;
  • Orange, grapefruit;
  • Fruit salad;
  • Kiwi;
  • Pear, apple, banana.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese, seasoned with yogurt;
  • Chicken breast (without skin and salt);
  • 2 hard boiled eggs;
  • Shrimp;
  • Pollock fillet (boiled or steamed).


  • Green tea;
  • Milk;
  • Turkey broth;
  • Kefir;
  • Warm water.


  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • Apple pear;
  • Chicken soup;
  • Salad;
  • Boiled salmon fillet.

Correct exit

Favorite diet for 7 days gives a stunning result,
helping to lose weight from 5 to 10 kg. However, the exit from the beloved
diet to consolidate the effect obtained must be correct.
In no case can not immediately jump on the coveted
delicacies, otherwise the previous weight will return instantly.

On the first day after the end of compliance with your favorite diet is better
съесть на завтрак одно-два сваренных вкрутую the eggs. During the day
You can be supplemented by fruits and vegetables. Recommended for lunch
eat chicken broth soup and vegetables, and for dinner restrict
a salad. In the following month, it is worth cutting daily calories
your normal diet. You must also watch out for your
physical activity, keeping a balance of consumption and combustion
calories. You can follow your favorite diet no earlier than two.
weeks after the end of the previous one.

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