Deprive in children – causes, symptoms, waystreatment – a guide for parents

Wed, 24 Jun 2015 When oval appears on baby’s skin
pinkish specks do not come in horror, but wary
need to.

It is better to consult a pediatric dermatologist, since rashes can
testify about the lichen. Most often, such a lesion of the skin
cover caused by fungi or viruses.

Only after a thorough diagnosis can be called
a specific kind of depriving, on which the treatment system will depend.


Risk group

Deprive usually occurs in children, often in the team
(school, camp, kindergarten). Infection occurs through contact with
infected people, pets (cats, dogs, sea
pigs, etc.).

Factors favoring infection are:

– weakened immunity – there is a violation of the function of protection from
exposure to pathogens;

– genetic predisposition;

– increased sweating – body moisture is
just have fungus paradise; thanks to her, they actively reproduce,
freely penetrating the skin through the extended sweat

– frequent wearing of clothes and clothes made of synthetics, slightly impermeable

– scratches or scratches to facilitate the entry of spores and

– diseases of the endocrine system – for example,
diabetes mellitus, in which along with sweat sugar is released,
being the ideal breeding ground for fungi;

– summer and autumn seasons, especially in the period of warm, wet
weather, perfectly suitable for the reproduction of bacteria, fungi.

Types and symptoms of depriving children

According to the etiology of lichen are divided into several main types

1. Опоясывающий лишай (опоясывающий герпес) —
viral disease is manifested by fever,
neuralgic pains appear almost immediately. This effect can
accompany nausea and vomiting, headaches, physical weakness.
A little later on the body, less often on the mucous membranes of the mouth, reddish
closely spaced spots.

After some time (several hours) in the affected areas
bubbles of serous fluid appear. Their tire in 2-3 days
it starts to shrink and crust
yellowish brown or erosion of red. Barely formed
first crust, as fresh spots and bubbles appear. So
a continuous ribbon is formed from damaged skin areas, similar to

The treatment can last 4-5 weeks. Gangrenous and
generalized (over the whole body) species may be
the first “swallows” of very serious diseases, therefore their
appearance is a good reason for a comprehensive survey
child from specialists.

2. Пузырьковый лишай у детей (простой герпес)
It is also provoked by a virus. The wings of the nose suffer most often,
red border of the lips, the corners of the mouth. The disease begins with a tangible,
unpleasant tingling and itching, less pain. In parallel with these
signs or a couple of days appear slightly swollen specks
of red color. They later form bubbles with a small
pea, inside of which is a clear liquid.

Gradually, over 4 days, serous-purulent dries on them
crusts. Some children have enlarged lymph nodes,
temperature rises to 39 ° C. The disease lasts about 2 weeks,
may give relapses.

3. Стригущий лишай у детей (микроспория) –
a common type of skin disease. This is due to the high
the degree of contagiousness of the infection.

Microsporia is caused by spores of the fungus. A child can become infected
from carriers – a sick person, pets (dogs,
guinea pigs, cats). The transfer of the dispute is possible and household way –
through personal hygiene items (towel, comb, etc.).

The incubation period can take up to 3 months. Region
lesions: scalp, smooth skin, occasionally nails.
On the back, abdomen, thighs, symptoms of the disease appear as
spots of inflammation, small nodules, vesicles with crusts and

The hairy part of the head is covered with areas where there is
baldness. It seems that they have their hair trimmed on
length up to 8 mm. The name is connected with this visual effect.
depriving – “ringworm”. Another form of it – trichophytosis – is called
another type of fungus, has symptoms similar to microsporia.

4. Разноцветный (отрубевидный) лишай является
fungal disease. Its feature is the lack of
inflammatory process and low propagation rate.

Spores penetrate only the upper layer of the epidermis. At first
quite small spots appear having various shades
Brown color. Gradually increasing, they merge into foci.
big size. Due to the fact that the fungus loosens the stratum corneum
skin, peeling begins on the surface of the clusters.
The duration of the disease comes to several years.

5. Розовый лишай носит
infectious-allergic nature, is determined by the mass
the appearance of pink small spots. At first появляется на гладкой коже
a single round or oval spot the size of a five-kopeck
a coin. A week later, chest, back are covered by multiple
children – pinkish or pinkish. In the center of these plaques
peeling is observed. The illness lasts up to 9 weeks.

6. Красный плоский лишай не имеет четко
a certain reason. There are theories of viral, neurogenic,
infectious and allergic etiology. Manifested by red oval
or round papules that have a smooth surface with a light
gloss Often appears on the mucous membranes and is accompanied by

Deficit in children

Parents should not independently determine the type of disease and
self-medicate. At the first signs of skin lesions
viruses or fungi need to be addressed by professionals –
pediatric dermatologist, infectious disease specialist or mycologist. Often external
manifestations may coincide with the symptoms of other diseases, therefore
visual inspection is not enough to specify

For this purpose, additional

– examination of the affected skin areas under the Wood lamp – each
forms of lichen observed characteristic fluorescence;

– scraping the peeling area for study under the light
a microscope;

– study of bakposev scraping on microflora;

– skin biopsy, as well as the study of cell morphology
carried out for the diagnosis of flat (red) lichen;

– ELISA (ELISA) can be administered at
suspicion of shingles.

Lichen treatment in children

Lichen treatment in children должен в обязательном порядке назначать
doctor. Self-medication may in some cases turn out sufficiently.
severe consequences. All appointments of a pediatric dermatologist should
run without scruples. Forms of lichen with a high degree
infectiousness is treated with complete isolation of the sick child.

Fungal skin diseases are treated in the following ways and

– shave hair with damage to the scalp;

– shampooing with infection is performed with fungicide-containing
therapeutic shampoos;

– the patient takes antimycotics;

– skin is treated with antifungal ointment;

– prescribe immunomodulators and fortifying agents;

– to relieve itching use corticosteroid ointment,
antihistamine drugs.

Treatment is stopped only after it has been received three times.
negative fungal test results.

Treatment of shingles and bubbly forms of lichen in children includes

– taking antiviral drugs (general, local

– taking analgesics;

– the appointment of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

– disinfection of foci with brilliant greens for prevention

– Novocainic blockades are performed to relieve severe pain (with
no allergic reactions to the agent);

– performance of physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis,
ultrasound, ultraviolet irradiation, etc.

Deprive in children: instructions for young mothers

It is important for young mothers to know how to prevent a possible infection,
and what to do during treatment.

1. Prevention of the disease:

– maintaining the immunity of the child;

– early inculcation of personal care skills;

– prohibition of contact with stray cats, dogs;

– regular visits to the vet with pets;

– purchase of children’s clothes mainly from natural,
�Breathable tissues;

– adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, gradual
hardening of the body.

2. General rules for the treatment of lichens

– limiting the contact of the sick child with healthy children;

– frequent change of bed linen, baby clothes;

– thorough washing of linen (separately from other things) and its
steaming with ironing;

– regular disinfection of personal items, toys (several
once a day);

– daily wet cleaning in the room where the patient is, with
adding disinfectants to water;

– wearing cotton clothes and underwear;

– control over hand movements to prevent combing
spots and the further spread of the disease;

– a temporary ban on bathing in the bathroom (it is better to close the spots and
wiping the baby’s body with a wet sponge);

– hypoallergenic life and nutrition.

3. Remember: you must categorically refuse self-treatment and
use of folk remedies without consultation with
a professional.

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