Cultivation of the Tradescantia garden: planting, care,reproduction. Popular types of garden tradescantia (photo)

Пт, 29 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Garden Tradescantia is an unpretentious herbaceous plant,
which belongs to the family Commelinic. This genus includes
more than 60 plant species, but only 10 of them can be grown in
conditions of temperate climate.

Thin shoots form a lush bush that can reach
heights from 20 cm to 1 meter. Tradescantia leaves are green,
Some species have a yellow or purple leaf color. Gentle
flowers of a plant are collected in inflorescences. Varied in coloring, they
bloom in the morning, and in the evening fade. New inflorescences
bloom constantly, giving the impression of continuously flowering
bush. Tradescantia blooms from June, new flowers continue
appear until September. Bright petals attract the garden
insect pollinators.


Varieties and types of garden tradescantia (photo)

Today, lovers of garden tradescantia can grow plants
with double flowers, or with twisted leaves.
Hybrid varieties form larger flowers, leaves the plant
have a grayish-green color with a strip in the middle.

Gardeners grow some of the most popular species.
tradescantia that develop well in conditions of moderate

1. Tradescantia Virginia.

At home, you can meet her in the woods, in the meadows or near the roads.
It grows well on loose nutrient soils, prefers moderate
soil moisture.

The bush of the Virginia tradescantia reaches a height of about 80 cm.
The leaves of the plant are painted green. The bush is blooming
pink and purple flowers, sometimes white. Are meeting
varieties with blue and red colored petals.

This type of tradescantia can be grown in one place enough
long, it does not grow wide. In landscape design a plant
used to create mixborders and various floral

2. Tradescantia Anderson.

This hybrid of tradescantia was bred on the basis of the variety Virginskaya.
The bush has erect stems that grow to 80 cm. Coloring
leaves are purple-green, flowers form white, blue, pink
and purple.

3. Tradescantia Blue.

Grown as an annual. Late autumn, formed tubers
dig and laid for the winter. Spring rhizomes again
planted in the garden. Bush srednerosly up to 50 cm in height. Thanks
so compact and powerful upright stems
Tradescantia can be grown in containers. The bush is blooming in
August-September, forming bright blue inflorescences.

Planting a Tradescantia in the Garden: Plant Care

Садовая традесканция — это довольно
unpretentious plant that can be grown in one place
long enough. For this you need to pay enough attention to the soil
and location selection.

Choose a site for the cultivation of tradescantia garden need so
so that the sun illuminates the bush in the morning and evening. In the midday heat
The plant needs shading. With this arrangement
Tradescantia grows well and pleases with flowering even on hot days. But
planting a shrub in full shade is not recommended, since
bloom may not occur.

Soil for tradescantia

The soil for planting is prepared in advance. Plant prefers
well-moistened soil, supplemented with organic fertilizers.
To do this, before planting the tradescantia, the soil is dug up, cleaned
from weeds, well fed with organic matter. In the landing furrows
lay out the compost, humus or peat, well watering it with water.
Replanting bushes with developed stems, root collar is buried
by 1-2 cm. After disembarkation, the tradescantia is watered abundantly, and the soil
around the bush mulch. To do this, use humus or

Plant nutrition

The first top dressing is brought in the spring when the garden is cleaned from vegetable
residues. During this period, mineral granules are used, which
buried in the soil to a depth of 8 cm.

The second time you can feed the Tradescantia in May, using liquid
nitrogen fertilizers. Repeated feeding should be done every two
weeks using complex fertilizers. In August-September under
Tradescantia is applied by potash fertilizers.

Watering tradescantia

Tradescantia prefers moist soils. Watering should be
infrequent, but plentiful. In the dry season the plant needs
frequent spraying the leaves, it is desirable to do it in the evening. To
Tradescantia flowers remained bright for spraying needed
use rain or distilled water.

The lack of moisture in the hot period slows the growth of the plant,
flowering stops. In such conditions, the tradescantia can

Preparing for the winter

After the end of the growing season, Tradescantia needs to be prepared.
for wintering. To this end, with the onset of October, the above-ground part
plants are cut. The soil is mulched with humus or peat, it is
will help the plant to move the winter.

Growing tradescantia in the garden: how to propagate the plant

Garden Tradescantia propagated by vegetative means. Seed
reproduction is used only when breeding new varieties and

Experienced gardeners most often use the following ways

• division of the bush;

• Stem cuttings.

Самым простым способом размножения является деление bush.
The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn. From an adult plant
separate small plots, which are immediately seated on a permanent
place in the garden. The most favorable time for this method
Breeding is the first half of July.

For dividing stem cuttings use the green parts.
plants with 2-3 internodes. Cut cuttings are placed in a greenhouse and
deepen by a few centimeters. During rooting watering
should be regular. Propagate the Tradescantia in this way
can be all summer using as uterine plant
biennial plants.

Diseases and pests of the Tradescantia garden

Gardeners love tradescantia for its disease resistance. But
Nematodes and slugs cause minor damage to the bushes, and in hot
summer buds eat away bronze beetles.

When tradescantia is infected with nematodes, all leaves must be cut and
burn them. As a preventive, they are planted near bushes.
plants that clean the soil from pests. As “neighbors”
use mustard, cress, marigolds.

How to use tradescantia in landscape design

Thanks разнообразию видов и сортов традесканцию можно широко
use in landscaping plot. With the help of bushes you can create
natural thickets on the site.

Tradescantia can be grown in a composition with irises,
ferns, daylilies. Tall plant varieties well
combined with geraniums, which are planted to the fore.

With the help of the Tradescantia, you can revive the reservoirs. Looks good
single planting plants among the lawn.

Growing Tradescantia: Useful Properties of a Plant

In addition to decorative qualities, Tradescantia is often used in
traditional medicine. The plant cleans the air well, heals wounds and
cuts, runny nose.

For the treatment of cuts using fresh leaves of tradescantia,
which are ground before the juice, applying to the injured
place. Tradescantia stops bleeding well.

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