Dicentra: planting and caring for an amazing flower(a photo). The main diseases and pests of the Dicenter are “brokenhearts

Ср, 18 май 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Dicentre (dvcihporets) – an elegant and unusual plant, with the name
whose romantic legend is about unrequited love.

The flowers in its shape resemble a heart split in half, therefore
в народе его называют «разбитым сердцем» или «цветком hearts.

In Europe, the center is known as “Jeanette’s heart”, “ladies
medallion “,” lady in the bathroom “,” shoes of the Mother of God “,” ladies

It is easy to grow a dicentre even for a beginner gardener, because she is not
whimsical in care: winter-hardy, resistant to many diseases m
pests, easily propagated, does not require frequent transplantation.
The decorativeness of a broken heart is maintained throughout the period.
growing season:

• In early spring, carved foliage can serve as a backdrop for
primroses (daffodils, tulips, muscari, hyacinths, primroses);

• during the flowering period of a bleach is good in itself;

• after ottsvetaniya hat pinnately dissected leaves are saved
until late autumn.

Dicentra looks spectacular both in single landings and in
the composition of rabatok, mix border, flower beds, in groups with


Dicentra: types and varieties

There are about 20 species of species found in natural
conditions. Among them are both tall and dwarf
plants with different root systems (rhizomatous and tuberous),
one-year and perennial.

Самой эффектной их них по праву считается дицентра
, вырастающая до 0,8-1,0 м в высоту.
Heart flowers reach a diameter of 3 cm, are pure white
(сорта Alba, Pantaloons),
розовыми, пунцовыми (Valentine). The most “smart”
сортом этого вида считается Gold Heart с розовыми
flowers and golden leaves.

Более скромной по размерам является дицентра красивая
или тайваньская
. A distinctive feature of this species is
long flowering, self-seeding, rapid growth of rhizomes.
Some varieties of this species have a silver leaf color, while
Spring Gold листва из ярко-желтой весной
becomes light green at the end of summer.

Дицентра бродяжная резко отличается от
�The “usual” look of the “classic” magnificent center. it
dwarf plant with small creeping leaves. Flowers
Its like the flowers of cyclamen. Flowering lasts from July to September.
It develops best in conditions with a cool climate. By effort
селекционеров были получены сорта с крупными
– Сердце дракона, Сердце любви, Сердце цвета
Ivory, Flaming Heart.

Among the species diversity of dvusportsa there is a liana –
дицентра лазающая. It is fast growing
round leaves, yellow color of flowers (its second name is
�”Golden tears”).

Из клубневых видов «цветка hearts в садоводстве культивируют
дицентру клобучковую (второе название —
«голландские трусики») и канадскую. it
miniature plants (height not exceeding 20 cm), having a gray
fern foliage. They bloom in early spring. Due to low
resistance to vyperyvaniya tubers, these species are suitable for growing
only in well-drained rock gardens and rockeries.

Dicentra: landing and reproduction

Species of the diverter have biological differences among themselves and this
must be considered when choosing a place of residence for them. However they have
there are common properties. So, “broken heart” – culture
shade tolerant. In the shaded areas of the flowering center blooms later, but
but flowering lasts longer, the color of flowers is richer. On
open sunny areas this plant requires frequent watering,
smaller and paler blooms.

Dicentra develops better in partial shade

Почва для «сердечка Жанетты» должна быть хорошо
drained – this flower does not tolerate moisture stagnation, otherwise
If there is a high probability of rotting of the root system. Therefore, when
landing in the wells should definitely add drainage, and the rest
fill the volume with garden soil, composted and
limestone crumb. On плодородных участках дицентра быстро
grows and can remain up to 5 years in one place.

Место для посадки «разбитого hearts
prepare with autumn. The land in the selected area is fertilized.
humus (3-5 kg ​​/ m2) and dug to a depth of 0.4 m, with
the need for adding loosening components – small pebbles,
expanded clay, brick dust, coarse sand.

For rhizomatous species Dicenter (gorgeous and beautiful)
landing holes make at least 0.4×0.4 m, the distance between
bushes in a row – 0.4 m.

Tuberous Dicentres (klobuchkovaya, Canadian, few-flowered) and
vagrant is planted smaller and more compact – 0.2 x 0.2 m. These species are well
will grow only in rock gardens or rockeries, because do not tolerate
wetlands and often vypryvayut not only in warm winters,
but in the rainy summer months.

When planting dicenter climbing frequency of landing does not matter:
in temperate climates, it is grown as an annual. Her
should immediately provide support.

Reproduction Dicenter

�”Broken heart” is propagated mainly vegetatively: by division
bush and cuttings. Seed method in the open field is very
laborious and costly of time. Even if you can get
seeds and seedlings, such plants will bloom from seeds only for 3 year
vegetation. Sow them before winter and cover with foil or lutrasil.

Onмного проще размножить дицентру, разделив куст. Especially since
fast growing plant still needs this procedure
spend every 3-4 years. When digging rhizomes should be
careful: they are easily damaged. Before dividing the roots a bit
they set on

Split bush

For getting in the future big and lush bush on delenki
leave 3-4 shoots.

Cuttings harvested in spring, cutting off shoots 10-15 cm high
a sharp knife at the base. Planted them in a greenhouse or greenhouse
and leave there until rooting. On постоянное место молодые растения
planted next year.

Important! All parts of the centers are poisonous. Its juice
getting on the skin and mucous membranes, causes irritation and burns.
Therefore, when работе с разбитым сердцем необходимо пользоваться

Dicentra: care

When disembarking, dycenters in a suitable place for her growing and
caring for her does not require large labor costs. Early spring like
only the first leaves began to emerge from the ground, the soil around
bushes slightly loosened and mulch with humus to preserve moisture.
On случай весенних заморозков под рукой надо иметь укрывной
material for the protection of young shoots.

On второй год после посадки корневища начинают обнажаться,
therefore, it is necessary to add ground to them every year.

In dry hot weather dysentr needs abundant watering. With
lack of moisture, it ceases to bloom and sheds leaves. but
it is important not to allow moistening of the soil – the roots are easily exposed
decay. Regular irrigation depends on air temperature,
physical properties of the soil. So as not to form a soil crust,
land under the bushes are loosened after watering.

Чтобы «цветок hearts дольше цвел, отцветающие кисти необходимо
delete. To stimulate the second wave of flowering in the center
magnificent peduncles cut at a height of 10 cm from the surface
soil. In autumn, the dried ground part of the plant is cut shortly.
the base, leaving “hemp” height of 3-5 cm. In the northern regions
It takes a winter shelter with spruce branches or lutrasil on arcs, and in
Southern do not need to – the plant can sopret. Sawdust or
peat as a heater should not be used to the roots
The centers are not out.

Dicentra: dressing

Dicentra is responsive to “good food.” Spring ground mulch
rotted manure or humus and add superphosphate
fertilizer. In the period of budding and flowering spend the second
top dressing. In the autumn after flowering plants can be watered infusion
Mullein (1:10).

�”Burning heart” as a gift: forcing out the centers in the home

If you want to surprise your loved one with an unusual gift in the winter,
то «цветок hearts отлично подойдет для этой роли — дицентра легко
поддается выгонке в домашних conditions. In the autumn they dig up a bush
transplanted into a pot and left in a cool room until January,
occasionally watering. After that, in order for the plant to start growing, its
it is necessary to rearrange to warmer conditions (+ 8-10С) and increase
amount and volume of watering. When sprouts appear, the pot is placed in
bright and warm place (up to + 20C) and begin to water plentifully and
regularly. Every 10-14 days the plant is fed with fertilizers for
flowering houseplants. Flowering begins in February and lasts
until April. In May, the center is planted in open ground.

Dicenter: pests and diseases

Dicentra is highly resistant to disease. but при
неблагоприятных conditions она подвержена их воздействиям.

Кольцевая пятнистость имеет вирусное
origin and progresses mainly on adult plants.
A characteristic clinical picture of this disease is
a spotty or annular “pattern” of a lighter shade than the color
leaf plate.

Manifestation of ring spot

There are no effective methods to combat this disease.
Affected plant is best destroyed to stop
spread of the virus.

Вирус табачной мозаики вызывает мраморную
coloring on the leaves and their deformation. Diseases affected by treatment are not
subject, they must be destroyed.

В случае заболевания «разбитого hearts
микоплазмой цветки становятся зелеными. With
strong damage to the flowers do not form at all, flower stalks
bend, leaves brighten, plant growth is inhibited.

To prevent diseases, it is necessary to fight them.
переносчиками — цикадками и тлей. For their
destruction use insecticides (Aktara, Biotlin, Fitoverm,
Confidor and others.).

Большой урон разбитому сердцу наносят медведки,
gnawing the roots. The plants damaged by it wither en masse.


If you look at the good beds, you can see small
Minks in which female bears lay eggs. Hatched
the larvae crawl around the site and break through new passages,
feeding on seeds and underground parts of plants. To combat
Medvedka needs comprehensive measures:

• arrange traps with bait;

• pour crushed eggshells into minks or sprinkle them

• plant by the perimeter of the plot phytoncidal plants, smell
which frightens off a bear (calendula, chrysanthemum, marigolds,
parsley, garlic);

• use ultra- or infrasound scarers (Chiston-3,
Antikrot, Ekosniper, Grad A-500);

• use chemicals: Thunder-2, Medvetoks, Grizzly,
Bankol, Bowerin.

With должном и своевременном уходе дицентра долго будет украшать
garden with its delicate “hearts”.

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