Diathesis in a newborn: what is it?Signs, causes and treatment of diathesis in a newborn

Вс, 29 янв 2017 Автор: врач хирург, эндокринолог
Artyom Shimansky

A person who has recently appeared in this world is exposed to many
adverse effects. Up to this point he was under
reliable protection in the womb, but now the child is left alone
on one with an aggressive environment. Newborn exposed
attack of viruses, infectious agents, allergens. All this
the body must respond in time, “repelling” attacks
adverse factors. Not always the adaptation process goes like this
as desired Sometimes the impact of external and internal
factors lead to such a phenomenon as diathesis.

At the household level, diathesis is understood as an allergic reaction to
baby food. This is a false interpretation. Diathesis is understood as a whole.
complex of physiological states (namely physiological, diathesis
not considered a disease). In this sense, diathesis in newborns
synonymous with susceptibility to the development of allergic reactions,
inflammatory or autoimmune nature. What you need to know
new parents about diathesis?


Diathesis in newborns: causes

Often the formation of diathesis begins in the intrauterine
period of fetal development. This is the fault of the mother, directly or indirectly.
Among the reasons for the development of this state are:

• Effects of harmful chemicals on the fetus. Usually speech
It is a banal nutritional factors or nutritional factors.
Most modern products are a storehouse
harmful substances, therefore, if the mother’s child’s nutrition is rational,
likely to get diathesis.

• Eating foods with a high allergenic index.
Everything that a mother consumes in one way or another comes to the fetus. By this
cause, allergic diathesis can be formed immediately after

• Incidence of viral and bacterial infections in the period
carrying a child. Disease transfer to the first
trimester of pregnancy when the body of the unborn child is most
vulnerable to toxins produced by infectious

• Use of medications. Negatively affects reception
antibacterial drugs, helminth drugs,
antifungal medications.

• Severe toxicosis. Due to accumulation in the mother’s body and
child toxins, the risk of developing diathesis rises.

• Lack of natural feeding. Or his

• Sharp transition from natural feeding to artificial.
In this case, cow’s milk becomes the strongest allergen.

In most cases, the development of diathesis can
to avoid if the future woman in labor can limit herself to food and
carefully monitor their own health.

Types of diathesis

As already mentioned, diathesis is a group of dissimilar
physiological conditions leading to disruption of the body.
The following varieties of this state are distinguished:

• Allergic diathesis. Developed by all the rules
allergic reaction: with reddening of the skin, swelling, possible
Quincke’s edema.

• Respiratory diathesis. Looks like a cold.

• Contact diathesis.

• Infectious or infectious-allergic.

• Autoimmune origin.

• Catarrhal diathesis.

These are just the most common species. There are many
types of diathesis in newborns. Everyone manifests his own
symptom complex.

Symptoms of diathesis in the newborn

The symptomatology of any diathesis appears during the first
months of life of the child (usually on the 2nd week).

Most symptoms of the epidermis develop:

• Formation of seborrheic rash. Observed on the face, head.
Seborrheic diathesis rash has a cream shade, loose structure.
From the usual skin, the affected areas are pigmented, loose
scaly structure. Usually, such a rash passes quickly, but has
tendency to come back again and again.

• Scabs. Formed on the cheeks. Have a thick, scaly
structure. Such a “peel” – the natural result of allergic

• Diaper rash. Unlike conventional diaper rash, diaper rash at
diathesis do not pass even with proper hygiene. Can be saved
for a long time. Localization typical for diaper rash: groin, folds
hands, etc.

• Cracking of the affected skin. Also known as eczema.

• Formation of urticaria: colorless bubbles filled
cell fluid.

In addition to skin symptoms, manifestations develop from
mucous membranes.

• Development of cystitis. With cystitis, the child produces frequent
urination. Blood impurities may be present in the urine.

• Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye – conjunctiva.

• Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) and the mucous throat. Cause
cough and increased mucus formation.

• Damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Causes the whole complex
distinct symptoms: nausea, vomiting, unstable stool.

• Change the relief of the language. The language texture takes the form
geographical map.

There are common symptoms. They, unlike the described
local wear generalized character.

• Poor nutrition: the child refuses food.

• Permanent causeless crying.

• Regurgitation more often than usual.

• Superficial heavy sleep.

Treatment of diathesis in the newborn

It is not recommended to treat diathesis on your own. At the first
manifestations should show the baby to the pediatrician. Quality
and proper treatment is composed of three components: a nursing diet
mothers (if the woman feeds the newborn), proper care
child taking medication.

Diet implies exclusion from the diet of allergenic and
potentially allergenic products. These include: meat
rabbit, chocolate, tea, coffee, citrus products, red vegetables
(including carrots), peanuts, rich products, etc. Their
consumption should be limited to a minimum. It is important to follow
for the state of the child and make a new diet method

Proper care of a newborn involves:

• Change of bed linen at least 2 times a day.

• Use of hypoallergenic household chemicals for
washing, rinsing clothes, etc.

• “Laundry” after stool and urination.

• No joint baths.

• Avoid contact of the child with allergenic substances and
objects: including toys.

These are basic recommendations that will help not only to identify
cause of diathesis in the newborn, but also contribute to stopping
development of the pathological process.

Drug treatment is based on taking drugs in
form of tablets and ointments (local).

The list of drugs include:

• Antiallergic or otherwise antihistamine medications.
Will help reduce the concentration of histamine in the blood, relieve itching and
redness. Drugs in this group prevent the development of allergies and
such a dangerous complication as angioedema.

• Sedative drugs. Appointed to calm the nervous
child systems.

• Preparations for improving immunity.

• Probiotics. Helps normalize and stabilize
microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention of diathesis in the newborn

Preventive measures play a big role in preventing
diathesis. Begin to adhere to preventive measures immediately
after giving birth. Prevention of diathesis in the newborn

• Refusing pets.

• Regular wet cleaning in the room where the baby lives.

• Refusal of deodorized household chemicals: perfume,
air fresheners, etc.

• Refusal to purchase Chinese-made toys.

• Mothers should not abuse allergenic foods;
including fruits, vegetables, etc.

• Use of hypoallergenic household chemicals to wash a child and
for washing.

• Preference for lightweight cotton clothing

• In no case can not use deodorized

• Protection of the child from infectious lesions.

• If possible, feed the baby as long as possible.
naturally. If this is not possible, artificial mixtures, and later
complementary foods should be introduced into the diet very carefully.

In the complex of these measures is enough for prevention.

Thus, diathesis, though not a disease, but a physiological
the phenomenon often leads to the development of various complications. Usually
allergic nature. To treat these conditions should

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