Daffodil – growing, care, transplanting andbreeding

Mon, Mar 07, 2016

Род Нарцисс (Narcissus) из семейства
Amaryllic includes about 60 species of perennial bulbous
plants. Narcissus is home to the Mediterranean, although
several species of it were found in central Asia and China.

The flower was named after the hero of one of
ancient greek myths. He talks about how he once lived
a young man named Narcissus, who was very beautiful, saw one day
reflected in the water. Having fallen in love with him, he did not want
walk away from the stream even for a minute, so I found my
death by starvation. Soon on the spot of his death grew graceful, very
slender flower.

Today, thousands of varieties of this charming are already known.
plants that are widely used in garden design. For
amenities among a huge number of hybrid forms of garden
Narcissus experts identify 13 groups that combine
plants, based on their appearance of flowers and leaves. AT
depending on the type of flowers can be simple and double,
large, erect or drooping, solitary or in inflorescence,

The average duration of the flowering period in daffodils,
planted in the usual time, ranging from 10 to 15 days. If a
the plants were planted early, then they can bloom up to 30
days and more. Therefore, using the difference in the timing of flowering
different kinds of hybrids and daffodils, you can make excellent
garden compositions, blooming throughout the spring. The best thing
daffodils look in the neighborhood with other spring flowering
bulbous: tulips, crocuses, hyacinths, freezers, etc.


Narcissus – growing and care

Daffodils are less demanding on growing conditions than
for example, tulips or lilies. Once planted quality bulbs
in the land, for many years, you can enjoy without much hassle
their delicate color. The best thing выбрать для посадки этих растений
sunny place or partial shade, with light soil and good drainage.
Drainage is a prerequisite for their cultivation, since
The origin of most species of daffodils is mountain

For хорошего развития этих цветов очень важным является
indicator of humus content in the soil. Increase its nutritional value
You can by making compost, humus. However, it is not allowed to fertilize.
manure because it can attract the most dangerous pest of this
culture – narcissus fly (onion hover). If necessary
soil liming is carried out, but this should be done a year before
planting bulbs. It is very useful to bring wood ash into it (1
glass per 1 square. m.).

The timing and duration of flowering plants are determined
soil temperature and air. The optimum temperature is
air of 15 ° C, and soil – from 10 ° C to 12 ° C. With the onset of hot weather
daffodils need watering which should be continued until the beginning
wilting leaves.

At the end of flowering fading heads of their flowers need
remove, but the leaves need to be allowed to die off naturally
by, therefore at least 6 weeks after the end of flowering, they
must remain on the plant.

If a с течением времени цветки нарциссов становятся меньше, и
the pomp of flowering decreases, so it’s time for separation
overgrown plantation. Dividing and replanting bulbs need time in
3-5 years.

Нарцисс – пересадка и breeding

Plant bulbs and transplant daffodils at the end of the summer so that they
managed to take root before the onset of cold weather. Bulb Depth
should be three times their height. If a посадка производится на
heavy clay soils, you need to plant daffodils on a layer of sand,
to improve drainage. The distance between the bulbs should
составлять не менее 10 сm AT посадочную ямку следует добавить
humus soil, complete mineral fertilizer and wood ash. If a
planting is carried out in early autumn, the plants should be at
cover the onset of cold weather with peat or dry foliage.

Spread daffodils mainly vegetative way.
Размножение семенами применяют только при селекции plants. For
ценных сортов возможно breeding частями луковиц. For этого их
should be divided into 4-6 parts, process with a stimulant, dry
and land in boxes filled with sterile substrate. Kids
which are formed from such parts of the bulbs, are capable of flowering on
третий гоd.

During reproduction, seeds are sown at the end of the summer or at the beginning
of autumn. Flowering plants obtained in this way will only begin
a few years after sowing.

Narcissus – diseases and pests

The most common diseases of daffodils – fusarium, sclerotinia,
mosaic disease, penicillus and bacterial rot. To
to prevent disease, daffodils after flowering need to spray
a solution of copper sulphate, cooked in a concentration of 100 grams.
10 liters of water. The consumption of the solution is 1-2 liters per 10 square meters. m

The main pests of the narcissus are the onion hover, nematode and
root onion mite. AT целях борьбы с ними растение опрыскивают
in the spring before the start of budding with Fitoverm, 2 ml
whom should be diluted in 1 liter of water. 10 square meters. m расход
the solution is 1 liter.

As you can see, the care of daffodils is not at all complicated, and if
put a little effort, then in early spring this flower,
blooming earlier than other plants, will give warmth and joy
all lovers of our unique nature.


ATика 01.09.2016 Прекрасная статья!!! And here are my daffodils
im-flower.com.ua/nartsissyi-narcissus/c16. I love daffodils, with
they have almost no problems – planted and
rejoice. And as they begin to bloom in the spring – just no words. Pleases
great work of breeders – from year to year I am surprised at the new
most beautiful varieties and replenish their collection. I can not imagine how
you can not grow daffodils!

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