Currant Mite – what to do? Signs oflesions currant spider and kidney mites and methodsstruggle

Чт, 07 июл 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Currant – one of the most common berry crops in

It contains a large amount of vitamins in its berries and
leaves. In addition, currant agrotechnology is quite simple.

However, despite its simplicity, planting this culture
can be badly affected by such pests as
currant bud and spider mites.

Despite their microscopic size, these insects cause
significant harm to currants due to their number (give
several generations per season).

If time does not begin to fight these pests, the crop
will be lost, and the plants will die.

Ticks spread by contact (birds, on clothing
man and tools when processing bushes) and wind.


Black Currant Mite

This type of mite infects currant buds. Its dimensions are so
small, that without a magnifying glass to detect it is almost impossible (females
reach a length of 0.2-0.3 mm, the males are smaller). However, about his appearance
currant can be judged by the traces of its activities. Live
kidney mites in the kidney. They carry viral diseases
(for example, leaf curl virus), which weaken the currants.
In addition, bushes affected by these parasites are exposed
active infection with barbel, zlatkami, stem glass boxes.
In the spring, when it is established + 10-12оС of heat, females lay until
18 thousand eggs. If you break a damaged kidney, it will
filled with a solid mass of vitreous eggs. Larvae hatch
in 6-10 days.

Kidney tick, affected kidney in section

Signs of поражения смородины почковым

• in autumn and winter, the infected kidneys are enlarged, have
round shape;

весной клещи начинают усиленно питаться и
multiply. Affected kidneys do not give shoots or leaves at all
and most of them die. To the period of “green smoke” on the bushes
(the beginning of leaf dissolution) 2 generations are already developing in the kidneys
ticks (up to 1000 individuals can live in one kidney). As a result
intensive reproduction them becomes cramped and insects
get out in search of young shoots and buds in the sinuses
leaves. So pests spread through the bush and crawl on
neighboring plants. Full shoots and leaves from damaged
kidney does not grow. Flower brushes formed little bloom

летом зараженные кусты имеют растрепанную
shape, shoots partially curved and underdeveloped. Leaves
deformed, their tops brighten and get a leathery look.
The berries are showered, not reaching full maturity. Since August, the kidneys, in
which new generations of ticks settle in, begin to increase and
acquire a rounded shape.

Kidney-damaged ticks (shown in red in the photo
arrows) are rounded and almost doubled
compared with healthy kidneys

Способы struggle с почковым смородиновым клещом

Существует несколько способов struggle с this pest.
Their use depends on the stage at which the tick was detected.
Many gardeners use pouring boiling water over currant bushes.
Tick ​​larvae die while the plant increases immunity
to mealy dew.

Perform this procedure as follows.

• 100% do not use boiling water – while water is carried into the garden, it is poured
in a watering can, she has time to cool down a little and does not damage the kidneys themselves,
but the pests die (sensitive to high

• branches of the bush are pre-connected together;

• when the buds began to open, it was no longer possible to pour them over. If a
deadline, the procedure can be carried out in the fall, when they fall
leaves and visible rounded buds will be visible.

Mechanical kidney removal

This method will require patience and care from the grower.
Sorting of the kidneys is carried out in the winter or spring, until they have opened.
The disadvantage of this method is that it is laborious, with
irregular distinction (before opening, all the kidneys have a swollen
view) most likely to remove healthy instead of infected kidneys.
In addition, the gardener will need to carefully inspect all the branches.
hive: if you miss at least one infected kidney, then
tick spread will continue. After collecting their kidneys

Cardinal pruning

If a на молодых кустах почковым клещом повреждено не менее
30-40% of the branches, in the spring they must be cut off under the stump and burn. Wounds
process with Nitrafen. You can not throw trimmed branches on the ground,
because pests can get to healthy plants. In July, regrown
new shoots thin out, leaving the most powerful. A year later they
will begin to bear fruit. Heavily damaged 6 year old bushes and older
спасти не удастся, их выкорчевывают и на этом же месте burned.

Sulfur Treatment

Почковый клещ не переносит серу, поэтому для struggle с ним
use a solution of colloidal sulfur (10g / bucket of water), karbofos
(75g / 10l of water) or lime-sulfur decoction (ISO). These drugs
spray currant bushes during flowering and after it
endings With re-treatment the concentration of the substance is reduced in
2 times. Some varieties of currant sulfur-containing drugs may
вызвать ожоги и преждевременное опадение leaves.

Use of acaricides

Ticks are not insects, but spider-like, so use
insecticides will not have the desired effect on them. For this
apply acaricides and insectoacaricides, for example Apollo, Vertimek,
Oberon, Nissoran, Envidor, Sunmite. Besides ticks, these drugs
will also destroy other pests.

Folk ways

Currant cuttings before rooting can be soaked in tea
broth. To make it, 50g of tea is brewed in 25l boiling water.
You can use it in a day, otherwise the burn of branches is possible. AT
the resulting solution cuttings stand for 3 hours.

Для struggle с почковыми клещами смородиновые кусты в период
budding and immediately after flowering process garlic
solution. For its preparation 200g chopped garlic
teeth pour 10 liters of water, mix, filter and immediately
are using.

ATыращивание устойчивых к почковому клещу сортов смородины

Some varieties of currants are relatively resistant to damage.
this pest. These include: Otradnaya, Early Potapenko,
Vigorous, Early Sweet, Memory of Gubenko, etc.

Withобретать посадочный материал надо у проверенных поставщиков.
If a нет полной уверенности в «чистоте» саженцев или черенков, то
they can be disinfected in this solution: take Agrovertin (10g) and
colloidal sulfur (40g) per 10 liters of water. If a нужно спасти любимый сорт
on your site, the cuttings from such a bush are cut before
the snow began to melt – during this period the female tick has not yet begun
lay eggs. Cuttings pickled 15 minutes in 1-5 solution
Karbofos or agrovertine.

Spider mite on currants

This type of tick is the most common pest
parasitizing on almost many plants. Spider mites
belong to arachnids, have 4 pairs of legs, small sizes
(0.3-0.6mm). Larvae and imago feed on the sap of leaves and
young shoots. As a result их деятельности часть клеток
dies, decreases the intensity of photosynthesis, the plant weakens and
less able to resist infections.

Spider mite

Live паутинные клещи на нижней стороне листьев колониями,
numbering several hundred individuals. Their color is different
(red, brown, yellowish green, orange) and depends on different
factors. They spend the winter under leaf litter or in the upper
soil layers. ATесной при роспуске почек клещи перебираются на
plants. The first generation of insects can parasitize on
сорняках, а с них уже переселятся на культурные plants.
Affected bushes suffer worse winter and lose yields.
The life cycle of the tick is depending on the humidity conditions.
and temperatures of 12-23 days (optimal for their rapid development
+ 27-30 ° C at low (less than 60%) air humidity). Females for
the period of their lives lay several hundred eggs, which
ripen in 3 days. Spider mites также являются переносчиками
various infections, both viral and fungal etiology.

Signs of поражения смородины паутинным клещом

One of the very first signs of spider mites
является появление желтых точек (места укусов) на leaves.
Gradually, the sheet becomes marble in color, and then turns yellow. AT
As a result, sap flow in the leaf plate is disturbed,
обезвоживание и засыхание leaves.

AT запущенных случаях поражения смородины паутинным клещом —
the presence of a thin web on the plant, in which insects arrange
their nests.

Spiderweb on a severely afflicted spider mite
the plant

Spider mite on currants: как бороться?

They begin to fight spider mites before the spring females
lay eggs.

Acaricide Chemical Treatment

For this кусты смородины опрыскивают растворами акарицидов до
bud break. For example, such biological preparations as
Fitoverm, Kleschevit, Agrovertin, Akarin, Spark, Bitoxibacillin
provide protection against ticks and other pests for 20 days. Doom
ticks occur on day 2. These drugs are not dangerous for birds,
fish, insect predators, but dangerous to bees. therefore
use them better before the flowering of plants. Spraying
carried out with fresh solution in dry, windless weather, evenly
wetting the leaves on both sides. The treatment is carried out several times with
at intervals of 4-5 days. It is worth remembering that ticks quickly produce
resistance to poisons, therefore when processing plants it is necessary
alternate chemicals. So, Sunmite acts on all stages of ticks
(from eggs to adults), but quickly addictive and
the emergence of resistant populations. Use it once
year. Apollo, Fufanon, Nissoran possess sterilizing

Compliance with agrotechnology

Spider mites не выносят повышенной влажности
. Using this weak point of the pest, you can double
reduce its population. Irrigation or
spraying currant bushes in hot dry weather, trying
при этом, чтобы вода попала на нижнюю сторону leaves.

In the autumn on the site must collect fallen leaves and burn
их, because they are the wintering grounds for spider mites.

AT течение всего вегетационного сезона важно уничтожать на
plot weeds that are a breeding ground for pests.

Folk methods

Many gardeners and gardeners do not accept chemicals and
prefer to fight with spider mite by folk methods.

With небольшой численности клещей кусты смородины опрыскивают
garlic infusion. For this 150 г сухих листьев и шелухи заливают
10 liters of warm water a day insist. After this infusion obtained
проводят обработку plants. It is possible instead of dry leaves on the same
the volume of water used 200 g of garlic or onions. ATремя
Infusion – 2 hours.

Mustard infusion gives a good effect: take 200 g of powder on
a bucket of water, insist 10-12 hours, filter and spray

If a на участке растет одуванчик, то его тоже используют для
struggle с паутинными клещами. 200g crushed roots and 50g leaves
pour 10 liters of warm (40 o C) water, insist 2-3 hours and
filter. Spray currants for the first time in the period of “green
haze “(dissolution of leaves), the second – after the end of flowering.

In early spring, you can collect the roots and leaves of black and henbane
make them a decoction: 2 kg of fresh raw materials are poured small
the amount of water and boil for 2-3 hours. After the broth is replenished 10
liters of water. The plant is poisonous, therefore all manipulations with it
carried out with gloves.

Enough effective infusion of horseradish: leaves (1 kg) crushed
in a meat grinder, insist 60 minutes in 3 liters of water. If a
use roots, they will need 2 times less.

With соблюдении агротехники смородина будет менее часто
undergo various diseases and be affected by ticks.

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