Delphinium – planting and caring for the king of the flower garden.Tips for the proper cultivation of delphinium (with photo)

Пт, 20 май 2016 Автор: Елена

Many gardeners want to plant on their summer cottage
Delphinium – planting and caring for this plant is not at all

This plant is not capricious, but prefers the sun, and
windless terrain possibilities.

Best of all they grow in fertile and soft soil – excellent
suitable loam with a weakly acid reaction.


Delphinium varieties

Delphinium is divided into several varieties:

1. Лероя. This variety takes its roots in Africa.
It has a distinctive sweet smell from other varieties. Stems with
flowers of white or light green grow to one and a half

2. Пирамидальный. This species of delphinium has come down from
the highlands of the Himalayas. Resistant to freezing to -20
degrees He likes not soils with the presence of stones. Small (up to 3
cm) inflorescences actively bloom from July to the end of September.

3. Махровый. High, up to two meters in height
plant. The variety of shades have a great inclusion of blue and
purple color. From May to August there is an active flowering.
This type of delphinium is a perennial, and grows quietly on one
place about 8 years.

4. Редкоцветный. View of the plant from Altai
the edges. Srednerosly, does not grow more than 80 cm.

5. Бруно. This variety is preferred
warm and even hot climate. Successfully grows in India, the Pamirs,
Tibet But in Russia, Krasnodar terrain would suit him perfectly.
edges, Sochi. This species is similar to its flowers on pansies.

6. Высокий. This type of plant is a giant in its
environment. Its height can exceed three meters. Unfortunately, the trunk
The delphinium is thin and it requires a garter every 50 cm.

7. Голостебельный. Medium grade (height not
exceeds 1 meter) grows easily in pots. Can be removed on
cold season in the room. Flowering begins from the end of June –
the beginning of July.

8. Короткошпорцевый. Низкорослое plant. Him
height – up to 30 cm. Easily tolerates frosts and blooms small, but
abundant flowers.

Landing Delphinium

How to plant and care for delphinium few know.
Plant this flower should be through seedlings. If you plant in the open
soil – it is unlikely that the plant will survive. Before landing
You need to soak the seeds in a solution of manganese. Do not put a lot
powder, the color should be pale pink.

From the soil you need to remove all the roots of weeds and possible insects.
When you put the soil in the banks for seedlings lightly press it.
Spread the seeds over the surface of the soil, sprinkling it on top with a layer not
thicker than 4 mm. Spill seeds with warm, best boiled water.
and cover with a dark color film. Shoots appear through one and a half –
two weeks. After emergence of shoots the film needs to be removed and raised
flowers on the sunny side.

Landing should be done when the average daily
The temperature does not fall below 13 degrees Celsius. Plants need
plant at a distance of 60 cm from each other. In the wells should be poured
humus, sifted ash and mix it with the soil. After landing
shed with warm water plentifully enough.

Delphinium care

Approximately 1.5-2 weeks after the landing of the delphinium in the open
it needs to be fertilized. It is carried out by mineral or
organic fertilizers such as, for example, a solution
divorced mullein. Do not forget about nitrogen fertilizer
type, they are excellent for the power of flowers and the power of foliage.
Last time you need to fertilize the plant when the flowering comes off.
This is done so that next year the plant will be

Planting and caring for the delphinium does not imply daily watering.
plants. This procedure should be done only when it is dry.
period of time. When watering do not need to touch the stream of water
leaves, it can cause powdery mildew

When the height of the plant is at least 20 cm, the delphinium is needed
thin out. It is worth removing the thinnest and smallest plants,
leaving two or three large ones. Thanks to this inflorescence will be
large and powerful

A couple of weeks after thinning, you can already create supports
for tying up. It is necessary to act carefully – while clogging
кольев очень легко повредить корень plants. Tie up
Delphinium can be using soft braid.

After flowering, if the seeds are not needed – the stalks can be cut.
Perhaps if the plant is in a warm climate, there will be a second
bloom. If the climate is cold – then you should not cut the stems. because of
this will get water in them, as they are hollow inside and can be
caused rotting basal space. These stalks will
correctly removed in the middle of spring.

In winter, the delphinium does not require additional hiding.
root, as it is quite resistant to cold.

Top dressing of a delphinium

Delphinium when planting and care is very picky about feeding
all sorts of. Before flowering need to feed the plant mixture
fertilizer. This composition is simple: on one bucket of water you need to put 3
tablespoons of azofoska (if not, replacement will be 1
tablespoon of superphosphate), and one tablespoon urea and
potassium sulfate. Thoroughly mix everything and pour out under one bush
approximately 3 liters of solution.

During flowering, use a different solution: a bucket of water
put a liter of mullein, and about a tablespoon of fertilizer with
complex appointment. This solution should be poured under the bush also
around three liters.

During the entire growth of the plant should monitor the color of foliage.
If it is light green or grayish, it means
The delphinium lacks nitrogen. To make this substance a plant
received – it is necessary to scatter manure in the root area and water it
plenty of water. With each watering the plant will receive
nitrogen fraction.

After flowering is over, the bush must be fertilized.
solution of substances in which there is potassium and phosphorus. Each
means put on a tablespoon of 10 liters of water and under one
bush pour in a liter of fluid. To protect the kidneys that
will bloom next year, you need to take 10 liters of hot water and in
Dilute 2 grams of boric acid. Spray this composition

Delphinium Diseases

There are not many diseases that can affect delphiniums,
but they are. Одна из самых распространенных — черная

This disease can be caused by cool weather with
heavy rainfall. On the leaves of the plant occur in different sizes
spots that are black. On the underside of the sheet, these spots
brown. This disease usually starts from the roots and
goes up the trunk. The bacteria that spread this disease love
warm, wet place. They especially like where the fallen lies
foliage. To avoid this trouble, you need to carefully clean
plot during the preparation for the winter.

Есть еще одна неприятность — бактериальное
. This disease can occur in both cold and cold.
and in hot weather. The first signs of the disease are that
the leaves located near the ground turned yellow, and on the stem
dark spots began to appear. Their structure is rather softer.
stem structure. This disease cannot be cured, but you can
to prevent. Immediately before planting, the seeds need
put in water heated to a temperature of 50 degrees
about half an hour. Wrap a container with water
longer kept warm.

Мучнистая роса — еще один легко возникающий вид
diseases. As soon as the first signs of powdery mildew are noticed –
it is necessary to immediately spray all the leaves of the plant with a solution of water with
cow dung. Be sure to tear the affected leaves from
stalk. Mealy dew, as a rule, affects the delphiniums, which
possess leaves with a smooth surface.

Дельфиниумовая муха — это насекомое откладывает
eggs in flower buds.

After some time, small white flowers develop in colors.
larvae that are able to gnaw stamens and pistils. Such flowers
unable to seed, and very quickly showered. These insects
переживают зиму в виде куколок около корней plants. To
avoid this scourge, during the swelling of the delphinium buds, their
need to spray prometrinom. Him добавляют в количестве 25 — 27
grams per 10 liters of warm water.

Adhering to such knowledge, it is very easy to grow a delphinium on
your garden area.

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