December 10: what are the holidays, events,birthdays, birthdays

Fri, Oct 28, 2016


Holidays December 10

Human Rights Day

UN General Assembly at the Plenary Assembly held 4
December 1950, officially issued a decree according to
которому следует ежегодно отмечать «Human Rights Day» 10 декабря.
All states were invited to take a holiday and every year
carry out relevant activities. The choice fell on this
date due to the fact that the official adoption and proclamation
�“Universal Declaration of Human Rights” by the UN General Assembly,
it happened just on December 10, 1948. Declaration was the first
document that clearly articulated and outlined the provisions on
human rights.

Day of creation of the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

December 10, 1949 in the system of the Soviet Ministry of Interior was created a new
division – communication service. On this day, the Minister of the Interior
the corresponding order was signed, from which the story began
communication services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the anniversary year, when the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Russia celebrated its 50th anniversary, December 10 was announced
festive date and professional holiday for all signalers
Ministry of Internal Affairs. Communication service is definitely one of
the main units within the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and daily
contributing to the rule of law.

World Football Day

December 10, according to the UN decision, is celebrated worldwide
«World Football Day». The holiday was established to show
what is important for the global community is this kind
a sport that is already a long time for most
the inhabitants of the planet Earth is not just a game, but a familiar lifestyle.
For the first time, historians have found mention of football in Chinese
Sources dating back to the second millennium BC. At that
At the time, the game had a short name “Tsu-Chu” (“Push with foot”).
Through this game, the ancient Chinese wars supported their
fitness in good condition. Soccer fans
there were also the Greeks and Romans, who gladly “chased the ball”
2500 thousand years ago. In ancient Greece, the game was simply called “Battle
for the ball “, historians believe that participants in the game used
various martial arts techniques.

Nobel day

«Nobeldagen» – «Nobel day», является одним из наиболее
important events in the intellectual and social life of Sweden.
Officially, the “Nobel Day” recognized on December 10. This day at
City Hall (“Stoudhuset”), an annual presentation takes place
Nobel Prize. Prizes in medicine, physiology, chemistry, physics,
economics and literature at the ceremony which is held on the anniversary
death of the founder of the award – Alfred Nobel (December 10, 1896),
laureates are obtained from the hands of the King of Sweden himself. In addition to the diploma and
gold medal with the image of Alfred Nobel, the laureates
also awarded a cash reward, the size of which
change every year and make about 1 million dollars. So
way, in addition to international recognition, the Nobel Prize allows
their winners receive significant economic support.

December 10 in the national calendar

The Omen

December 10, and in accordance with the old style – November 27, all
православные отмечают праздник в честь знаменитой иконы «The Omen
Blessed Virgin. The first miracle associated with the icon happened
back in the twelfth century. At that время многочисленные войска князя Андрея
Bogolyubsky was besieged by Veliky Novgorod. As reported in
Tradition, the Archbishop of Novgorod on the third night of the siege, unexpectedly
heard a voice insistently telling him to bring out the icon of the most holy
Virgin of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior and it to enclose the serf
wall of the city. When one of the enemy arrows struck the face of God
Mother, from her eyes suddenly shed tears. Similar sight
had an awesome effect on the enemy army: invincible warriors
seized the horror and they rushed scatter. After the miraculous release
from the siege, in Novgorod was established a holiday in honor of saving

Historical events of December 10

December 10, 1768, according to the order of George III, in England
Established one of the most authoritative and influential associations.
English artists – the Royal Academy of Arts. First
famous English became president of the famous Academy
portrait painter Joshua Reynolds. Starting from the day of his
founding, the Royal Academy of Arts constantly changed its
location until in 1868 finally settled on
Piccadilly Street, in the building of Birlington House. To date,
limited number of elite members
participants: 46 painters, 14 sculptors, 12 architects and 8
engravers. Each new academician is elected by current members.
Academy. The main activity of the Royal Academy
Arts ”are annual public exhibitions. According to
rules, the participant of these exhibitions, along with academicians, can
be any interested artists in this. Just enough
submit your work for consideration competition commission.

December 10, 1901 in Sweden, the first ceremony took place, in
During which the winners were awarded the Nobel Prize. In 1895
year, exactly one year before his death, the famous Swedish manufacturer and
inventor Alfred Nobel was not quite the usual testament.
According to документу, на средства фабриканта должен быть создан фонд,
all interest from which, each year will be issued as
bonuses to people who brought humanity during this year
the greatest benefit. Nobel bequeathed to encourage the discovery of scientists in
the following five areas of science: medicine, physiology, chemistry, physics,
literature. Special peace achievements are also awarded –
�”Nobel Peace Prize.” Five years after creation
testament, in 1900, in Sweden, was created the famous Nobel
a committee that, until today, pays annually

December 10th were born

1798 год – Александр Павлович Брюллов, русский
architect and artist.

Among the most famous works of Alexander Bryullov:
Pulkovo Observatory, Mikhailovsky Theater and the headquarters of the Guards
Corps in St. Petersburg. In addition to marrying
Empress Catherine II, the architect completely rebuilt and
ennobled the famous Marble Palace. For which he was awarded the title
State Councilor. Alexander Bryullov also became famous a lot
as an artist, he was best given to writing landscapes and
portraits. Starting in 1850, the architect begins teaching in
St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Alexander Bryullov dies
January 21 (9), 1877 in Petersburg.

1910 год – Сидни Фокс, популярная американская

Sidney Fox (nee – Leifer) was born in New York, 10
December 1910. Movie actress debut took place in 1931: Sydney
played a major role in the family melodrama “Bad Sister”. Later
some time after the movie was released, sydney was turned on
prestigious list of young hopeful movie actors, WAMPAS Baby
Stars. The list was changed every year, and it was
quite difficult. Career young actress quickly went
up: in the four years since her film debut, Syd played
exclusively leading roles. At 22, the girl decides to get married,
The choice of the young actress becomes screenwriter Charles Beehan. By
two years after his marriage, starring in 14 films,
Sydney, unexpectedly for everyone, leaves the cinema. 10 years later, 14
November 1942, the girl was gone: at the age of 31, Sidney was driving
end of life by taking an excessively large dose of sleeping pills. The reasons
suicides remain a mystery until now.

1821 год — Николай Алексеевич Некрасов, русский

The famous Russian poet, who made a significant contribution to the Russian
classical literature, Nikolai Nekrasov, born December 10, 1821
of the year. The adolescence of little Nikolai was held in the family estate of the family,
in the small village of Greshnevie. The man who instilled in the future
the writer, the love of literature and the Russian language, became his mother –
woman read and educated. First, но достаточно серьезным,
Nekrasov’s achievement is his work in the famous
the literary magazine “Contemporary”, where he worked in the post
publisher and editor, a total of 19 years. �”Contemporary”
time was a publishing house that was not only
rallied all the best representatives of the literary world of the XIX century, but
and became a kind of mouthpiece for the revolutionary democratic forces
of its time. Immediately after the closing of the magazine, Nikolai Alekseevich
acquires all rights to publish the story “Domestic Notes”,
with the work on which were connected the last 10 years of his life.
Around this time, he wrote his most famous poem
�“Who Lives Well in Russia?” And is working on a series of satirical
most popular works of which
poem “Contemporaries”. In the late lyrics of the writer quite often
There are elegiac motifs. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov died at
Петербурге, 8 января 1878 of the year.

Name Day December 10

Today is the birthday of Alexey, Andrei, Boris, Vsevolod,
Gabriel, Gregory, Demian, Dmitry, Ivan, Maria, Nikon, Nikolai,
Roman, Seraphim, Sergey, Thekla, Julia, Jacob.

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