Diet after food poisoning

  • 1 Proper diet with food poisoning
    • 1.1 How many days do you need to diet after poisoning?
    • 1.2 Menus for adults
    • 1.3 Menu for children
    • 1.4 Features of the diet after mushroom poisoning
    • 1.5 Tips for pregnant women
    • 1.6 Diet after alcohol poisoning

Neither children nor adults are insured against food poisoning.
Intoxication of the body is a very serious phenomenon, the treatment of which
must take place under the supervision of a specialist, because
the consequences of poisoning can be the worst.

Food poisoning may result
некачественной, грязной или просроченной
food; poorly cooked foods (undercooked meat, mushrooms);
some unprocessed foods (eggs, milk, cottage cheese). The reason
can also serve as individual intolerance to a person and
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Food poisoning can be recognized by the following

  • weakness;
  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature above 37.5 ° C;
  • pain in the abdomen.

At the first signs of food poisoning should
Seek immediate medical attention.
The specialist must find out
severity of food intoxication and promptly conduct
necessary procedures to neutralize the symptoms. It is from this
will depend on the state and further recovery rate
the patient.

If food poisoning doesn’t seem serious,
it is necessary to limit meals, wash the stomach with a weak 2.5%
solution of potassium permanganate and take sorbents (activated carbon
or polysorb). It is also very important to start as soon as possible.
rebalancing therapy. This can be done with
pharmaceutical drug Regidron. If soon injured
will not feel better, you should immediately apply for
help to the doctor.

The next stage of gradual recovery after food
intoxication is a curative diet. Fit this
случае: бесшлаковая диета перед колоноскопией или другие
cleansing techniques.


Proper diet with food poisoning

The first days after food poisoning are the most difficult not only
because of the tangible effects of intoxication, but also because
time will have to follow the most stringent diet. Sure to
should drink as much liquid as possible: so as not to cause repeated
bouts of vomiting, you need to drink a couple of sips every 5 minutes. It is necessary
do so that from the body naturally excreted
toxins that caused poisoning.

When food poisoning diet prescribed with

  1. Saturation of the affected organism with vitamins and minerals;
  2. Replenishing fluid stocks;
  3. Bowel discharges from rough-fiber foods.

Doctors advise to replace in the first 3 days after food poisoning
familiar diet for fasting days. Rusks, water, tea with
lemon juice – this is the main menu after food poisoning.

What can I eat during a diet after poisoning? After three days
you can start eating small portions of boiled rice and
buckwheat cereal, boiled vegetables, and low-fat broths.
If this takes the stomach, you can start to include in the menu and
other dietary products.

ATажно: первое время пищу нужно готовить на воде
or steamed, and serve in liquid form, completely excluding products,
contributing to fermentation in the digestive tract. It is essential to drink a lot
fluid during the diet.

How many days do you need to diet after poisoning?

The main strict mode is the first three fasting days, then
several days of adaptation to a more complex diet.
One week after food poisoning, if the doctor decides
the patient’s condition is satisfactory then it will gradually
start to return to normal diet.

During the diet should be guided
Some general guidelines:

  1. All food is consumed only in the form of heat. It will help not
    once again irritate the gastric mucosa.
  2. It is better to steam products, bringing it to puree.
  3. Fractional meals 5-6 times per day.
  4. Drink plenty of water or herbal infusions (preferably chamomile
    or dogrose).

Adult menu

In itself, food poisoning is a blow to the body, to
who needs to be taken very seriously. Careless attitude to
own health can lead to the saddest
the consequences.

AT первую очередь, необходимо знать, какие продукты
категорически противопоказаны при пищевом отравлении
. TO
They include spicy, fried, fatty foods and preservation. On
time will have to forget about the rich fiber of plant foods. She is
cause irritation and aggravate the inflammatory process. Sweet
baking, fresh bread, pastry – all this is forbidden,
as it lingers in the intestines for a long time and forms the excess
acid, leads to fermentation.

Basic menu after food poisoning in an adult
for the day:

  • Breakfast: porridge on the water, boiled egg and unsweetened tea from
  • Snack: steam cutlets and vegetable puree, dogrose broth;
  • Lunch: chicken broth, a piece of boiled meat, a couple of pieces of bread
    and tea;
  • Полдник: сухое печенье and tea;
  • Dinner: boiled fish and steam vegetables;
  • On ночь: травяной infusion.

Diet after food poisoning —

  1. TOуриный бульон с сухариками. This dish is considered
    most gentle and recommended even in difficult cases
    poisoning. To make it you need to take chicken fillet, pour
    liter of purified water and cook on low heat for about half an hour. AT
    ready broth put white bread croutons and add to the dish
    boiled egg.
  2. TOотлеты на пару. They can eat on the third or fourth
    day after food poisoning when excreted naturally
    all the toxins will come out. It will take a piece of lean meat –
    veal or turkey to be processed twice
    grinder. If desired, add onions. Form balls and
    put in a double boiler. Approximate cooking time – 30-45
  3. TOаша на воде. On стакан жидкости понадобится 2
    tablespoons of cereals. ATарим на медленном огне до готовности. It is better
    make the dish more liquid – so it is well digested, and will not cause
    irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

Diet after intestinal poisoning in adults should be
compiled with care, the regime should be as gentle as possible.
It is worth avoiding the feeling of glut. After cleaning the intestines need
try to return it as smoothly as possible

Menu for children

Often, the smallest suffer from food poisoning.
The reason могут служить не только некачественные продукты питания,
but also non-compliance with the rules of elementary hygiene. Diet after
poisoning in children will be as strict as in adults:
domestic poisoning – from three days to a week, and up to several
months if food poisoning is associated with a number of violations
the work of other bodies. 

Симптомы пищевого отравления у малыша: частая
vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy and abdominal pain. AT
single complicated cases of convulsions and loss
of consciousness.

Famous television pediatrician Eugene
в первые сутки после пищевой интоксикации у
Child strongly recommends eliminating all food from the diet.
leaving only a heavy drink. You can occasionally give the baby
pharmacy rehydron. If after taking a suspicious product
it took a little time – you need to try to cause an attack of vomiting, and
if it fails, give the baby activated carbon.

Seek medical attention immediately if available
the following symptoms:

  1. Signs of food poisoning persist for more than a day.
  2. Body temperature above 38 ° C.
  3. Mass food intoxication of all family members.

Parents should pay attention to what should not
force children after food poisoning to eat if they
. This rule provides for a diet after
отравления у детей по TOомаровскому. If the baby refuses
food means the process of removing toxins from the body is not yet
completed, and fresh food can only aggravate the condition.

Recommendations for diet therapy after
food poisoning in children:

  1. For the preparation of cereals fit rice or buckwheat. ATарим их только
    on the water to the consistency of thick kissel. Oil add
    can not.
  2. From the fruit is permissible use of baked apples or bananas.
    Of vegetables: boiled and rubbed through a sieve of broccoli, colored
    cabbage, carrots.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates. ATозобновить их прием
    can be no earlier than the third day.
  4. TOисломолочные продукты с пониженным содержанием жиров при
    food intoxication can be given only with the permission of the doctor, and not
    earlier than a week.
  5. From the fourth day, you can include lean fish in the baby’s menu:
    pollock, cod, perch, boiled or baked.
  6. Completely exclude: fatty, smoked, spicy and fresh
  7. Sure to следует дополнять рацион детей после отравления
    a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Menu after food poisoning in children, an example on
one day:

  • On завтрак: каша рисовая и свежесваренный компот яблочный;
  • AT качестве обеда: куриный супчик с сухариками;
  • On полдник: кисель;
  • Dinner: steam fishcake and cauliflower puree.

Diet after отравления ребенка дает возможность минимизировать
the harmful effects of certain foods on a weakened body
baby Food after food poisoning should be subject to
careful parental control to avoid re-incident.
You should also give the child maximum attention, because this state
for him is new, and parental care will be most welcome.

Features of the diet after mushroom poisoning

It’s no secret that among the tasty and healthy mushrooms sometimes grow
poisonous species, and to distinguish them, you need to understand them well.
Самыми распространенными являются мухоморы и бледные
These are very dangerous mushrooms that can cause
the result of food intoxication to damage the nervous system or
even fatal. Therefore, in the case of their use even
минимальных количествах, потребуется незамедлительная
help of doctors.

Prior to arrival, the ambulance crew must be given to the victim.
activated carbon at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. If not
diarrhea, then cause her laxatives. AT этом случае не
fear of diarrhea or vomiting is a natural reaction of the body
for removing toxic product.

After a number of procedures, the patient is recommended bed
mode and moderate nutrition. The first day is hungry, the second is on
broth with bread crumbs from white bread. On третий день в меню можно
add porridge on the water, jelly and steam vegetables. ATозвращаться к
habitual food will have two weeks or more.

Maternity Tips

Diet after отравления при беременности — явление нередкое.
Often, future mothers try to buy unusual products, including
including foreign fruits and vegetables. They are very often
supersaturated with nitrates. Or, going for a walk in the warm
time of year buys pastries or fast food on the street, forgetting that
that during heat pathogenic bacteria develop much

Signs of food poisoning in pregnant women

  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • повышение температуры тела, chills;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea.

If you have these symptoms, you should immediately contact
to a medical facility for assistance.

Basic actions before arrival

  1. Ни в коем случае не промывать желудок — это
    can cause bleeding and miscarriage;
  2. When vomiting – in small portions to drink water or Regidron;
  3. Take sorbents: Enterosgel, Smekta.

After helping and disappearing food signs
intoxication, you should temporarily forget about fried, smoked and spicy
food. We’ll have to confine watery cereals, vegetable puree and
steam beaters.

Diet after отравления алкоголем

Poisoning after the holidays – a common phenomenon. Not
it is always caused by the abuse of alcoholic beverages,
часто алкогольная интоксикация of the body вызвана суррогатной
products. Danger of alcohol poisoning is not only common
интоксикацией of the body, но и поражениями печени.

Nutrition Basics for Recovery from Poisoning

  • heavy drinking;
  • unlimited consumption of fruits and vegetables – they will help
  • split meals;
  • preferably steam and baked food.

ATо избежание пищевых отравлений тщательнее следите за качеством
and shelf life of products, pay due attention to the conditions

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