Diet 3 3 3 3 (Actor’s diet)

The actor’s diet (diet 3 3 3 3) is so called because
is very popular among the actors, and it is composed
was in the second half of the twentieth century, when the cinema strengthened
fashion for skinny actresses.

Diet 3 3 3 3 (Actor's diet)


  • Diet rules
  • Pros and cons of the actor’s diet
  • Diet menu options 3 3 3 3
  • Recipes for acting diet
  • Out of the diet
  • Results of the diet

There are several options for acting diet: 3, 4, 5 and 12
days All of them are monodiets and are considered sufficient.
tough, as the number of products is limited. because of
the presence of alcohol in the menu, no option can not be considered
wellness The duration of the diet is selected depending on
how many kilograms you need to throw.


Diet rules

Diet 3 3 3 3 acts tough on the body: on day 2
dehydration begins, the stomach decreases, muscles tighten
due to lack of fluid. All products are united by one quality –
low calorie. The whole process of losing weight is based on excessive
excretion of fluid from the body. But this approach allows you to get rid
together with liquid and from accumulated slags.

The amount of food consumed is not strictly regulated, but
there are rules that must be followed:

  1. Diet is contraindicated for those who are preparing for the first hard
    restriction of diet.
  2. The generally accepted rule of “2 liters of water per day” on an actor’s diet
    does not work. Do not abuse the liquid.
  3. Heavy physical exercise and sports should
    stop it.
  4. Frequent walks in the fresh air will improve metabolic processes,
    help the body fight the lack of strength.
  5. A secondary diet for 12 days is possible only after 2 months.
  6. To maintain vitamin and mineral balance in the body
    begin to drink complex vitamins, for example, “Complivit”.
  7. Portions of food should be very small – maximum 200 g per
    one reception.
  8. All juices should be freshly squeezed, no packaged.
  9. Small films and layers of fat on meat thoroughly

Важно: при появлении слабости, тошноты или
dizziness, diet should be abandoned. If restrictions on
food removed, then rejuvenate help nuts, dried fruit,
sweet fruits and vegetables. Lean on “harmful” food after cancellation
diet is impossible!

Allowed products:

  • not sour, ripe apples, pears, sweet oranges,
    tangerines, kiwi;
  • low-fat dietary meat – fillet of rabbit, chicken, turkey, and
    also veal;
  • low-fat dairy products – yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • hard cheese with a fat content of not more than 20%;
  • unpolished rice;
  • dry red wine, green tea, juice from oranges or tomatoes,
    but only fresh.

Prohibited Products:

  • pork, lamb;
  • sugar and salt in any quantities;
  • spices, which usually contribute to burning fat, on this
    undesirable diets (pepper, ginger, type of seasoning
  • bananas, grapes, figs, dates, any dried fruits.

Pros and cons of the actor’s diet

Since protein food in the diet is quite a lot, the muscles in
time diets are not depleted. Another, most important plus of such nutrition
– very fast weight loss. And the last plus is
psychological aspect: diet does not imply restrictions in
the number of meals.

The cons of actor’s diet are significant and can convince a woman
wanting to lose weight, use this diet option. The first is
the slimming effect does not last long, the lost fluid returns to
for several weeks. Within 12 days even when taking
vitamins the body is deficient in some trace elements, and
also fat. In the absence of slight physical exertion or
massage, the skin does not have time to tighten: flabbiness appears,
stretch marks.

Важно: противопоказана диета всем, кто
suffer from diseases of the stomach or heart, people with hypertension and
diseases of internal organs. Nervous breakdowns and strong
stress combined with diet can lead to serious problems with
nervous system.

Diet menu options 3 3 3 3

Actor’s diet involves two options menu. First option
consists in the use of one type of products within 3 days
(therefore, the diet has in the title the numbers 3 3 3 3). Second option
предполагает рациональное распределение продуктов на 12 days This
the method is suitable for those who cannot eat one species
продуктов в течение трех days

Option menu number 1

1, 2 и 3 – кефирные сутки: в эти дни рацион
consists exclusively of kefir. Low fat or drink with a very
a low percentage of fat does not improve the result, so optimally
choose 2.5%. Kefir is drunk in any quantity, limiting
water consumption.

4, 5 и 6 – фруктовые сутки: всё это время едят
apples, pears and oranges. A fraction of the apples should be
the largest (for example, 6 apples, 2 pears and 1 sweet orange in

Совет: при нормальной или пониженной
gastric acidity is better to give preference to green varieties. With
acidity can choose yellow and pink

7, 8, 9 – мясные сутки: в идеале употребляют
chicken fried, boiled or stewed. Meat is allowed
turkey, tender rabbit or veal. For fish lovers meat
Birds can be replaced with low-fat white or red fillets.

Важно: жарить мясо и рыбу следует на
a pan that does not require the addition of oil.

10, 11, 12 – винно-сырные сутки: на
the final stage take a bottle of wine and about 200 grams of solid
cheese Divide this into several meals. Amount of wine
can be reduced to ¾ bottle.

Совет: безалкогольный вариант допускает
replacing wine with freshly squeezed orange juice.

Option menu number 2

Первые сутки: нешлифованный рис в любом
the amount eaten with tomato juice.

Вторые сутки: весь день пьют кефир 2,5%
fat content.

Третьи сутки: зеленый чай сочетают с выбранным
kind of meat. On this day, preference should be given to the product,
steamed or boiled.

Четвертые сутки: рацион состоит из яблок, груш
and oranges or tangerines.

Пятые сутки: повторяется меню 1-го of the day

Шестые сутки: повторяется меню 2-го of the day

Седьмые сутки: Поджаривают или отваривают рыбу,
can be replaced with shrimp. Green tea is drunk when
want to.

Восьмые сутки: выпивают 0,4 л вина и закусывают
его 150 г cheese

Девятые сутки: очередной повтор первого
of the day

Десятые сутки: повтор второго of the day

Одиннадцатые сутки: в несколько приемов пищи
eat boiled lean beef or replace it with veal.

Двенадцатые сутки: весь день едят яблоки
favorite variety. You can add 1 sweet pear.

Recipes for acting diet

  1. �”Right” rice for cleansing. Unpolished for 36 hours
    rice infused in warm water. Take 1 cup of rice for the same
    amount of fluid. Then the product is boiled in 3 cups cold.
    water, washed and divided into several stages. Withправлять ничем не
    need to.
  2. Easy recipe for cottage cheese. Juice whole lemon well
    squeezed into 1 liter of kefir with a fat content of not more than 0.5%. When ingredients
    will react, curd is formed from kefir. He is collected in
    gauze or textile bag, hang. When all the liquid
    drain, cottage cheese put under a heavy press for a few hours.
  3. Delicate soufflé of rice and tomatoes. 1 cup rice porridge
    medium consistency take 3 tbsp. l tomato juice. Everything is mixed and
    beat with a blender. The mixture is cooled in the refrigerator.
  4. Chicken rolls. A pound of chicken breast is boiled in
    brewed green tea. The fillet is cut into thin strips and
    roll in noria (algae), after sprinkling a little
    amount of rice vinegar. When the dishes have cooled, cut the fillet on
  5. Assorted fish. Diversify meat days will help fast and
    a simple recipe in which several types of fish are ideally combined
    together. About 0.8 kg of cod, 0.2 kg of trout and 0.1 kg of salmon
    Steamed. In a bowl, mix lemon juice with a large
    the amount of dill (you can replace the juice with rice vinegar). Ready
    fish spread on a dish and watered dressing.

Out of the diet

When 12 days diets end, continue to eat
in small portions. In the daily diet add:

  • 1-2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 30-50 grams of cereals;
  • 1 carrot or beet;
  • cottage cheese;
  • 3-4 pieces prunes or dried apricots can be replaced by a handful
  • миндаль или грецкие орехи — 3-4 pieces

Out of the diet длится две недели, каждый день добавляют новый
product. By the end of the second week in the diet should be present
green vegetables, fruits, cereals, boiled or baked potatoes,
unsweetened yogurt and sour cream.

Results of the diet

Within 12 days, if all rules and requirements have been met,
You can get rid of 12-14 kg of excess weight. If the excess fat
not very much accumulated, then you can count on 7-10 kg.
Some rule violations also reduce effectiveness. Result
“evaporates” quickly if you do not stick to a gradual exit from
such a diet. That is, with the sharp introduction of fats and carbohydrates in
food, weight will return very quickly with a “+” sign.

Acting diet is a hard option for those who want to
critical deadlines to get rid of 12-14 kilograms. In some
cases even more. But it should be chosen deliberately, preferably
after consulting a doctor. After all, gone kilograms anyway
return quickly enough, and health damage can be done

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