Cultivation of figs: rules of care fordemanding southerner. How to grow figs in the garden and in the homeconditions?

Пн, 29 фев 2016 Автор: Елизавета Шатунова

Figs will be a real boon for all lovers of exotic

This crop can be grown both in the garden and at home.

Fig tree grows well in warm climates, but gardeners
put it in the middle lane, providing additional landings
protection for the winter.

With all the conditions of agricultural engineering, the figs will begin
bear fruit in the first year after planting.

Pay some attention to your new “pet” and he
обязательно порадует вас обильным урожаем вкусных
useful fruits.


Features of fig varieties

Fig (fig tree, fig tree) – spreading deciduous
tree belonging to the mulberry family. Culture grows in
Georgia, Azerbaijan, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea and in countries
The Mediterranean.

Not many varieties bred that endure cold
middle band. And if some fig tree hybrids are excellent
grow in greenhouse conditions, others need fresh
air. Therefore, before buying planting material
varieties specify its characteristics and “habits”.

Figs in the homeland of growth are pollinated by wasp-blastophagus,
which do not inhabit northern latitudes. This function can perform
and other small insects, but it is better to be safe and plant
yourself on the site such varieties of plants, for the ovaries of the fruits of which are not
requires pollination.

Denote the popular varieties of figs, which, as shown
practice, take root in the middle latitude and in the north:

Далматский. This kind endures cold
down to -15 ° C. Fruits are asymmetric, pear-shaped,
brownish or greenish tint, different excellent
taste characteristics.

Кадота. Fruits are small, pear shaped,
Yellow brown, used more often for winter

Brown Turkey. Trees of this variety for today
considered one of the most winter-hardy – withstand temperatures up to
-20 ° C. Fruits – pear-shaped, ribbed to the touch, small
size, brownish tint.

Крымский черный. Fruits – ribbed, oval
form, dark purple (almost black) color.

Панаши. This is a vintage plant variety,
bred by French breeders. Fruits – in yellow-green
striped, with juicy rich red flesh. Tree is unusual in that
that figs have a strawberry flavor.

Open area or home conditions: where to grow

Russian gardeners have already proved in practice that
It is possible to grow figs in a temperate climate. But get ready for
that the winter will have to either transfer the tree to the greenhouse or
home or prepare shelter for him. If the plot plant
there will be a lack of light, do not expect abundant harvests.

Figs on the plot

Living in the north, where a short day length is best
выращивать инжир в домашних conditions. Many gardeners lodge guest with
south in covered greenhouses and greenhouses. Figs are planted in
wooden trays, which contributes to abundant fruiting due to
limited space for root development. Such
conditions, a tree can bear fruit 2 times a year because
Enough heat and light. This technique, by the way, is also used for
growing the fig tree in the open field.

Fig tree at home

Choose the best way to grow figs, taking into account
climatic features in the region.

Soil preparation for planting figs

Since the figs are light and thermophilic, make it good
illuminated place on the plot – it is desirable that with
the south side of the plant did not close the high buildings or other
landing. But from the other sides, the fig must be protected from
strong winds.

The fig tree loves fertile, well-drained soil.
To create optimal conditions for the plant to grow and
development, prepare in advance the nutrient substrate – sheet
land, compost and manure. This soil mixture in the future you will
fill planting pits or trenches. And for planting figs in
at home you can use the purchased soil
intended for growing lemons or roses.

Agrotechnical measures at the site before planting
will depend on the chosen method of cultivation:

Траншеи. Choose this method if
plan to grow several instances of figs at once. Dig up
a trench 30 cm deep and 50-70 cm wide. At the bottom of the furrow make
holes up to 50 cm deep and with a diameter of 30-40 cm. Fall asleep in these pits
nutrient substrate.

Лунки. Dig up на выбранном участке
landing pits with a depth of 1 m and a diameter of 80-100 cm. Their walls
overlay with brick or ceramic tiles – this is the “protection” against
root sprouting. Lay the layer in the bottom of the well for better drainage.
20-30 cm of broken brick or gravel. Pour cooked on top
early soil mixture.

When growing figs at home, preparation technology
the seat is similar – only in this case drainage and
the earth fits into a wooden tub suitable size.

Planting figs with seedlings and seeds

Growing figs from a sapling is the best option for
newbies Buying planting material is better in specialized
nurseries – so you can appreciate the quality of seedlings and
make sure you get the plant variety you need. On
trunk and branches should not be a trace of disease and damage
pests. Suitable two-year sapling with 2 side branches.

Planting figs begin when the threat is completely bypassed.
frosts. On юге страны высадку деревьев можно начинать уже в
April, but in temperate climates it is better to wait until May.
The technology is as follows:

• Place into a prepared pit with nutrient soil
seedling, carefully straightening the roots.

• Sprinkle the roots with soil and tamp it down.

• Обильно полейте и замульчируйте место landing.

• Sapling is better to tie up to a peg hammered alongside.

Planting sapling figs

There is no way to buy a fig tree sapling? Try
grow it from seed. This method is bad because the fruit
Plants will start only after 2-4 years – the tree needs time to
get stronger and gain strength. Follow the

• Seed the seeds first in the seedlings trays filled with
nutrient substrate – to a depth of 3 cm and at a distance of 2-3 cm
from each other. Pour the earth and cover the container with glass or
polyethylene to create warm humid conditions.

• Moisten the ground regularly until seedlings germinate. Shoots
should appear in 2-4 weeks.

• When on the stalks of seedlings 4-6 full-value
leaflets seedlings can be transplanted into separate containers with a diameter
8-12 cm

• Carry figs to a permanent place next summer. Or
оставьте его расти в домашних conditions.

Fig care

For good care, figs will thank you for the abundant harvest of large
fruits. The rules are:

Полив. There are no strict regulations, but make sure
so that the tree trunks do not dry out or crust
land. During the fruiting period, the amount of watering is minimized.
The same applies to the wintering period of the plant – in the open
грунте или в домашних conditions.

Подкормки. Figs fertilize in the fall
potassium phosphate dressing. Before the growing season you can use
special complexes for fruit trees. In the remaining periods
the fig grabs a layer of mulch consisting of compost or rotted

Пересадка. That the fig tree gave
good yields, in the first 3 years of growth,
repot the plant every season before the beginning of the growing period. When
figs will get stronger, he will no longer need frequent transplants –
change the site every 3-4 years. When growing trees at home
conditions, make sure that the capacity does not become small to your “pet”.

Обрезка. In the spring, summer and autumn of the fig tree
need pruning – so the plant will produce more fruits and
look well maintained Already in April, start removing from the tree
damaged shoots during the winter and those twigs that grow in
perpendicular direction. Select 2 healthy growth buds.
The rest of the shoots pinch, so that the plant does not spend strength on
their development. In May, the resulting branches thin out so that
the distance between them was no more than 15 cm. In the fall, when a tree
reset foliage, remove damaged shoots.

Cutting figs

Формирование. Figs are shaped as
compact tree or bush with 3-5 branches. To the plot
there was a tree, when planting a seedling do not bury the root
the neck. And if there is a desire to grow figs on the site in the form of
Bush, neck bury by 5 cm. In the early years do not forget about
support. For this you can use the trellis system or wooden

Bush figs

On зиму, если не уверены, что южный гость переживет суровые
chorus, take care of the shelter of the tree. And there will not be enough
just bend the bush to the ground and cover with non-woven material.

The technology is more complex:

• Make a box of cellular polycarbonate or polystyrene
up to 1 m, width and height up to 0.5 m.

• Cover the pre-pruned tree. To
the structure is not blown away, it can be prikopat in the ground or
press down on top of the stones. Provide small holes in it.
for ventilation so that the figs do not overheat.

• In winter, the shelter is additionally covered with snow.

Winter fig shelter

In April, when the threat of frost has passed, the shelter can be removed
and prepare the tree for the new season.

Reproduction of figs

Most often, gardeners propagate figs by cuttings – winter (without
leaflets) or summer.

Winter cuttings cut from shoots that are 1-2 years old. Plant out
them in the spring – until the buds had time to bloom. Use for
This sandy soil.

Reproduction with green cuttings is a more popular way.
The material is cut from the fruit tree, and planted at the beginning
of the summer To черенок укоренился, посадите его в песок и первое время
Keep in a moist environment, covered with a jar. Before you move
small seedling to a permanent place, it can be held in
containers with water.

Rooting cuttings figs

Protect figs from pests and diseases

Successful breeding figs in the open area often interfere
diseases and pests. Regularly check landing for presence
damage in time to take action.

A fig tree can damage the following.
insect pests:

Инжировая огнёвка. Caterpillars feed on leaves.
and fruit pulp. As a result, the green mass is not so thick, but
the harvest is significantly reduced. Eaten fruit is better not to eat

Damage to Fig Flare

Fig Leaflet. Caterpillars and adults
individuals eat leaves, shoots and fruits. Badly damaged
pest branches are stunted in growth, and the foliage falls. Listoblashki
dangerous also by the fact that they can transfer to the virus viral

Fig Leaflet

Инжировая тля. Whole insect colonies
settle on the underside of the leaves. Over time pest
goes to the fruit and shoots.

Among the diseases of fig common
антракноз и серая гниль. Both of these
lesions are dangerous for the tree, if not in time to take action.

And the spread of pests, and the emergence of diseases
can be prevented. It does not hurt to carry out preventive

• Cut off affected branches regularly. To prevent
spread of disease, damaged shoots and fallen leaves
better to burn.

• At the end of March, treat the plants with an emulsion of mineral
oils. Special preparations are effective against diseases and
pests that have been wintered on landings or in soil.

• When leaves appear on the tree, in the fight against “misfortunes”
help organophosphate drugs. For prevention you can
use copper-containing fungicides.

• If the summer was wet, in the middle-end of the summer landing
can be treated with fungicides – this will prevent the formation of sulfur
the rot.

Timely responding to emerging problems, gardener is quite
able to prevent the spread of disease, strongly
affecting figs.

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