Cultivation of white mushrooms in the area near the house.Where to get seed, what conditions are needed for developmentmycelium

Пт, 20 окт 2017 Автор: Евгений

Each of us sometimes wants to taste the fragrant whites
mushrooms. They turn every dish into a royal treat! But
it is difficult to buy them in the store, and fresh ones are simply impossible, on the market
You can buy them only in the fall. And the price of this product
makes you wonder – dear mushroom. Therefore, many gardeners
think about growing white mushrooms in their


How to grow white fungus

In large numbers to grow these mushrooms is unprofitable, for this
The reason for this is mainly small “mushroom farms”,
organized by private gardeners. Complexity in symbiosis
certain types of trees and white mushrooms, these conditions are very difficult
create in an industrial environment. In a small area do it
much easier or you can adapt for this a separate room.
These organisms are “friends” mainly with birch, oak, conifers
trees, perfectly develop themselves in mixed plantings.

Recently, breeders from Holland managed to derive a variety
white mushrooms that can grow normally in greenhouses, greenhouses and
similar premises. Having bought such a mycelium, a mushroom grower can
wishing But не каждому под силу организовать специфические
conditions that require white mushrooms.

There are 2 ways to grow white mushrooms:

1. • Extensive – getting products in natural conditions
(on a plot in the open). Simple and inexpensive way but in
it is not necessary to count on such conditions on good productivity, she
depends on the weather;

2.•Интенсивная — организация особой среды обитания для mushrooms.
This technology is costly, preparation
special room and installation in it of equipment creating
special microclimate. The yield in this case will be stable, and
You will get much more mushrooms, but a quick harvest
will allow you to return the money spent in a short time.

Preparatory work

There are several ways to prepare seed, but there are
two effective and simple methods.

In the first case, I propagate porcini mushrooms using caps from
старых mushrooms. To plant spores of them need under such species.
trees, which grew mother fungi. For example, if the mushroom
It was taken under the pine, then the seed must be planted
under a similar tree. I put the caps into the potassium permanganate solution,
diluted with rainwater, the concentration of 1 g of manganese on
10 liters of water. In the bucket you can put about 10-15 maternal
caps no more than 20 cm in diameter. If there is no possibility to collect in
nature large and beautiful caps, you can use dried
material, and even planting wormy specimens for planting, not
fit only rotten.

Attention! Immerse in solution 10
sugar cubes to help organize a rich environment.

Soaked caps, knead your hands, allowing disputes to mix with
water, this operation must be performed until the mushrooms fail
homogeneous porridge. The mash is left to stand for 6-7 hours.

The second option for preparing seed from mushrooms is more difficult.
Preparation must begin one month before sowing a spore, into the mixture
Includes 5% of decayed oak wood, logs and horse manure.
In a bucket placed in layers of thickness 20 cm – manure, mushroom caps and
moisten the leaves with a 1% solution of ammonium nitrate and
soak everything for a week. Then heat up to 36-40
degrees the contents of the bucket and mix everything into a uniform

For the cultivation of white mushrooms suitable both methods of preparation
the main thing is not to break the technology. Is of paramount importance
air permeability of the substrate – without the required amount
air will grow very bad mycelium and markedly increase the risk
diseases of sowing mold fungi. Mix the substrate from
dried corn stalks, substandard buckwheat, husk
sunflower, straw. Part of this use sawdust
deciduous trees, but the first time to grow mushrooms better on the husk
or straw.

Attention! Can not use
wet substrate can not add rotten and
moldy components. If you still add too much
water, hang it for 2-3 days to excess moisture

The substrate must be well ground, it must be capable
absorb moisture like a sponge. Good mix when pressed springy, but
water does not protrude from it – after that safely land in it

Subtleties of the choice of seed

Careless merchants may sell worthless goods in order to
make no mistake:

1. • Before acquiring mycelium, consult with
Experienced people and find out find a reliable seller;

2. • Foreign suppliers sell quality mycelium, but all
equal the first time only buy a small batch of goods;

3. • Specify the strain and variety of the acquired fungus;

4. • Find out how quickly the fouling of the grains, well
the fungus can resist mold;

5. • Specify how much mycelium can be stored;

6. • Check what temperature is in overheated at
transporting mycelium may die, suitable for him
temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius;

7.•Цвет mycelium должен быть рыжий с небольшими вкраплениями
yellow color. Green or black spots are noticeable, ammonia is heard
smell – it is unsuitable;

8. • After the acquisition, put the mycelium in the refrigerator, it should be
maintain a temperature of at least 3-4 degrees Celsius (in the freezer
it can not be laid). So it can be stored for up to 3 months;

9. • After purchase, immediately cool the packaging with mycelium;

10. • It is important to chop chilled mycelium, not
pulling it out of there. Otherwise the planting material will undergo
temperature shock and may die;

11. • Be sure to maintain sterility – process the package
before opening antibacterial agents, lay the table
clean oilcloth, use clean gloves when handling.

Cultivation of white mushrooms

These organisms propagate in a greenhouse or shed in three stages –
preparation of mycelium, mixing and preparation of the substrate and
arrangement of suitable premises.

The prepared substrate, you first need to pour boiling water on
60-80 minutes (it is not necessary to extract it from polyethylene
packages), then drain the water and lay the substrate under the load, there he
should cool down to 25 degrees. If you steamed it in bags, then
you can not cut and cut several holes to remove
excess water.

When the substrate has cooled, deliver it to the pretreated
the room (chlorine 1% concentration). Sow the substrate with mycelium,
ventilation must be turned off at this time, windows and doors must
to be closed. Pour the substrate on the disinfected
surface and lay it on the mycelium, mix everything well.
Domestic products should be added in the amount of 3-5% by weight
substrate, foreign enough 2.5%.

Put the inoculated substrate in 5-15 kg bags, when laying the mass
need to seal well. After that, squeeze the bags on one side and
cut a few holes in them to put inside

If you have not violated the instructions, the mushrooms will begin to appear dense.
intergrowths. It is important to maintain a temperature of about +25 degrees (in
bag will be higher – about +30 degrees). When exceeding +30
degrees, mushrooms can not germinate.

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