Diet dairy-free for nursing moms and forbaby: menus and recipes

  • 1 Dairy-free diet for nursing mothers
    • 1.1 What can and can not?
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
    • 1.3 Recipes
  • 2 Diet-free baby diet
    • 2.1 List of permitted products
    • 2.2 Menus for every day
    • 2.3 Recipes

Allergic reaction in newborns to milk protein
(casein) phenomenon is quite common. Manifested in the form of
diathesis, gassing, diarrhea in the baby. Insofar as
the infant’s digestive system is in its infancy and
fewer enzymes are produced in the intestines to assimilate
dairy products, nursing mothers prescribed non-dairy diet.
Often, by the age of 5, 90% of children are allergic to casein, but before
from this point on, they should also follow a non-dairy diet,
gradually expanding the list of permissible products.


Dairy-free diet for nursing mothers

Mother’s milk is completely harmless to the baby. At first
the same symptoms of child allergy to casein must begin to comply
nursing mom milk-free diet. The essence of the dairy-free diet for
lactating mothers are completely excluded from the diet of dairy and
fermented milk products.

It should be borne in mind that during the lactation daily
caloric intake of a nursing mother should be at least 2000
Kcal. On this basis, the feeding mother should eat
balanced and diverse, and the menu is made up of valid when
dairy-free diet foods.

To improve the quality and quantity of breast milk, nursing
Moms with a dairy-free diet need to eat a lot every day.
liquids, at least 2-2.5 liters (water, tea, fruit drinks, juices,
compotes, decoctions of berries).

Exit nursing mom from dairy-free diet, in case of allergic
child’s reactions to casein, only valid at the end

What can and can not?

What can you eat nursing mom on dairy-free

  • Coconut, almond and soy milk;
  • Meat (lean pork, beef, veal, rabbit meat);
  • Bird (preferably turkey and chicken with dairy-free
  • Ocean and freshwater fish;
  • Chicken eggs and quail;
  • Cereals and cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice, pshenka);
  • Legumes (lentils, beans, peas);
  • Bread and bakery products;
  • Pasta;
  • Vegetables (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, paprika, spinach,
    broccoli, carrots, onions);
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Seeds, dried fruits (especially useful for non-dairy diet
    sesame seeds);
  • Vegetable, olive oil.

Of the permitted products with dairy-free diets for mothers
It is recommended to include in your diet soups, cereals, salads. For
Calcium deficiency in a dairy-free diet is necessary
eat protein products of animal origin every day
(meat, fish, eggs). Other allergenic products (mushrooms, nuts)
It is necessary to introduce in your diet dairy-free diet gradually, watching
for the well-being and reaction of the body of the child.

For восполнения дефицита кальция в организме у кормящей мамы
It is recommended to take calcium gluconate in the dairy-free diet.

With a dairy-free diet for nursing moms, all dairy and
dairy products, including milk (cow, goat), kefir,
cottage cheese, natural yoghurt, sour cream, butter, cream,
ryazhenka, sour milk, salted cheeses, condensed milk, cheese,
whey, ice cream, as well as all the dishes made from these

Menu for the week

Dairy-free diet for nursing mothers меню на неделю
(breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner):


  • Muesli with berries;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • Chicken noodle soup. 2 loaves;
  • 2 baked apples;
  • Mashed potatoes. Beef Goulash. Cucumber Salad and


  • Omelet of 2 eggs for a couple. A tomato;
  • Ham;
  • Cream soup from chicken and vegetables. Boiled chicken fillet. Rice
    2 loaves;
  • Compote. Cracker;
  • Vegetable stew. Fishcakes.


  • Buckwheat porridge on the water, filled with honey and dried fruits;
  • Soft-boiled egg;
  • Ear with fish pieces. Dried bread;
  • 2 pears;
  • Pasta. Rabbit stewed in tomato sauce with vegetables.


  • Oatmeal with berries and honey;
  • Kissel;
  • Beef borscht. Soy patties. Гречневые 2 loaves;
  • Ham;
  • Stuffed pepper with beef meat. Baked apple.


  • 2 hard boiled eggs. Ham;
  • Berry smoothie;
  • Turkey soup Pancakes with chicken liver;
  • Biscuit. Tea;
  • Cabbage leaves and beef.


  • Rice porridge on the water with honey and nuts;
  • Fruit salad;
  • Soup with meatballs. Bean puree;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • Roast Beef.


  • Pumpkin porridge on the water; Orange;
  • Ham;
  • Chicken and rice soup. Bread;
  • Water-diluted apple juice;
  • Steamed fish with vegetables.

Menu dairy-free diet for nursing mothers should be
balanced and varied to enrich the child’s body
all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements for
normal development.


Recipes для диеты безмолочной для кормящих мам:
Chicken Vegetable Stew

Chicken Vegetable Stew


  • Poultry fillet;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Potatoes;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Eggplant;
  • Squashes;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Bow, peel potatoes and carrots, Bulgarian pepper
    from seeds.
  2. Onion and pepper cut into half rings, carrot slices,
    potatoes in medium cubes, eggplant in small cubes. Greenery
    finely chopped. All vegetables mixed in a separate bowl with
  3. Wash poultry meat, cut into medium pieces, salt,
    Spice up. Cover the tray with parchment paper, put it on
    him pieces of poultry and vegetables, evenly spreading throughout
    perimeter. Vegetables, salt, sprinkle with vegetable oil, add
    half a glass of water.
  4. Bake in preheated oven for 35-50 minutes before

Vegetable stew will enrich the body of a nursing mother with vitamins and
beneficial trace elements during the dairy-free diet.

Meatball Soup

Meatball Soup


  • Ground beef;
  • Egg;
  • Potatoes;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Greenery;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel all vegetables from the skin. Potatoes cut into large
    diced, onion in small cubes, carrots three on a coarse grater.
  2. Fry in a pan with heated vegetable oil first
    onions, then add carrots to it.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Add to
    boiling water sliced ​​potatoes, frying, reduce heat and boil
    under the lid.
  4. Mix the stuffing with an egg and a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly.
    We make small meatballs.
  5. In the boiling soup we throw one at a time all the meatballs, neatly
    mix, salt.
  6. Cook the soup for 15 minutes. Before serving, decorate chopped

Meatball Soup можно употребить кормящей маме на обед в
period dairy-free diet.

Beef Goulash

Beef Goulash


  • Beef;
  • Carrot;
  • Onion;
  • Flour 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Tomato paste 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel vegetables. Onion cut into small cubes,
    grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Cut meat into small cubes.
  3. Sprinkle the pan with vegetable oil, heat, fry in
    for 5-7 minutes meat, then add onion to beef, stew in
    for 2-3 minutes, and then add carrots. Stir and leave
    languish over low heat.
  4. In a dry frying pan fry the flour. Add flour and tomato
    pasta for meat with vegetables, mix, salt.
  5. Add broth or water to goulash to prevent lumps.
    Leave the stew for 15 minutes. A couple of minutes before readiness, you can
    taste add bay leaf.

Juicy beef goulash can be consumed by a nursing mother when
dairy-free diet as a main course, and as a side dish to
mashed potatoes, pasta, buckwheat porridge.

Diet for baby dairy-free

Since the first days of life, you can set allergic
A child’s reaction to casein is a complex protein that is
the main cow’s milk and the main substance contained in
dairy and dairy products. If allergic
reactions in a baby who are breastfed may
there is frothy or greasy stools, vomiting, itching and rash on
cheeks, colic and gas in the intestines, dehydration.

Causes of milk protein allergy in

  • Hereditary predisposition Allergic reactions to
    milk and dairy products from relatives (grandparents,
    sisters, brothers) are capable of being transmitted at the genetic level.
  • Artificial feeding. Proved that the later child
    begin to introduce milk-based (cow, goat) -based feeding,
    less likely to exhibit allergic reactions to dairy and
    dairy products.
  • Eating a nursing mom in your sweet dairy and
    fermented milk products. Due to poor ecology as well as low
    quality of dairy products in a child can form
    casein intolerance.

If allergic reactions to casein are detected, doctors prescribe
baby milk-free diet. When artificial feeding –
specialized bacterial enhancement supplements
assimilation of milk by the child.

If after the introduction of complementary foods (up to 1 year) allergic reactions
not stopped (skin rash and itching, disruption of work
gastrointestinal tract), doctors recommend that the child continue
follow a non-dairy diet.

With a dairy-free diet, the baby’s diet is completely excluded.
молочные и dairy products. For 3-4 years of age the child’s diet
gradually expanding, continuing to observe his health,
state of health and external manifestations of reactions to casein.

List of allowed products

Babies who are bottle-fed with
allergic reactions to casein, mixtures based on
which is protein hydrolyzate. With the introduction of prikorma list
products with a dairy-free diet significantly expanded. After 3 years
You can slowly enter into the diet of the child and other foods with
increased allergen (mushrooms, nuts), continuing to stick
dairy-free diet.

Milk-free diet for the child – a list of allowed

  • Meat and poultry (preferably beef, veal, rabbit,
    turkey, chicken);
  • Freshwater and Ocean Fish (hake, perch, crucian carp,
  • Chicken and quail eggs;
  • Cereals and cereals (oats, buckwheat, rice);
  • Legumes (peas, soybeans, beans);
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Bread and bakery products;
  • Pasta;
  • Vegetable and fruit juices;
  • Sugar, not chocolates (in limited quantities).

For восполнения дефицита кальция в организме у ребенка
it is necessary to include in its dairy-free diet twice a day
ration animal proteins (meat, fish), which is better to boil or
cook for a couple. Showing vegetable and meat soups, cereals,
cooked on water. Vegetables, both raw and mashed,
salads. It is shown to children as an additive in a dairy-free diet.
ежедневное употребление кальция в tablets.

Menu for every day

Menu for every day для диеты безмолочной для ребенка
(breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner):


  • Buckwheat porridge on the water with raisins and prunes;
  • Chicken noodle soup. 2 pieces of bread;
  • 2 apples;
  • Mashed potatoes. Boiled chicken fillet. Grated Salad


  • Oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • Vegetable puree soup. Steamed fish. 2 pieces of bread;
  • Carrot and Apple Casserole;
  • Fig. Steamed turkey meatballs. Grated Salad


  • Pumpkin porridge on the water;
  • Pea soup. Steamed chicken cutlets. Crackers;
  • Compote. Cracker;
  • Buckwheat. Meatballs steamed from veal.


  • Rice pudding with berries;
  • Vegetable soup. Steamed fish cakes. Bread;
  • 2 baked apples;
  • Pea mash. Rabbit meat stewed in tomato sauce.


  • Omelet of 2 eggs for a couple. An Apple;
  • Chicken soup with pieces of meat. Bread;
  • Berry smoothie. 2 galetnye cookies;
  • Mashed potatoes. Boiled turkey fillet.


  • Hercules porridge with raisins and honey;
  • Turkey broth. Vegetable stew with turkey;
  • Kissel;
  • Egg noodles. Steamed beef cutlets.


  • Rice porridge on water with berries;
  • Green borscht Boiled fish fillet. Bread;
  • Tea with lemon. Biscuits;
  • Steam omelet with tomato. Ham.

Menu dairy-free diet for a child is quite diverse and
compiled by individual taste preferences. Banned
desserts in the diet of the child due to the content in their composition of dry
milk (ice cream, chocolate) can be replaced with biscuit, not
chocolates, dairy-free pastries.


Dairy-free diet for baby recipes:



  • Water 1 liter;
  • Starch 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar 0.5 cups;
  • Cherry 500 gr;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the pot, put on fire, bring to
  2. In boiling water pour vanilla, stoned cherry,
    sugar, bring to a boil, reduce gas.
  3. In a glass of cold water dissolve the starch to obtain
    homogeneous mass.
  4. Pour the starch solution into the pan, cook for 3 minutes, constantly
    stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.
  5. Cool the jelly and serve.

Kissel — вкусный, тягучий и сытный напиток, который показан
for use in children with dairy-free diet.

Apple Carrot Casserole

Apple Carrot Casserole


  • Carrots 0.5 kg;
  • 1 egg;
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Semolina 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Apples 3 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Nutmeg, cinnamon to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil carrots, cool, peel, large
    we cut
  2. We clean the apples from the peel and the core, cut into cubes.
  3. Beat carrots with apples in a blender.
  4. Beat the egg, add to the carrot-apple mixture.
  5. In the dough add semolina, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg,
    тщательно перемешиваем до получения homogeneous mass.
  6. Put the dough in a baking dish, greased with vegetable
  7. Bake for 30-40 minutes in preheated to 180 degrees
    the oven.

Apple Carrot Casserole — нежный десерт, которым можно
побаловать ребенка во время dairy-free diet.

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup


  • Chicken fillet;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Vermicelli;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the bird fillet, send it to a saucepan filled with water,
    поставить на газ, довести до boil.
  2. Remove the foam from the broth, reduce heat, simmer for 20
    минут under the lid.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove the bird fillet, disassemble into small
    slices, send back to stew in broth.
  4. Peel onions and carrots. Onions cut into small
    кубиками, grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  5. On a preheated pan with vegetable oil, first pass.
    onions until transparent, then add carrots to onions and simmer 5
  6. Зажарку закидываем в суп, варим 10 minutes
  7. Add toермишель, солим, помешиваем.
  8. Варим в течение 8-10 минут до readiness
  9. Give 5 minutes to brew the soup under the lid and serve as desired with
    greens and crackers.

Chicken Noodle Soup прекрасно подойдет на обед ребенку
with a dairy-free diet.

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